It's a well-known fact that 'teachers' are a school's most essential strength. We will identify how to build program confidence and success based on maximizing what's right with technology engineering and education in our schools!
5. Supporting Organizations-Relationships
≒ Take Advantage of being the T & E
≒ Government & Public Education
≒ Private Sector
≒ Women and Under-represented
groups into STEM
≒ What are the Risks?
6. TEEAP Daily Business
≒ Taking Care of Business!
≒ Caring for and Serving People is Our
≒ Focus on What Matters Most
≒ Work collaboratively
≒ Enjoy the Effort
7. TEEAP - Building a Strong Future
. . . In the Present
≒ Focus on What Matters Most
≒ Communicate Vision
≒ Demonstrate Commitment
≒ Provide Support
≒ Create (Customer) Loyalty
≒ Thank you!