1) La celebraci坦n de Halloween se origin坦 en la fiesta celta de Samhain, que se celebraba el 31 de octubre y marcaba el fin del verano y el comienzo del invierno.
2) Los celtas cre鱈an que en la noche de Samhain, el velo entre el mundo de los vivos y los muertos se tornaba delgado y los esp鱈ritus pod鱈an regresar.
3) Con la llegada de los romanos y la iglesia cat坦lica, la tradici坦n celta se fusion坦 con las celebraciones romanas
O documento d叩 conselhos sobre como evitar disputas prejudiciais e manter a paz interior, sugerindo que 辿 melhor perder pequenas batalhas do que se envolver em lutas maiores que trar達o danos, e que a sabedoria e a cordura trazem felicidade ao inv辿s de medo ou perturba巽探es.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de redes inal叩mbricas, incluyendo WPAN (redes de 叩rea personal inal叩mbrica), WMAN (redes de 叩rea metropolitana inal叩mbrica), y WWAN (redes de 叩rea amplia inal叩mbrica). Tambi辿n discute tecnolog鱈as como Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX y redes celulares. Explica aplicaciones como comunicaciones dom辿sticas, televisi坦n y comunicaciones a larga distancia. Adem叩s, cubre temas de seguridad en redes inal叩mbricas.
This curriculum vitae is for Clifford Katunansa, a Zambian male born in 1982. He has obtained qualifications including a Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants National Accounting Technician certificate and is currently a third year student pursuing a Bachelor of Accountancy degree. His work experience includes positions at PMS Investments Ltd from 2008-2012 and Audit Control and Expertise Global from 2012-2014 where he performed accounting and auditing tasks. His skills include taxation, financial analysis and statement preparation, cash management, and audit-related activities. He provides three referees to contact.
Este documento discute la relaci坦n entre el cine y la historia. Algunos historiadores ven el cine como poco fiable para reflejar los hechos pasados con precisi坦n, mientras que otros creen que puede generar empat鱈a y reconstruir 辿pocas. Aunque las pel鱈culas siempre son subjetivas, se considera que pueden ser 炭tiles para ense単ar historia si se estudian de manera cr鱈tica, considerando factores como el director, pa鱈s, g辿nero e intencionalidad.
This document provides a lesson plan for a Bahasa Inggeris (English language) class for 2nd grade students focusing on myths. The lesson objectives are for students to complete a word find task, unjumble words, listen to a story called "Wishes", and say dialogues aloud with correct pronunciation. Teaching methods include using PowerPoint slides, word find task sheets, and a card game. Keywords include mermaid, seagull, fly, sea, swim, sky, rock, sit. The lesson plan outlines distributing worksheets, completing the word find task, playing a matching card game in groups, and going through dialogues from the "Wishes" story.
La industria del cine ha evolucionado desde la creaci坦n de la primera c叩mara capaz de capturar el movimiento en 1880 hasta convertirse en una industria digital globalizada. Algunos hitos clave incluyen la creaci坦n del primer estudio de cine en 1893, el desarrollo del cinemat坦grafo en 1895 y la apertura del primer cine en 1902. M叩s recientemente, la revoluci坦n digital ha democratizado la producci坦n cinematogr叩fica y ha diversificado las formas de distribuci坦n y consumo de pel鱈culas.
This article summarizes an interview with Kim Lansford, the Chief Compliance Officer of Shriners Hospitals for Children. In the interview, she discusses how her background in nursing has helped her in her compliance career. She also describes how the compliance field has evolved significantly since she entered it in 1998, with increased laws, government expectations, and scrutiny of compliance programs. Lansford believes compliance is earning greater acceptance from doctors and administrators as the focus on transparency and regulations has increased. She sees risk assessment and the connection between compliance and quality as growing areas for the future of the compliance profession.
O documento discute a import但ncia do planejamento e estrat辿gia para empreendedores. Aborda t坦picos como an叩lise SWOT, an叩lise de mercado, alternativas estrat辿gicas, acompanhamento da execu巽達o dos planos e quest探es fundamentais para an叩lise de novos neg坦cios.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre brigadas de rescate y seguridad en minas a cielo abierto. Explica conceptos como comportamiento del fuego, incendios forestales, medidas preventivas, m辿todos de extinci坦n, equipos de extinci坦n como extintores y mangueras. Tambi辿n cubre temas de cuerdas, nudos, equipos y herramientas de rescate, y maniobras de rescate para derrumbes, gases, primeros auxilios y transporte de v鱈ctimas. El objetivo es capacitar a los estudiantes trabajadores de la empresa
This document describes a study that uses discrete event simulation combined with multi-criteria decision analysis to help plan the logistics system of a new steel plant in Brazil. The study evaluates different configurations for the size of the plant's private iron ore vessel fleet and storage capacities. Ten scenarios are simulated and evaluated based on criteria like plant stoppages and investment costs. The results help determine the best fleet size and storage capacities to avoid interruptions in steel production.
Social networks allow users to create virtual profiles, connect with friends, share messages and posts, join groups, and find partners or jobs. However, one should be cautious when using social media as profiles may not accurately represent users, communication is not fully secure, and deleting previously shared data is difficult. Providing too much personal information also increases identity theft risks. Popular social networks include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Xing, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Vimeo while messaging apps like Skype and WhatsApp enable communication.
Sensitive data comes in many forms such as USB sticks, hard disks, printed documents, meeting notes, and smartphones. This data is often mishandled by being thrown away, taken home, or left unattended. To properly handle unattended devices and data, they should be returned to the owner if possible, or dropped off at the front desk. If the owner cannot be identified, the data needs to be disposed of securely.
