This slideshow will help you to know more and discover about computer which can help you to your studies especially in your projects, presentations and reports.
3. A computer is an electronic hardware
device. It operates and functions
under the control of instructions
called programs stored in a memory.
4. A computer works like a human brain.
The brain stores information from
our senses and then uses these to
guide human actions.
Computers can receive and accept
data, then process it using the
program set by the user.
6. People
People are the most
important element of a
computer. They build and
improve computes. They
write the programs and
design desired output from
a set of input data.
13. Storage
Computers can store enormous amount
of data and information in their
Modern computers rarely breakdown
and when they do, they easily
14. Consistent
If you input the same data into the
computer using the same program, it
will give you the same result all
the time.
People can connect with others by
the use of computers.
16. Safety and Security
People have to be careful in sharing
photos and personal information in
the computer and internet.
Health Risk
Long and improper use of computer
can lead to injuries and hazards to
the users.
17. Environment
Old computers must be disposed of
Use of power
Computers need electricity to run.
Privacy violation
Personal information when stored in
a computer can be viewed and stolen.