Theta Chapter of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity at the University of Missouri had a productive fall semester. Brothers participated in various campus activities and maintained a high GPA. Improvements were made to the chapter house over the summer. Recruitment efforts are underway for new members. An alumni planning session was held to develop strategic goals for the future of the fraternity.
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Theta Crescent Fall 2009
1. Theta Crescent Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity
Fall 2009 University of Missouri
Noble Ruler Report
Theta Brothers, involvements our men still continue to emphasize the
The fall semester here at Mizzou is already under- importance of academics. We finished in the top group
way and the men of Theta Chapter are as busy as ever. of fraternities last spring with a 3.156 cumulative, all-
The summer ended and house GPA.
a promising class of new The men of Alpha Gamma
members has started to Rho are looking forward to
make the transition into the football games, socials,
college life. CAFNR week and events that still remain
has just finished and the this semester. We will con-
guys have been busy par- tinue to encourage each
ticipating in the activities other to get involved on
and organizing the events campus, keep our grades
of the week. We have al- high, and to make the
ready started participating most of Mizzou and Alpha
in some philanthropies Gamma Rho. I encourage
and will continue to par- any alumni to stop by the
ticipate in service events house anytime, as your
throughout the semester. Homecoming has also become continuing support is very important to us. Feel free to
more and more of a time commitment as the semes- contact me with any concerns you have.
ter has progressed. The women of Alpha Chi Omega
and the men of Delta Chi have already proven to be Fraternally,
very valuable through their devoted work in pomping, Bryant Kagay
skit, dance, and float. Even with all the extra-curricular Noble Ruler
Theta Chapter Gets a Face Lift
Over the summer Theta Chapters Building Associa- cleaning purposes. The walls in the dining room, hall-
tion made several improvements to our Chapter House. ways, spiritual center and study rooms were re-spackled
Study room locks and some door handles were replaced and painted, and the columns in the front of the house
throughout the house, providing brothers their own per- were repaired.
sonal room key. These improvements have only reinforced Theta
In the north and south stairwells the concrete floors Chapters ability to have one of the best living facilities
were painted with a polymer sealant, for ascetic and on campus.
Whats Inside
Theta Alumni Spotlight Recruitment Report
2010 Founders Day StrategicPlanning Session
New Initiates And More...
2. Theta Alumni Spotlight
Three Trails Winery at Fahrmeier Farm
Two AGR brothers have expanded a family greenhouse don stated. But
into a destination Three Trails Winery. Located five we also know we
miles west of Lexington, Mo., just off Highway 24, Three have to provide
Trails Winery at Fahrmeier Farm is a picturesque surprise a good product
on a hilltop facing the bluffs of the Missouri River. In that once we get you
part of Missouri, Three Trails refers to the Santa Fe, Cali- here.
fornia and Oregon Trails. The number three also brings The ICCVE-
to mind the three Theta brothers Brandon (1994), Brad Missouri has
(1994) and Bret (2002), and the three generations of Fah- four test plots on
rmeiers currently running the family business. the Farm. They
Once a row crop and beef farm, the greenhouses evolved include both Brandon and Bret Fahrmeier at Three Trails Winery.
when labor became scarce as each of the brothers left to white and red cultivar trials of varieties that they feel are
pursue higher education at the University of Missouri. That commercially viable. They have a one-half acre Cabernet
is when the greenhouse business was launched. The flowers Franc and one-half acre Vignole both in root stocks trials.
are still for sale, as well as providing a colorful background The MU Institute for Continental Climate Viticulture and
for the winery patio. In the springtime garden vegetable Enology (ICCVE) conducts research on best wine mak-
plants are also available. But that is only the beginning. ing and grape growing practices and how they impact the
The farm market has seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables growth of the wine industry in Missouri and the Midwest.
available including asparagus, tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, Plan a visit to Three Trails Winery at Fahrmeier Farm.