While working on customer projects, sensitive data like plans, specifications, financial data and project results will be accessed. Saving this data only on notebooks poses risks like unauthorized access if the notebook is lost or stolen, the notebook becoming unusable if infected with malware, and data being inaccessible to colleagues if only stored locally. To mitigate these risks, project files should be saved to the company's network share as soon as possible to be included in regular backups, or saved locally if no network connection but copied to the share when a connection is available. Proper handling of sensitive customer and project data is important.
This presentation discusses shaping your online reputation and privacy as a youth. It highlights the importance of thinking before clicking or sharing information online, tightening privacy settings, avoiding disclosing your location, and understanding how to protect your privacy and that of friends. Examples of recent news stories about cyberbullying, arrests over online jokes, and identity theft are provided to show how online actions can have real-world consequences.
This document provides tips for youth to protect their privacy online and manage their digital footprint and online reputation. It discusses being aware of who can see your social media profiles and posts, tightening privacy settings, avoiding sharing private information like location, changing passwords regularly, understanding new social media features before using them, and being discreet online. headlines are also presented showing examples of issues that can arise from lack of privacy online like cyberbullying, schools monitoring social media, and legal issues from improper social media use.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
This document provides a lesson plan for a Bahasa Inggeris (English language) class for 2nd grade students focusing on myths. The lesson objectives are for students to complete a word find task, unjumble words, listen to a story called "Wishes", and say dialogues aloud with correct pronunciation. Teaching methods include using PowerPoint slides, word find task sheets, and a card game. Keywords include mermaid, seagull, fly, sea, swim, sky, rock, sit. The lesson plan outlines distributing worksheets, completing the word find task, playing a matching card game in groups, and going through dialogues from the "Wishes" story.
La industria del cine ha evolucionado desde la creaci坦n de la primera c叩mara capaz de capturar el movimiento en 1880 hasta convertirse en una industria digital globalizada. Algunos hitos clave incluyen la creaci坦n del primer estudio de cine en 1893, el desarrollo del cinemat坦grafo en 1895 y la apertura del primer cine en 1902. M叩s recientemente, la revoluci坦n digital ha democratizado la producci坦n cinematogr叩fica y ha diversificado las formas de distribuci坦n y consumo de pel鱈culas.
This article summarizes an interview with Kim Lansford, the Chief Compliance Officer of Shriners Hospitals for Children. In the interview, she discusses how her background in nursing has helped her in her compliance career. She also describes how the compliance field has evolved significantly since she entered it in 1998, with increased laws, government expectations, and scrutiny of compliance programs. Lansford believes compliance is earning greater acceptance from doctors and administrators as the focus on transparency and regulations has increased. She sees risk assessment and the connection between compliance and quality as growing areas for the future of the compliance profession.
O documento discute a import但ncia do planejamento e estrat辿gia para empreendedores. Aborda t坦picos como an叩lise SWOT, an叩lise de mercado, alternativas estrat辿gicas, acompanhamento da execu巽達o dos planos e quest探es fundamentais para an叩lise de novos neg坦cios.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre brigadas de rescate y seguridad en minas a cielo abierto. Explica conceptos como comportamiento del fuego, incendios forestales, medidas preventivas, m辿todos de extinci坦n, equipos de extinci坦n como extintores y mangueras. Tambi辿n cubre temas de cuerdas, nudos, equipos y herramientas de rescate, y maniobras de rescate para derrumbes, gases, primeros auxilios y transporte de v鱈ctimas. El objetivo es capacitar a los estudiantes trabajadores de la empresa
This document describes a study that uses discrete event simulation combined with multi-criteria decision analysis to help plan the logistics system of a new steel plant in Brazil. The study evaluates different configurations for the size of the plant's private iron ore vessel fleet and storage capacities. Ten scenarios are simulated and evaluated based on criteria like plant stoppages and investment costs. The results help determine the best fleet size and storage capacities to avoid interruptions in steel production.
Social networks allow users to create virtual profiles, connect with friends, share messages and posts, join groups, and find partners or jobs. However, one should be cautious when using social media as profiles may not accurately represent users, communication is not fully secure, and deleting previously shared data is difficult. Providing too much personal information also increases identity theft risks. Popular social networks include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Xing, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Vimeo while messaging apps like Skype and WhatsApp enable communication.
Sensitive data comes in many forms such as USB sticks, hard disks, printed documents, meeting notes, and smartphones. This data is often mishandled by being thrown away, taken home, or left unattended. To properly handle unattended devices and data, they should be returned to the owner if possible, or dropped off at the front desk. If the owner cannot be identified, the data needs to be disposed of securely.
While working on customer projects, sensitive data like plans, specifications, financial data and project results will be accessed. Saving this data only on notebooks poses risks like unauthorized access if the notebook is lost or stolen, the notebook becoming unusable if infected with malware, and data being inaccessible to colleagues if only stored locally. To mitigate these risks, project files should be saved to the company's network share as soon as possible to be included in regular backups, or saved locally if no network connection but copied to the share when a connection is available. Proper handling of sensitive customer and project data is important.
This presentation discusses shaping your online reputation and privacy as a youth. It highlights the importance of thinking before clicking or sharing information online, tightening privacy settings, avoiding disclosing your location, and understanding how to protect your privacy and that of friends. Examples of recent news stories about cyberbullying, arrests over online jokes, and identity theft are provided to show how online actions can have real-world consequences.
This document provides tips for youth to protect their privacy online and manage their digital footprint and online reputation. It discusses being aware of who can see your social media profiles and posts, tightening privacy settings, avoiding sharing private information like location, changing passwords regularly, understanding new social media features before using them, and being discreet online. headlines are also presented showing examples of issues that can arise from lack of privacy online like cyberbullying, schools monitoring social media, and legal issues from improper social media use.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.