Jenesa Branford's teen driving project focuses on the issue of drunk driving. Drunk driving poses high risks for teen drivers due to lowered reaction times and a false sense of invincibility. Statistics show that 16-19 year olds have crash rates 2.7 times higher than all ages and alcohol-related crashes for this age group are almost twice as high. Two groups working to address this problem are Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), which prevents underage drinking and supports victims, and Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), which educates students on resisting peer pressure through meetings and presentations. Jenesa proposes additional technological solutions like cars that can detect impaired driving and automatically call for help
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Teen driving project
1. Name: Jenesa Branford
Teen Driving Issues Project
Topic: Drunk Driving
Part 1 - Identify the Issue
Be sure to include complete sentences.
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Why is this a problem, especially for teen drivers?
Statistics from research regarding teen crash
How is one organization or group trying to solve
this problem? Name group and what they are
Drunk driving is an issue
for teen drivers because
when drunk, their reaction
times are lowered and
there is a higher chance of
them getting into
accidents. Teenagers do
not know the dangers of
drinking and driving, as
most of them think they
are invincible, and a can of
alcohol won’t harm them
one bit. But it does.
The crash rate for 16 to 19
years olds are 2.7 times
higher than drivers of all
ages? } The amount of
crashes from drinking 16
to 19 year old drivers are
almost 2 times higher
times higher than drivers
of all ages. } 5.1% of fatal
injuries come are caused
from alcohol and drug use.
MADD is an organization
that is trying to solve this
problem is Mothers
Against Drunk Driving.
MADD works on
preventing underage
drinking and driving with
research, support victims
2. of drunk driving, and
prevent it.
How is another organization or group working to
solve the problem? Name the group and what they
are doing.
SADD (Students Against
Destructive Decisions)is
another group. They hold
many meeting and
presentations that help
students learn to resist
peer pressure. They also
have a bright red band
that they give out to
teenagers bearing the
word empowerment and
power to remind them to
do the right thing.
Web sites where this information was found.
Part 2 - Solutions for the Issue
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Something else that should be done to
help solve or curb the problem.
My own ideas for solving this problem.
This may not be something that is
currently being done.
Ideas I have for solving this
problem is a car that can
recognize a drunk drivers
haphazard movements, and
automatically use its computers to
call for help. It’s quite possible
with today’s technology. Also, a
car that has a sensored
3. breathalizer and will automatically
shut down the car if the driver is
over the legal rate to drive
What I can personally do to make more
people aware of this issue?
Personally to make more people
aware of this issue I can spread
the word across my school
campus. I can try to get a club or
organization started at school that
would go on trips and do drives
and walks, give out t-shirts,
pencils, bands, etc. to promote the
organization, and be the
designated driver for my friends
that have drunk any alcohol, or
provide a rider home for them if I
have drunk any alcohol either.