squash, green beans, blueberries and fresh rhubarb. They Buy some fresh produce, and sip a glass of unique hand-
are cooperating with Mizzou by providing a 2.5 acre test crafted wine. Fahrmeier Farm is a family friendly place
plot project in cooperation; they are currently working to that includes the winery, a greenhouse, a farm market,
establish more contracts to provide produce to retail gro- educational activities, vineyards, tours and wine tasting,
cery chains. This summer they contracted with Kansas gardens, flowers and a playground. Enjoy the view from
City Price Choppers to provide 4,000 pounds of tomatoes the winery patio garden and sample some wine in a great
weekly. During the fall, there are acres of pumpkins. And family atmosphere where fun and learning come together.
in between, Brandon and Bret are busy with the winery. Visit the winery at or e-mail Bran-
We hope to make your trip to the winery an event, Bran- don and Bret:
2010 Founders Day Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010
Our motto is To Make Better Men, and we want to show from 1994-2009 will be recognized for their participation
you how we do it! Founders Day will be combined with in the 16 previous cattle shows. You will also be given an
the 17th Annual AGR Classic Cattle Show at the Boone opportunity to participate in this years Classic!
County Fair Grounds. The judging contest will begin at 8 Chapter Award winners and Payne/Longwell Scholars
a.m. and the heifers will start showing at 11 a.m. Coffee will be announced. We encourage you to make separate
and pastries will be available on the balcony at 9 a.m. reservations for the 2010 Ag Unlimited Dinner and Auc-
We will have a special area for our Over Fifty brothers. tion at the Holiday Inn Expo Center. Sponsored by the
Thats not your age, thats the number of years youve CAFNR Alumni Board, the proceeds help to fund schol-
been an AGR. Bring memorabilia and share stories with arships for Mizzou CAFNR students. Five members of
fellow brothers. Theta are 2009 recipients. Support the CAFNR alumni
The Classic BBQ Buffet will serve brothers and guests and enjoy an evening of good food and good friends!
from 11:30-1 p.m. in our reserved location. Donations Cocktails and the silent auction begin at 6:30 p.m. with
will be appreciated. Ten, 25 and 50 year members will be dinner and the live auction to follow. For more informa-
honored with a citation during the buffet hours. Alumni tion and reservations contact: TBA
3. Thad Koenigsfeld Named to CAFNR Ag Alumni Board
This past spring Theta Alumnus Thad Koenigsfeld sists in coordinating events to thank the CAFNR alumni
(98) was honored by being nominated onto the Uni- for their support. One such event is tailgating at Mizzou
versity of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and home football games.
Natural Resources Ag Alumni Board. Koenigsfeld rep- The main mission of the University of Missouri Ag-
resents Area 1 which includes the Kansas City metro riculture Alumni Association is to support the students
area north of Jackson County. Koenigsfeld serves as a of the University of Missouri College of Agriculture,
representative between the CAFNR alumni in his area Food and Natural Resources. In the current school year
and the college while also distributing CAFNR news the association will provide for 25 $1,500 scholarships
and information back to those alumni. Koenigsfeld is to students and $47,000 to be awarded to student clubs
a member of two committees within the board; the Ti- and departments. A large portion of these funds are gen-
ger Ag Classic Golf Tournament and the special events erated through the Tiger Ag Classic and Ag Unlimited
committee. Banquet & Auction.
The 18th annual Tiger Class was held Sept. 11. His du- Other ways the board helps to develop future leaders
ties included helping to solicit sponsorships and teams of Missouri Agriculture is by participating in student
to play, as well as, all planning, coordination and fa- recruitment, scholarship fund development, public rela-
cilitation of the event. This year a full slate of 37 teams tions programs, student career development, legislative
competed with all proceeds benefiting CAFNR student interaction and leadership recognition. Koenigsfeld
scholarships. Sixteen Theta alumni participated in this would like to invite all Theta brothers to consider join-
years tournament which will directly benefit five Theta ing the Ag Alumni Association. If you would like fur-
undergraduates during the current school year. ther information visit their Web site:
As a member of the Special Events Committee he as-
Ken Morrison Addresses Theta Members
To Men of Theta: ergetic and enthusiastic AGRs from the area who vol-
Its my pleasure to extend this invitation to Alpha Gam- unteered their time and talent in the planning to ensure
ma Rhos 2010 Convention to be held in St. Louis Aug. the program and fun activities at the 2010 Convention
12-14, 2010 when our theme is Meet Me in St. Louis. is a positive experience for everyone. We are commit-
Those of us on the Steering Committee are delighted ted to providing the right balance of activities to fa-
with the site selection and decision to hold AGRs bien- cilitate the renewal of past friendships, provide interac-
nial event in this area. tive discussions of current interest designed to inform
The St. Louis area, home to hundreds of AGRs repre- and educate, and family-fun that will encourage AGRs
senting more than 40 chapters, has it all: an easy drive from every chapter and their families to attend.
