Third Army is the Army component of US Central Command and is responsible for accomplishing missions from USCENTCOM and the US Army. Third Army's mission is to stay ready to conduct operations anywhere as directed to deter or defeat adversaries, sustain forces in theater, and enable partners. Third Army's lines of effort include sustaining the fight in current operations, shaping the future through engagements, and relocating its headquarters from Atlanta to Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina by September 2011.
2. 2v1.0 as of 110800Z Dec 10United StatesCentral CommandThird ArmyThird Army is the Army component for USCENTCOM. Our team must accomplish the missions we are given by USCENTCOM and the U.S. Army, as well as answer the requirements of the forces currently committed in theater.
3. Third Army Team MissionCamp ArifjanForward Command PostUNCLASSIFIED//FOUOThe Third Army Team will stay ready to conduct operations anytime, anywhere, as directed, IOT deter or defeat adversaries; while sustaining forces in theater IOT support combat and shaping operations, and continuing to shape the operational environment IOT enable partners. Fort McPhersonThird Army HQFocused on the MISSION
22. NSE/NCE SupportACSE-AASE-IMain Command PostPlans, Sets Strategic ConditionsAtlantaEnabling Commands, Joint, Coalition, National and Strategic Partners Integrate, synchronize, and coordinate processes and resources to achieve campaign objectives Third ArmyForwardCommand PostC2, Assess, ExecuteKuwaitMain Command Post ADVON Plans, Sets ConditionsSet the conditions for the BRAC mandated movement to Shaw AFB by 15 SEP 2011
23. Coordinate with Air Force and Local Officials to ensure a timely and effective movement to Shaw AFBShaw AFBUNCLASSIFIED5
24. DemographicsUSARCENT comprised of 1,171 Active Duty Soldiers: Comprised primarily of Senior Officers and Senior Sergeants (NCOs)52% are Commissioned Officers (616)
26. 42% are Enlisted Soldiers (487)Officers75 % of the Officers are between ranks of Major thru Colonel (O4 O6) 218 majors, 192 Lieutenant Colonels and 58 Colonels
29. 3 General Officers - CG, DCG, Chief of Staff (also have 3 BGs at OCP - G4, G6 and G8)Enlisted 49% of the Enlisted Soldiers (240) between rank of Sergeant First Class (E7) thru Sergeants Major (E9)28 Command Sergeants Major/Sergeants Major(E9)