BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with $4 trillion under management. It owns 5% or more of shares in 40% of public companies, and is the single largest shareholder in one of every five companies. With 20 analysts on its governance team, BlackRock engages with companies through letters and discussions rather than shareholder proposals, and makes voting decisions independently of proxy advisors based on its fiduciary duty to clients.
3. Worlds Largest Asset Manager
$4 Trillion under management
Owns 5% of 40% of public companies
Single largest shareholder in 1 of every 5
During 12 proxy season, voted on 130k
proposals at 14k meetings
4. Governance Activities
20 analysts on governance team
Never filed a shareholder proposal
Almost always tries engagement before
voting against management
CEO Larry Fink sent letter to many in 12:
We reach our voting decisions
independently of proxy advisory firms on
the basis of guidelines that reflect our
perspective as a fiduciary investor with
responsibilities to protect the economic
interests of our clients