Visual resumes are a great way to share your many talents with students, peers and potential employers. Visit to learn more about creating your own.
8. So consider this:
Traditional r辿sum辿s
are targeted, not
You send them
directly to HR or you
post them for
potential employers
9. So consider this:
Traditional r辿sum辿s
are targeted, not
You send them
directly to HR or you
post them for
potential employers
right alongside your
22. Make a list of I lik e t e chno lo g y
your talents My st u de nt s lo ve m e
I lo ve bo o ks
and interests
Ive t ra ve le d t he wor ld
I ha ve a s u n ny p er so n a lit y
26. Ive learned that people will
forget what you said, people
will forget what you did, but
people will never forget how
you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
27. Visit my page at
Be sure to link it to your
traditional r辿sum辿