The fairy of teeth visits Hannah to exchange her lost tooth for a gift. However, Hannah cannot find the lost tooth in her messy room. Though she searches everywhere, the tooth remains missing. With no tooth to exchange, the fairy will not provide a gift. Hannah instead takes a tooth from a classroom skull to trick the fairy. The fairy gives Hannah a gift of advice - that messy girls who lie cannot hide from wiser people.
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The fairy of teeth
1. The fairy of teeth
Changes teeth for gifts
She has thousands of pieces
in a chest within a tree.
2. Hannah is six
and she keeps all her teeth
shes a messy girl
and her room is full of dirt.
But one happy day
Hannah shouted out loud
Yeepeeh yeeh, Fairy of teeth!!!
Im loosing one of my front teeth.
3. Hannah is happy today
Shes lost her first tooth
And shes eager to meet
The famous fairy of teeth.
What nice present
May she have for me?
Will she be pretty?
Or will she be greedy?
4. But where is it?
Lets play hide and seek
Im sure I lost it
In this messy room.
nice Fairy of teeth
With your wand white and bright
Do magic and find it
And give me my gift
5. The fairy is frowing
As Hannah is untidy
Her tooth is now missing
No treat without tooth!
6. She looks on the shelf
And under the bed
She looks in the drawers
And even behind the curtains
The tooth is not between the cushions
Neither within the lamp
It is not on the wardrobe
Not even behind the door.
7. No treat but a trick
Though is not Halloween
Hannah takes a tooth
From the science classroom skull.
Yeepeeh yeeh, fairy of teeth
You may came
Give me my gift back
8. As I have your tooth, at last!
Here is your gift
Nothing but a tip:
messy girls who lie
From wiser people cant hide.