Who am I? 1. Canon Photo Mentor 2. Photo Tour Leader Have led photo tours to Tanzania, Goa, Ladakh, etc. 3. Photo Educator Conduct MasterClasses on Photography across India 4. Photo Jurist Some of the contests I have judged are #CanonPhotomarathon2012, #TimesPassionTrails (Wildlife) 2014, #Canonphotomarathon2015. Awards: 1. Indias biggest blogging contest Cox & Kings #GrabYourDreams (Season 2) 2. Grand Prize of National Geographic Travellers GetOutThere Photo Essay Contest 3. Photography Project Grant from #NeelDongreTrust. Published in: 1. Conde Nast Traveller 2. National Geographic Traveller 3. JetWings International 4. Travel Plus 5. Huffington Post, etc.