The document provides notes on Rails including how to generate a new Rails project, controller, and model, how to perform migrations to create or modify database tables, how to configure the database and routes, and an overview of how the Rails framework handles requests using controllers to interface with models and the database and return responses. It also defines CRUD as an acronym for create, read, update, and delete operations on data and describes Active Record as a layer that maps business objects to database tables.
This document provides a short guide to using Entrez and the E-utilities. It describes Entrez as a global query system that searches over 40 databases at NCBI, including PubMed, Nucleotide, and Protein. It also describes the E-utilities, which provide a stable interface for programmers to query and retrieve data from Entrez. The document outlines the main functions of nine E-utilities including ESearch, ESummary, EFetch, and ELink. It also provides examples of constructing pipelines using multiple E-utilities to retrieve relevant document summaries and sequences from Entrez based on search queries or lists of IDs.
This document summarizes a software testing project for a csmap program. It describes using unit testing with PyUnit, coverage testing with, and mutation testing with PyMuTester. Testing revealed a bug that was then fixed. The results of coverage and mutation testing indicated that some test cases were insufficient and some code was unreachable.
This document discusses implementing websockets in a Rails 5 application using Action Cable to create a real-time chat application. It covers setting up Action Cable channels and subscriptions to broadcast messages to all users in real-time. Configuration details are provided for routing websockets requests, specifying the cable adapter, and allowing cross-origin requests.
Rails 5 will include several performance improvements and new features while maintaining backwards compatibility. Notable changes include faster development mode, optional belongs_to validations, support for JSON columns in MySQL, and ActionCable for real-time features. While Turbolinks 5 is included, Rails 5 will not upgrade to Turbolinks 2. The release aims to improve APIs, add Active Record query methods like or, and refine existing functionality with few breaking changes.
ESCC#2 over online meeting,a tutorial about how to deploy elasticsearch by using saltstack.
related assets can be found from this link:http://pan./s/1o6NkjCe#dir/path=%2Fsalt-es
10. Rails 設定檔
? config/boot.rb
? Sets up Bundler and load paths.
? config/application.rb
? Loads rails gems, gems for the specified Rails.env, and configures the application.
? config/environment.rb
? Runs all initializers.