A la luz de la crisis financiera actual, el modelo de desarrollo social está determinado por las prácticas del sector financiero. Presentación que pretende analizar modelos de desarrollo sostenible examinando los aspectos fundamentales de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa.
Inadecuado Proceso de Liquidación del Banco Nuevo Mundogonzaloromani
Este documento resume la situación actual del caso del Banco Nuevo Mundo. Los accionistas han demandado la anulación de la liquidación ordenada por el Superintendente de Banca Luis Cortavarria. Cortavarria aún no ha proporcionado toda la información requerida a comisiones del Congreso investigando irregularidades. Los accionistas argumentan que la liquidación no debe proceder debido a irregularidades en la intervención y administración del banco por Cortavarria.
Banco Nuevo Mundo Subasta depositos sector publico -dec1998-sep2001gonzaloromani
This document summarizes deposits held by various public sector institutions and companies at Banco Nuevo Mundo for December 1998, January 1999, February 1999, and March 1999. It lists the entity, sector, total deposits in Soles and US Dollars, and total general amounts for each month. The largest depositors included Empresa Nacional de Puertos S.A., Organismo Supervisor de la Inversion Privada en Telecomunicaciones S.A., Instituto Geologico Minero y Metalurgico del Peru and Empresa de Electricidad del Peru S.A. The total deposits across all entities for the periods ranged from approximately $50-60 million US dollars.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - subasta de depositos 1998-2001gonzaloromani
This document summarizes deposits held by various public sector institutions and companies at Banco Nuevo Mundo for December 1998, January 1999, February 1999, and March 1999. It lists the entity, sector, total deposits in Soles and US Dollars, and total general amounts for each month. The largest depositors included Empresa Nacional de Puertos S.A., Organismo Supervisor de la Inversion Privada en Telecomunicaciones S.A., Instituto Geologico Minero y Metalurgico del Peru and Empresa de Electricidad del Peru S.A. The total deposits across all entities for the periods ranged from approximately $50-60 million US dollars.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Documentos pendiente de entrega por la SBS al Congreso Perúgonzaloromani
Este documento presenta una respuesta a la contestación de la Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros (SBS) sobre la intervención del Banco Nuevo Mundo (BNM). Señala que la cronologÃa de hechos presentada por la SBS es inexacta y oculta información relevante. Luego, procede a presentar la cronologÃa real de los hechos, cuestionando las razones alegadas por la SBS para la intervención del BNM y argumentando que los problemas de liquidez del banco fueron inducidos por retiros sistemáticos
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Remuneraciones a Interventores SBS - comparativogonzaloromani
This document is a report of remunerations or compensation paid out by Banco Nuevo Mundo from October 2000 to September 2001 in US dollars. It shows the monthly compensation amounts for the General Management department broken down by account codes for items like basic pay, bonuses, gratuities, allowances, vacation compensation, social security, seniority pay, meals, medical assistance, gifts and other expenses. The total monthly spending for the General Management department is also listed for each month, ranging from around $28,000 to $34,000.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Remuneraciones pagadas a Interventores SBS dec00-sep01gonzaloromani
This document summarizes the remunerations paid to interveners at Banco Nuevo Mundo from December 2000 to September 2001. It shows the monthly remunerations in US dollars for the General Management department across multiple categories of compensation including basic salary, bonuses, gratuities, assignments, vacation compensation, social security, time of service compensation, refreshments, medical assistance, attentions, and other expenses. The total monthly spending for the General Management department is provided for each month.
Banco Nuevo Mundo provisiones al 30 nov2000gonzaloromani
This document provides loan details for 40 clients of Banco Nuevo Mundo as of November 30, 2000. It lists each client's name, outstanding loan amounts in local and foreign currency, appraised value of guarantees, differences between appraised and required values, deficits, and excesses. Overall deficits totaled approximately $60,000 while excesses totaled around $6,000.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Provisiones al 30 nov2000gonzaloromani
This document provides details on loan provisions for Banco Nuevo Mundo as of November 30, 2000. It lists 46 mortgage loans, including the client name, total obligations in local and foreign currency, appraised value of guarantees in local and foreign currency, and the provision constituted in local and foreign currency for each loan. The loans range in value from $0 to $187,684.72. The largest provisions constituted were $2,346.06 and $3,014.84 in local and foreign currency respectively.