or short flight for many AGR brothers, an affordable Please mark your calendar now for Aug. 12-14, 2010
family-friendly atmosphere, not to mention unlimited and monitor the new Web site, www.alphagammarho.
choices for fun. Importantly, St. Louis has a rich heri- org, or your mailbox in the coming weeks for more in-
tage deeply rooted in serving agriculture. Three major formation on hotel and convention registration. Mean-
rivers, interstate highways and hubs for major railroads time, contact your fellow Thetas and make a plan to
all serve an integral part of the transportation and distri- reunite old friendships and make some new ones in
bution system that enables those in agriculture to meet keeping with the theme Meet Me in St. Louis. On be-
the challenges of feeding America while providing ef- half of the entire 2010 Convention Steering Commit-
ficient access to overseas consumers of food and fiber. tee, we look forward to seeing you in St. Louis.
Its no coincidence these and other natural advantages
have attracted many corporate global leaders who call Fraternally,
St. Louis headquarters, recognizable names in agricul- Ken Morrison
ture and numerous committed supporters of our 2010 Chair, 2010 Alpha Gamma Rho Convention
Convention you can expect to meet here. Theta Chapter, initiate class of 1973
Im grateful and we are fortunate to have so many en-
4. Recruitment Report & New Members Initiated
Theta is proud to welcome 22 new fall initiates to the
chapter. Recruitment is now underway for the spring
2010 semester, and Theta plans to have a strong class to
initiate in January. In addition, names are already be-
ing complied for the 2010 fall recruitment. If you have
any potential recruits please contact Jason Reichert at:, or fill out the recruitment rec-
ommendation on the back. The new Theta brothers and
their information are: From left to right, first row:
Tyler Schwader
St. Joseph, Central High School
Brother: Grant Schwader (05)
Michael Gillum
Unionville, Unionville High School Nick Mueller
Brent Dye Republic, Republic High School
Paris, Paris High School Samuel Fairchild
Spencer Snodgrass Hamilton, J.C. Penney High School
Rayville, Polo High School Brothers: Wally (04) and Sully Fairchild (05)
Cousin: Spencer Snodgrass (03) Third row:Zack Brannon
Joe Maurer Bolivar, Bolivar High School
Belton, Belton High School Luke Brandt
Blackburn, Santa Fe High School
David Claycomb
Ridgeway, Ridgeway High School Drew Adams
Carrollton, Carrollton High School
Second row:Joe Kaufman
Orrick, Orrick High School Logan Grace
Kansas City, Park Hill High School
Jacob Cain
Kansas City, Pembroke Hill High School Jacob Buehler
Kansas City, Park Hill High School
Chase Heath
Moberly, Moberly High School Breck Babbs
Linn Creek, Camdenton High School
Avery Fisher
Eldon, Eldon High School Tyler Ryser
Rich Hill, Rich Hill High School
Adam Griffin
Carrollton, Carrollton High School Dalton Wieligman
Wellington, Wellington High School
Paul Behlmann
St. Paul, St. Dominic High School
Grant Schwader was omitted from the list of 2009 graduates. He graduated magna cum laude with a BS in Agri-
culture Economics. He is working on the family farm in St. Joseph, Mo.
Crescent Publishing Service
This issue of the Theta Chapter Crescent was published through the Crescent Publishing Service (CPS). This is a special project of the AGR
Home Office to assist chapters in improving communications with alumni. Chapters pay a small fee for the service below the actual pro-
duction cost to encourage regular contact. This project is made possible by donations from alumni like you. Please consider contributing.
