The Big Bang theory proposes that the universe began from an initial expansion approximately 13.8 billion years ago from a very dense and hot state. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and Edward Hubble's discovery that galaxies are moving away from each other provided evidence supporting this idea. While there was no explosion, there was an expansion from something very small that rapidly expanded the universe without borders, and it continues expanding today with many unanswered questions about what triggered the initial expansion.
7. Approximately 13.8 billion years ago there
was an expansion, and from that
expansion all things came to be.
8. And from that the Universe started
to expand from something really
small to something large very
quickly, since the Universe has no
borders it still continues to expand
and expand from all around it is just
10. But there are still many
questions on how the Big
Bang started. And maybe
we will never be able to
answer them. But one
thing is for sure.
11. It is that everything as we know it started
from it and we will just have to keep
12. Remember, that we are part of
the Universe therefore we can
say that we maybe the
Universes way of experiencing
it. So let us keep exploring and
experiencing until there are no
more questions to ask.