1) Hercules won a contest for the hand of Iole in marriage but was refused by her father Eurytus, leading to a fight where Eurytus's son died.
2) Hercules served Queen Omphale of Lydia for three years after consulting the Oracle at Delphi.
3) Hercules fell in love with and married Deianeira but she accidentally poisoned him with the blood of the dying centaur Nessus, leading to Hercules' death.
2. HerculesleftMycenae and he heardthatEurytusoffershisdaughterIole in marriage. Hercules won thecontest. ButEurytusdidntwantHercules and he refusedtogiveher up. He foughtwiththeking and hissons. And a son, Iphitus, died.
3. Herculeswenttothe Oracle in Delphitoknowhisfate. He hadtoserveOmphale, queen of Lydia during 3 years. He helpedhertoeliminatethekingdom of robbers and beasts. Then he wenttohis home in Calydon. There he fell in lovewithDeianeira and theygotmarried.
4. Onedayboth of themwenttotheriverEvenus. TheCentaurNessusofferedtocarryDeianeiraacrosstheriver. TheCentaurtriedtorun off withher. Herculesshotanarrowtotheheart of Nessus. WhiletheCentaurwasdying, he saidhertotakesomeblood of theCentaurto preserve thelove of Hercules.
5. HerculesrevengeEurytusforthedeath of Iphitus. Withotherwarriors, he killedtheking, sackedthecity and tookIole in captive.Hecelebratedthevictory. He asktohiswifetosendhim a ceremonial white robe. Deianeirawasjealous of Iole and sentthe robe withblood of Nessus. Butthebloodhad a deadlypoison! When he putithisskinwasburned and he died.
6. WhenDeianeiraknewthat he hadcommitted suicide decidedthatHercules funeral was in a pyre. Whenitwas in fire, Zeus saidfromtheOlympusthathis mortal motherspartshould die, the inmortal partshouldgototheOlympus. Thegodswelcomedhim and Hera gavehimherdaughter Hebe in marriage. Zeus wasproud of his son.