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The structure of newspaper
       Adriana Bol鱈var
 Shaped in social interaction.
 Needs to respond to communicative needs
  that are born and maintained within groups
  and cultures.
 Evaluation has the fundamental role of
  contributing to shape text structure - and may
  serve as a potential indicator of genre.
 Their agreed social aim is to evaluate current
  events, and so
 An opinion or recommendation for action is

The type of information that concerns
the expression of feelings and
 In the course of structuring a text, the writer
  makes evaluations which are expressed in
 From a grammatical point of view, in this
  structuring,      the       writer    exchanges
  ideational, textual and interpersonal meanings
  with the reader (Halliday).
 The most important of these is the interpersonal
  because this is concerned with the lexico-
  grammar of mood and modality.
 The most important notion for the study of
  evaluation in written text.
 Changes are taken as signals of interaction
  because they indicate the writers evaluations
  about the state of knowledge and the
  evaluations of the reader.
 Main clauses in sentences: where changes in
  mood take place.
In the analysis of written text
Text structure               Text organization

Prospective patterns.        Retrospective patterns .

Speech acts assumed to be    Patterns likely to be discovered
performed by the writer.     by the reader .

Interaction between writer   Interaction between the
and reader.                  reader and the text .
A text can be described on two planes

interactive                      autonomous
 relates the text to the         Each participant in a turn
   participants (real or           has an opportunity to
   imagined).                      develop his personal
 Bol鱈var uses the term            messages out of what has
   posture to account for what     gone before.
   the writer is doing.         Recall refers to what the
                                   writer is saying , the
                                   semantic content.
The model of analysis
The triad       The basic unit of
                 interaction in written text.
束 a coherent
segment of
                Consists of three elements
text with a      of structure.
topic and a
function損       Its function is to negotiate
                 the transmission of
                 information and evaluation
                 in written text.
Its internal structure can be described
         in terms of three turns

 Lead (L)

 Follow (F) and

 Valuate (V)

realized by sentences conceived as the product of
ordinary language behaviour (Lyons 1977)
Content triad
 The lead introduces the 束aboutness損 of the
  triad and a posture or modality.
 The follow responds to this initiation, keeping
  the same topic and evaluating the preceeding
  piece of information.
 The valuate closes the unit with an evaluation
  of the preceeding two turns.
Boundary triads
 Used between movements when the writer
  refers to the text itself to guide the reader
  along the text.
 May indicate an act of identification (the
  event to be dealt with), analysis or
  explanation, conclusion, recommendation, or
  a reminder.
 Most consist of only one turn.
Not all content triads consist of three
 Triads can exhibit more than three turns
  provided the sequence L F is repeated and V is

 This happens when the writer delays the
  evaluation either to introduce more
  information or to make the reader wait for his
  opinion on a particualr point.
Triads can be classified according to
          position and function
Situation Triad (S): initial position. They refer to
 an event and evaluate it.
Development Triad (D): medial position. They
 develop the reference to and the evaluation of
 the event considered in the preceeding S triad(s).
Recommendation Triad (R): final position. They
 close the reference and the evaluation of the
 event introduced by the S triad that initiates the
 Triads may combine with other triads to make up
  a unit at a higher rank: a movement (Mv).
 Movement, then, is the second largest unit in the
 A movement may combine with other
  movements to make up the largest unit at the
  highest rank: the artefact.
 The size of a movement depends on the number
  of triads that relate the text to the world of
  events within the same modal perspective.
Movement types
 Type A: the actual world, a world that is or
 Type B: the world of possibilities, or the world
  that might be.
 Type C: the world that should be. Constitutes
  a major evaluation that refers back to
  movements A and B.
Turn-change and turn-maintenance in
 It is necessary to examine the forms used by the writer in
  the L turns: tense selection , modality selection, and lexical

Informing triad: typically contains a L realized by a sentence in
declarative syntax.

Eliciting triad: initiated by a L in interrogative form. Has the
function of asking a question in order to obtain an answer.

(In editorials, rhetorical questions are used to give information
in evaluative terms or simply to evaluate already given
Tense selection
 Tense selection in the lead indicates the time

 Tense changes can be classified by adverbials
  (last year, this year, etc.) or by discourse
  adjuncts which indicate agreement or
  disagreement (In fact, Indeed, But, However).
Modality selection
 The most common way of indicationg turn-
  change and turn-maintenance in an editorial.
 Through signals such as modal verbs, modal
  adjuncts, special nouns, adjectives, verbs and
  others, the writer indicates his attitude
  towards his own speech.
Lexical anticipation
 Can also serve as a signal for turn-change.
 Expressed by means of a noun, an adjective or
  a prepositional phrase.
 Commits the writer to give new information in
  another turn.
 These signals are typically evaluative.
 Must be distinguished from enumeration,
  which is a category of prediction.
Triads consistently close with Valuates
 Concluders: indicate that a conclusion has
  been reached, with reference to the present
 Prophecies: indicate the assessment of
  probabilities for future developments. They
  are typically realized by verbs that indicate
 Directives: propose or suggest 束desirable損
  courses of action.

