An insanely cool way to sponsor the coverage of high school sports throughout the year, while giving your company a ridiculous amount of exposure. Our site delivered over 50 million WebPages in the last 12 months, and this award will be at the core of content throughout the site. Whatever company takes advantage of this sponsorship will be "wowed" with what we deliver -- serious excitiment with our voting wars by community, tremendous pageviews and significant high-end statewide print exposure in WSN Illustrated.
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Team Of The Week 2010
Football Team of the Week
*Football front page presence of award ~2 million impressions
*Entire Team of the Week subsite area has only sponsoring company¡¯s branding and banners.
*Five teams nominated from di?erent areas of the state for nine weeks with article briefs on each
team nominated and winner.
*Open voting for Team of the Week/Results posting. ~5,000 votes
*250,000 ROS or DMA targeted banners.
WSN Illustrated
* Full page ad in September edition of WSN Illustrated.
Timeline: Start date August 15th.
Call for customization for your business and pricing.
All Sport Team of the Month
*Front page award presence, ~4 million impressions.
*Sport speci?c front page presence on all in season sports. ~4 million impressions
*Teams of the Month - Twice during each sports season ?ve teams are nominated for each sport with
accompanying article brief, open voting and results posting. All subsite areas for Team of the Month
across all sports will have only the sponsoring company¡¯s branding/banners.
*2 million ROS or DMA targeted banners.
WSN Illustrated
*Team of the Week content page and full page ad in all four editions of WSN Illustrated.
(Double page spread).
Dates: August 2010-August 2011
Sports included:
*Football (Weekly)
*Boy¡¯s Basketball
*Girl¡¯s Basketball
*Boy¡¯s Hockey
*Girl¡¯s Hockey
*Boy¡¯s Track/Field
*Girl¡¯s Track/Field
*So ball
*Girl¡¯s Soccer