Word processor software allows users to type documents using different fonts and styles. Documents can be saved and opened using the file menu, saving work to the hard disk. Flow charts use boxes and connecting lines to visually represent steps in a process, with boxes for start/stop, input/output, processing, and decision-making.
2. Summary
? Word processor is a software package
for typing documents using different
styles and fonts.
? Load ms word and click on new in the
file menu to start a new document.
? Save and save as option in the file
menu saves the document on the hard
? A word processor is a software which
lets us create document.
3. Summary
]Ms power point is an application
] The clip out gallery has a collection
of various graphics and pictures.
] The word out allows writing of text
in special styles and fonts.
]Click on new slide option in the
insert menu to insert another slide.
4. Summary
? A flow chart has a start/stop
box, an input/output box, a
process box, a decision box and
? A flow line are used to connect
two box.
? A flow chart is a pictorial
representation of the steps