A guide helping you to achieve more. To help you understand the ebb and flow of making something happen. After building up a much-admired active clothing company and then selling it, David Hieatt co-founded The Do Lectures. His insights from simply listening to the 'World's Doers' tell their inspiring stories, helped him find a path that seemed common to all. Should you set yourself an impossible deadline? When are you most likely to fail? Why can daydreaming help you succeed? The answers seem simplistic, almost na誰ve, but they contain golden truths that will help you go from 'talker' to 'doer'. Our Next Do Breakthrough Seminars: Do Breakthrough. One-Day Seminar. London. Oct 4th, 2018. Do Breakthrough. Three-Day Seminar. Campovida, USA. Fall 2018. http://thedolectures.com