Pesentacion sobre el caso Banco Nuevo Mundogonzaloromani
The document outlines the chronology and key steps in the intervention process of Banco Nuevo Mundo by Peruvian authorities from its intervention on December 5, 2000 to its transition to a special transitional regime on April 18, 2001 and potential sale, with the goal of determining the bank's viability and impact on the financial system. It provides details on resolutions and regulations passed during this period to administer the bank, evaluate liquidation options, and establish a legal framework for its reorganization and consolidation. The process ultimately aimed to safeguard stakeholders' interests and assess lessons learned to improve future bank interventions.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Propuesta de soluciongonzaloromani
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Evoluci>n comparativa depositos estatalesgonzaloromani
This document summarizes the evolution of deposits in the New World Bank (BNM) compared to the commercial banking system in Peru from March 2000 to December 2000. It shows that while deposits increased in both BNM and the commercial banks over this period, the growth was much greater in the commercial banking system. Deposits in dollars and local currency both increased more for the commercial banks compared to BNM over these 9 months. The largest commercial banks like Credit Bank and Continental Bank saw larger deposit increases than BNM in this period.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Presentación ante Congreso Perugonzaloromani
El documento presenta la viabilidad del Banco Nuevo Mundo (BNM) y propone una solución alternativa a la intervención y liquidación del banco por parte de la Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros (SBS). Se argumenta que la propuesta del BNM resultarÃa en menores costos para el Estado peruano y los accionistas del banco en comparación con la solución implementada por la SBS. Adicionalmente, se incorporarÃa un operador internacional que aportarÃa capital, know-how y financiamiento.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Portafolio de creditos por categorÃa riesgo 11302000gonzaloromani
1. The document is a portfolio of credit by risk class from Banco Nuevo Mundo as of November 30, 2000 listed in US dollars. It includes the client ID, type of credit, risk level, debtor name, outstanding balance, total outstanding balance, and other financial information.
2. It lists 47 clients/debtors with their respective risk level of 1, outstanding balances, and other associated financial details such as total outstanding loan amounts.
3. The largest loan is to Stanley Jeremy Moulded Thompson for US$5,400,022.35 with a total outstanding balance of US$5,392,263.89 and guaranteed interest not received of US$15,400,000
Porque no debe liquidarse el Banco Nuevo Mundogonzaloromani
Este documento resume la situación actual del caso del Banco Nuevo Mundo. Los accionistas han demandado la anulación de la liquidación ordenada por el Superintendente de Banca Luis Cortavarria. Cortavarria aún no ha proporcionado toda la información requerida a comisiones del Congreso investigando irregularidades. Los accionistas argumentan que la liquidación no debe proceder debido a irregularidades en la intervención y administración del banco por Cortavarria.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Analisis Financiero Sistema Banca Comerical Peru nov 2000gonzaloromani
This document provides balance sheet data for the Peruvian commercial banking system as of November 30, 2000. It shows assets, liabilities, capital funds, and contingent liabilities for the major banks operating in Peru. Total assets for the banking system were $19.9 billion. Nearly two-thirds of assets were in loans to customers. Deposits accounted for over 60% of liabilities. Capital funds totaled $1.9 billion, consisting of paid-in capital, reserves, retained earnings, and current year net profits. Contingent liabilities for the banks amounted to $4.4 billion.
Banco Nuevo Mundo Subasta depositos sector publico -dec1998-sep2001gonzaloromani
This document summarizes deposits held by various public sector institutions and companies at Banco Nuevo Mundo for December 1998, January 1999, February 1999, and March 1999. It lists the entity, sector, total deposits in Soles and US Dollars, and total general amounts for each month. The largest depositors included Empresa Nacional de Puertos S.A., Organismo Supervisor de la Inversion Privada en Telecomunicaciones S.A., Instituto Geologico Minero y Metalurgico del Peru and Empresa de Electricidad del Peru S.A. The total deposits across all entities for the periods ranged from approximately $50-60 million US dollars.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - subasta de depositos 1998-2001gonzaloromani
This document summarizes deposits held by various public sector institutions and companies at Banco Nuevo Mundo for December 1998, January 1999, February 1999, and March 1999. It lists the entity, sector, total deposits in Soles and US Dollars, and total general amounts for each month. The largest depositors included Empresa Nacional de Puertos S.A., Organismo Supervisor de la Inversion Privada en Telecomunicaciones S.A., Instituto Geologico Minero y Metalurgico del Peru and Empresa de Electricidad del Peru S.A. The total deposits across all entities for the periods ranged from approximately $50-60 million US dollars.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Documentos pendiente de entrega por la SBS al Congreso Perúgonzaloromani
Este documento presenta una respuesta a la contestación de la Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros (SBS) sobre la intervención del Banco Nuevo Mundo (BNM). Señala que la cronologÃa de hechos presentada por la SBS es inexacta y oculta información relevante. Luego, procede a presentar la cronologÃa real de los hechos, cuestionando las razones alegadas por la SBS para la intervención del BNM y argumentando que los problemas de liquidez del banco fueron inducidos por retiros sistemáticos
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Remuneraciones a Interventores SBS - comparativogonzaloromani
This document is a report of remunerations or compensation paid out by Banco Nuevo Mundo from October 2000 to September 2001 in US dollars. It shows the monthly compensation amounts for the General Management department broken down by account codes for items like basic pay, bonuses, gratuities, allowances, vacation compensation, social security, seniority pay, meals, medical assistance, gifts and other expenses. The total monthly spending for the General Management department is also listed for each month, ranging from around $28,000 to $34,000.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Remuneraciones pagadas a Interventores SBS dec00-sep01gonzaloromani
This document summarizes the remunerations paid to interveners at Banco Nuevo Mundo from December 2000 to September 2001. It shows the monthly remunerations in US dollars for the General Management department across multiple categories of compensation including basic salary, bonuses, gratuities, assignments, vacation compensation, social security, time of service compensation, refreshments, medical assistance, attentions, and other expenses. The total monthly spending for the General Management department is provided for each month.
