SWOT analysis is used to evaluate a company's competitive position by identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) are controlled by the company, while the external factors (opportunities and threats) are outside of the company's control. Through examining these factors using customer and employee surveys as well as market research, a company can develop strategies to capitalize on strengths and opportunities, improve weaknesses, and address threats.
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SWOT Analysis
1. Swot objective. To find the competitive advantage. And strategy according to attributes of
company and market.
Internal External
Controlled by the Not controlled by the
company company
Strength Opportunities
What you will capitalize on Invest
What are the advantages What action can you take?
Problems/weakness Threats
Shore up Identify
How can you adjust these?
How can you address these
Customer surveys, employee Market research -customers. Books,
surveys, resources, markets, studies, internet.
capabilities, processes. Competitors, industry, environment,
2. Weakness can be offset by strength. e.g. Faulty product,
good service.
Strengths could turn into opportunities. e.g. Outsource
manufacturing could mean custom orders for other