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                                          Genetics Quiz #2 Review
Define the Following:
Water- soluble:
Complete the Table Below:

Organelle:                                                Structure/Function/Picture:

Pili (Filimbrae):
Endoplasmic Reticulum:
Parts of the Cell Theory

      The cell is the unit of structure in all living things.
      The cell is the unit of function in all living things.
      All cells come from preexisting cells.


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The genetics quiz 2 review

  • 1. 12/20/10 Genetics Quiz #2 Review Define the Following: Hydrophillic: Hydrophobic: Water- soluble: Polar: Non-polar: Ion: Cell: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete the Table Below: Organelle: Structure/Function/Picture: Flagellum: Pili (Filimbrae): Endoplasmic Reticulum: Ribosomes: Mitochondria:
  • 2. Parts of the Cell Theory The cell is the unit of structure in all living things. The cell is the unit of function in all living things. All cells come from preexisting cells. http://www.regentsprep.org/regents/biology/units/organization/structure.cfm