This document discusses different cell culture models, including 2D and 3D cell cultures. 2D cell cultures utilize a flat monolayer that does not accurately mimic the in vivo environment. 3D cell cultures, including scaffold-based and scaffold-free cultures, better simulate the complex 3D environment and cell-cell interactions seen in vivo. Growing cells in 3D alters their proliferation, morphology, drug response, gene expression, and behavior in ways that more closely resemble the in vivo tumor microenvironment compared to traditional 2D cell cultures. 3D cell cultures are useful tools for applications like cancer research, drug development, and modeling of complex tissue environments.
2. Model:The set is the experiment or effect on which to measure
Invivo models
Animal models
Invitro models:
Cell culture
- 2D Cell culture
- 3D Cell culture
3. Invivo models
Animal models
- living incubators in which human tumors have been grown
-extensive use for screening
-currently lack a qualifiedmode for many forms of deadly cancer
4. Why is cell culture used for?
Model systems
Toxicity testing
Cancer research
Genetic Engineering
5. Types of cells
Primary cells
Semi-continuous cells
Continuous cells
6. Types of culture
2D Cell culture
- Monolayer
3D Cell culture
- Scaffold-free : spheroid
7. 2D Cell Culture
flat monolayers submerged in media
its simplicity
this model cant accurately depict and simulate the rich environment and
complex processes observed in vivo:cell signaling, chemistry or geometry
A SEM 2D cell culture image
8. 3D Cell Culture
provide cell growth support
present biocompatibility properties
Hydrogels Scaffolds
bioglass or bioceramic Scaffolds
Non gel Polymer scaffold
9. 3D Cell Culture
Scaffold-free : spheroid
bridge the gap between in vitro experiments used for discovery
and screening and in vivo experiments
perfectly mimic in vivo cells behaviors and organization
MCTS :Multicellular tumor spheroids
10. Scaffold-free 3D cells cultures techniques
forced-floating method
agitation based method
hanging drop method
11. 2D vs 3D Cell Culture
Physiologic cell-to-cell contact dominates
Cells interact with extracellular matrix
Diffusion gradient of drugs, oxygen,
nutrients, and waste
Co-culture of multiple cell mimics
Shows resistance to anticancer drug as in
vivo tumor
Cell-to-cell contact only on edges
Cell mostly in contact with plastic
Cells contact extracellular matrix mostly on one
No gradients present
Co-culture unable to establish
Anticancer drug resistance is not seen
12. Growing Cells in 3D alters proliferation
and cell morphology
changes in proliferation rate
ECM-dependent:changes in intracellular signaling and stromal cell
changes in cell shape that ultimately modify cellular function
apical-basal polarity
13. Growing cells in 3D reveals a more realistic
drug response
increase resistance to chemotherapy
recapitulate several mechanisms of drug resistance
14. Growing cells in 3D captures phenotypic
- morphological and functional changes
Two theories exist to explain these differences
-clonal selection theory
-cancer stem cells (CSCs)
15. Growing cells in 3D changes gene expression
and cell behavior
gene expression patterns
- change intracellular signal transduction
-changes in cell contact directly
16. genetic changes has impacts on cell behaviors such as cell
migration and differentiation
interrogated cell migration
- Boyden chamber systems
- monolayer scratch assays
17. Growing cells in 3D mimics the tumor
cancer is a disease of not only the tumor cell but also the
surrounding microenvironment
cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs)
18. 3D Cell Culture Application
Microfluidics 3D Cell Culture :Organs-on-Chips
19. Draw curve to increase the volume of sphrocheids
Fractionation in radiotherapy