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The structure of newspaper editorials

  • 1. The structure of newspaper editorials Adriana Bol鱈var
  • 2. Text Shaped in social interaction. Needs to respond to communicative needs that are born and maintained within groups and cultures. Evaluation has the fundamental role of contributing to shape text structure - and may serve as a potential indicator of genre.
  • 3. Editorials Their agreed social aim is to evaluate current events, and so An opinion or recommendation for action is obligatory.
  • 4. Evaluation The type of information that concerns the expression of feelings and opinions.
  • 5. In the course of structuring a text, the writer makes evaluations which are expressed in sentences. From a grammatical point of view, in this structuring, the writer exchanges ideational, textual and interpersonal meanings with the reader (Halliday). The most important of these is the interpersonal because this is concerned with the lexico- grammar of mood and modality.
  • 6. Change The most important notion for the study of evaluation in written text. Changes are taken as signals of interaction because they indicate the writers evaluations about the state of knowledge and the evaluations of the reader. Main clauses in sentences: where changes in mood take place.
  • 7. In the analysis of written text Text structure Text organization Prospective patterns. Retrospective patterns . Speech acts assumed to be Patterns likely to be discovered performed by the writer. by the reader . Interaction between writer Interaction between the and reader. reader and the text .
  • 8. A text can be described on two planes interactive autonomous relates the text to the Each participant in a turn participants (real or has an opportunity to imagined). develop his personal Bol鱈var uses the term messages out of what has posture to account for what gone before. the writer is doing. Recall refers to what the writer is saying , the semantic content.
  • 9. The model of analysis
  • 10. The triad The basic unit of interaction in written text. 束 a coherent segment of Consists of three elements text with a of structure. topic and a function損 Its function is to negotiate the transmission of information and evaluation in written text.
  • 11. Its internal structure can be described in terms of three turns Lead (L) Follow (F) and Valuate (V) realized by sentences conceived as the product of ordinary language behaviour (Lyons 1977)
  • 12. Content triad The lead introduces the 束aboutness損 of the triad and a posture or modality. The follow responds to this initiation, keeping the same topic and evaluating the preceeding piece of information. The valuate closes the unit with an evaluation of the preceeding two turns.
  • 13. Boundary triads Used between movements when the writer refers to the text itself to guide the reader along the text. May indicate an act of identification (the event to be dealt with), analysis or explanation, conclusion, recommendation, or a reminder. Most consist of only one turn.
  • 14. Not all content triads consist of three turns Triads can exhibit more than three turns provided the sequence L F is repeated and V is final. This happens when the writer delays the evaluation either to introduce more information or to make the reader wait for his opinion on a particualr point.
  • 15. Triads can be classified according to position and function Situation Triad (S): initial position. They refer to an event and evaluate it. Development Triad (D): medial position. They develop the reference to and the evaluation of the event considered in the preceeding S triad(s). Recommendation Triad (R): final position. They close the reference and the evaluation of the event introduced by the S triad that initiates the sequence.
  • 16. Movement Triads may combine with other triads to make up a unit at a higher rank: a movement (Mv). Movement, then, is the second largest unit in the model. A movement may combine with other movements to make up the largest unit at the highest rank: the artefact. The size of a movement depends on the number of triads that relate the text to the world of events within the same modal perspective.
  • 17. Movement types Type A: the actual world, a world that is or was. Type B: the world of possibilities, or the world that might be. Type C: the world that should be. Constitutes a major evaluation that refers back to movements A and B.
  • 18. Turn-change and turn-maintenance in triads It is necessary to examine the forms used by the writer in the L turns: tense selection , modality selection, and lexical anticipation. Informing triad: typically contains a L realized by a sentence in declarative syntax. Eliciting triad: initiated by a L in interrogative form. Has the function of asking a question in order to obtain an answer. (In editorials, rhetorical questions are used to give information in evaluative terms or simply to evaluate already given information).
  • 19. Tense selection Tense selection in the lead indicates the time dimension. Tense changes can be classified by adverbials (last year, this year, etc.) or by discourse adjuncts which indicate agreement or disagreement (In fact, Indeed, But, However).
  • 20. Modality selection The most common way of indicationg turn- change and turn-maintenance in an editorial. Through signals such as modal verbs, modal adjuncts, special nouns, adjectives, verbs and others, the writer indicates his attitude towards his own speech.
  • 21. Lexical anticipation Can also serve as a signal for turn-change. Expressed by means of a noun, an adjective or a prepositional phrase. Commits the writer to give new information in another turn. These signals are typically evaluative. Must be distinguished from enumeration, which is a category of prediction.
  • 22. Triads consistently close with Valuates Concluders: indicate that a conclusion has been reached, with reference to the present time Prophecies: indicate the assessment of probabilities for future developments. They are typically realized by verbs that indicate futurity. Directives: propose or suggest 束desirable損 courses of action.