MSF's identity and strategic framework is outlined in its Charter and Chantilly agreement which frames what MSF is, its goals, and how it can achieve more with its existing resources. The agreements are meant to inspire cooperation, find meaning in the work, and nurture change and accountability. Having a clear shared identity and values generates inspiration and energy to create a better future for MSF to remain relevant and effective in delivering healthcare. Without agreement on its strategic direction, there could be confusion, inefficiencies, and lost opportunities.
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1. Module 1: MSF Identity and
Strategic Framework
1.1. MSF Identity and Value
Hemmed Lukonge
Medical Team Leader- MSF OCBA Spain
Luwingu Project, Zambia
2. What is MSF Charter and
international agreement
Clear description or picture of the future
that all stakeholders want to create.
It is a future that people are willing to pay
the price for.
3. MSF identity and value Charter
and Chantilly agreement
Frames statements of what we are?
What do we want to happen or create?
How can we achieve more with what we have?
How can we use existing resources more efficiently?
How can we inspire every one to work together?
How can we find more meaning in our work and lives and in lives of the
people we serve?
How do can we nurture changes and accountability?
4. The key purpose of MSF identity
and value
Generates new levels of inspiration and
energy to change the current situation
and create a new future that will make
MSF remain relevance, effective and
competitive in delivering quality health
5. What happens if the there is no
La Mancha agreement?
Low effectiveness
Los of time and opportunity
Pettiness prevails