Jean Piaget believed that children develop cognitive abilities through a series of stages, gradually progressing from lacking adult competencies to developing them fully. He proposed that children learn through assimilation, applying existing mental schemes to new information, and accommodation, modifying schemes when information does not fit existing schemes. Piaget outlined four main stages of cognitive development from infancy to adulthood characterized by developing object permanence, decreasing egocentrism, and gaining logical and abstract reasoning skills.
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Theories of Growth and Development2
3. JEAN PIAGET believed that a
child enters the world lacking
virtually all the basic cognitive
competencies of the adult, and
gradually develops these
competencies by passing through
a series of periods of
5. Assimilation- It is the
process of taking in
new information about
Assimilation- It is the process of taking
objects by trying out
in new information about objects by
trying out existing schemes on objects
that fit those schemes.
existing schemes on
objects that fit those
6. Accommodation- It is the
process of modifying
schemes as the infant
tries out familiar
schemes on objects that
do not fit them.