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The Importance of Regularly
Grooming Your Pet
By Naperville Animal Hospital
 Naperville Animal Hospital, located in Naperville, Illinois, is
led by a highly trained and dedicated staff of veterinarians
and animal specialists. Naperville Animal Hospital provides a
diverse array of services, including adoption, grooming, and
While certain health issues with pets are hereditary or develop
with age, a number of problems can be prevented by simple
grooming and hygienic measures. Grooming practices range
from simple measures such as brushing an animals fur to
more intensive procedures such as anal gland expression.
Grooming an animal not only lowers the risk of contracting
infections or parasites, but also serves as a therapeutic
exercise that benefits a pets mental well-being.
Regularly Grooming Your Pet
 By regularly brushing a dog or cat, owners reduce the
likelihood of the animal developing rashes or other skin
afflictions. Brushing also allows owners to become
familiar with their pet's bodies and notice any growths or
abnormalities that should be mentioned to a
Many owners are unaware of some of the additional
benefits of pet grooming. For example, dogs release heat
not only through their mouths when panting, but also
through the pads in their feet. By keeping these pads
clean and free of excess fur, owners promote proper air
circulation through the animal's body.

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The Importance of Regularly Grooming Your Pet

  • 1. The Importance of Regularly Grooming Your Pet By Naperville Animal Hospital
  • 2. Introduction Naperville Animal Hospital, located in Naperville, Illinois, is led by a highly trained and dedicated staff of veterinarians and animal specialists. Naperville Animal Hospital provides a diverse array of services, including adoption, grooming, and boarding. While certain health issues with pets are hereditary or develop with age, a number of problems can be prevented by simple grooming and hygienic measures. Grooming practices range from simple measures such as brushing an animals fur to more intensive procedures such as anal gland expression. Grooming an animal not only lowers the risk of contracting infections or parasites, but also serves as a therapeutic exercise that benefits a pets mental well-being.
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