5. Strategic Planning Session Held
Sixteen Theta alums and undergrads, along with communications, finance and risk-management. Along
Housemother Marcia Napier met Sept. 26 & 27 to ad- with these goals, we adopted this revised vision state-
dress issues and establish a ment.
new strategic plan for the To be the premier fraternity
Theta Chapter. Zane Akins developing lifelong brothers
(59), Theta brother, Hall of with the highest standards
Fame Inductee and National of leadership, scholarship,
AGR Nomination Committee service and moral charac-
chairman, was there to facili- ter among men with common
tate this meeting. Undergrads bonds in agriculture, food,
and alumni board members life sciences and natural re-
sat down to revise our vision sources.
statement and establish goals Participants at the planning
to address the future of the session were in agreement
fraternity. Akins, who has fa- these goals should be used to
cilitated 97 of these planning drive and nurture the develop-
meetings with AGR chapters across the nation, proved ment and successes of our fraternity over the coming
to be a valuable asset to this meeting, which became an months and years. We encourage every member to view
energizing and productive event. Issues that were ad- the plan in its entirety by logging onto our Web site:
dressed were recruitment, brotherhood development,
Undergrad activities, achievements and awards
CAFNR Week Mareth, Wesley Newland, Dale Ryan, Tony Ryan,
Tri-director, Bradley Meineka. Steering Commit- Matt Snook, Brandon Thiel and Jacob Thompson
tee members: Jon Kirchhoff, Tony Amos,
Brandon Thiel, Jason Twenter, Farm Bureau Ambassadors
Barnwarming King, Kyle Eckler Adam Francis and Meredith Jones (sister of Tyler
Jones 05)
American FFA Degree winners
Trent Braungardt, Dalton Brown, Sam Cope, Phil- 2009 Homecoming Steering Committee
lip Durbin, Jared Henderson, Jared Main, Dustin Logan Chrislaw and Brandon Salmons
Lost Alumni
Below are a few of Theta Chapters lost brothers, if you have any information, please let us know so we can keep
all brothers up to date. Please send information to: Theta Chapter, 602 S. College Ave., Columbia, MO 65201.
Roll # First/Last Name Init. Date Roll # First/Last Name Init. Date
766 James Gray 9/10/1967 1008 Darrell Lathrop 1/1/1980
791 Ricky Stamps 2/10/1969 1018 Wade Forsythe 4/1/1980
858 John Henbest 1/1/1972 1036 Robert Kyle 3/23/1982
860 Ricky Watson 4/24/1972 1052 Michael Peterson 1/21/1983
873 William Griffin 2/5/1973 1054 Kenneth Rinehart 1/21/1983
882 Robert Chapman 4/1/1973 1056 Dennis Dunivan 1/21/1983
931 Marshall Metzger 4/1/1976 1064 Christopher Carman 2/13/1984
943 Mathew Farris 1/1/1977 1083 Steven Angel 1/1/1985
950 James Watson 3/1/1977 1092 Mark Burgess 9/1/1985
951 Thomas Kent 3/1/1977 1095 Robert Midles 2/4/1986
967 James Crews 1/31/1978 1097 Michael Willis 2/4/1986
993 Wesley Donelson 11/1/1980 1098 Curt Dunn 2/4/1986
6. Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity NON-PROFIT ORG.
10101 North Ambassador Drive U.S. POSTAGE
Kansas City, MO 64153-1395 Kansas City, MO
Permit No. 4092
Theta Chapter Crescent
Have you visited our web site?
Log on to and see whats happening at 602 S. College Ave.
Alumni.please log on to update your alumni profile.
Recruitment Recommendation
Please help us recruit the best of men. If you know someone who would make a good addition to our Fraternity,
please let us know so we can contact him and enhance our brotherhood.
Name: Age:
E-mail address:
Phone - home: School:
Your name and address:
Please Mail to: Alpha Gamma Rho Theta Chapter,
Attn: Recruitment, 602 S. College Ave., Columbia, MO 65201