Banco Nuevo Mundo provisiones al 30 nov2000gonzaloromani
This document provides loan details for 40 clients of Banco Nuevo Mundo as of November 30, 2000. It lists each client's name, outstanding loan amounts in local and foreign currency, appraised value of guarantees, differences between appraised and required values, deficits, and excesses. Overall deficits totaled approximately $60,000 while excesses totaled around $6,000.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Provisiones al 30 nov2000gonzaloromani
This document provides details on loan provisions for Banco Nuevo Mundo as of November 30, 2000. It lists 46 mortgage loans, including the client name, total obligations in local and foreign currency, appraised value of guarantees in local and foreign currency, and the provision constituted in local and foreign currency for each loan. The loans range in value from $0 to $187,684.72. The largest provisions constituted were $2,346.06 and $3,014.84 in local and foreign currency respectively.
Pesentacion sobre el caso Banco Nuevo Mundogonzaloromani
The document outlines the chronology and key steps in the intervention process of Banco Nuevo Mundo by Peruvian authorities from its intervention on December 5, 2000 to its transition to a special transitional regime on April 18, 2001 and potential sale, with the goal of determining the bank's viability and impact on the financial system. It provides details on resolutions and regulations passed during this period to administer the bank, evaluate liquidation options, and establish a legal framework for its reorganization and consolidation. The process ultimately aimed to safeguard stakeholders' interests and assess lessons learned to improve future bank interventions.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Propuesta de soluciongonzaloromani
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Evoluci>n comparativa depositos estatalesgonzaloromani
This document summarizes the evolution of deposits in the New World Bank (BNM) compared to the commercial banking system in Peru from March 2000 to December 2000. It shows that while deposits increased in both BNM and the commercial banks over this period, the growth was much greater in the commercial banking system. Deposits in dollars and local currency both increased more for the commercial banks compared to BNM over these 9 months. The largest commercial banks like Credit Bank and Continental Bank saw larger deposit increases than BNM in this period.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Presentación ante Congreso Perugonzaloromani
El documento presenta la viabilidad del Banco Nuevo Mundo (BNM) y propone una solución alternativa a la intervención y liquidación del banco por parte de la Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros (SBS). Se argumenta que la propuesta del BNM resultarÃa en menores costos para el Estado peruano y los accionistas del banco en comparación con la solución implementada por la SBS. Adicionalmente, se incorporarÃa un operador internacional que aportarÃa capital, know-how y financiamiento.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Portafolio de creditos por categorÃa riesgo 11302000gonzaloromani
1. The document is a portfolio of credit by risk class from Banco Nuevo Mundo as of November 30, 2000 listed in US dollars. It includes the client ID, type of credit, risk level, debtor name, outstanding balance, total outstanding balance, and other financial information.
2. It lists 47 clients/debtors with their respective risk level of 1, outstanding balances, and other associated financial details such as total outstanding loan amounts.
3. The largest loan is to Stanley Jeremy Moulded Thompson for US$5,400,022.35 with a total outstanding balance of US$5,392,263.89 and guaranteed interest not received of US$15,400,000
Porque no debe liquidarse el Banco Nuevo Mundogonzaloromani
Este documento resume la situación actual del caso del Banco Nuevo Mundo. Los accionistas han demandado la anulación de la liquidación ordenada por el Superintendente de Banca Luis Cortavarria. Cortavarria aún no ha proporcionado toda la información requerida a comisiones del Congreso investigando irregularidades. Los accionistas argumentan que la liquidación no debe proceder debido a irregularidades en la intervención y administración del banco por Cortavarria.
Banco Nuevo Mundo - Analisis Financiero Sistema Banca Comerical Peru nov 2000gonzaloromani
This document provides balance sheet data for the Peruvian commercial banking system as of November 30, 2000. It shows assets, liabilities, capital funds, and contingent liabilities for the major banks operating in Peru. Total assets for the banking system were $19.9 billion. Nearly two-thirds of assets were in loans to customers. Deposits accounted for over 60% of liabilities. Capital funds totaled $1.9 billion, consisting of paid-in capital, reserves, retained earnings, and current year net profits. Contingent liabilities for the banks amounted to $4.4 billion.