This is aim to help those suffering from depression or anyone else who want to know how to deal with depression
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Tips on how to prevent depression
What is depression
It’sa mental healthdisordercharacterizedbylossof interestinactivitiesleadingtosignificant
It can occur at anyage and can affectanyone.
My no. 1 recommended video on how to prevent depression.
Causes of depression
It iscausedby thingsthat youcan’t control such as genes,yourlifestyle andenvironmental factorsthat
Accordingto National Instituteof Mental Health(NIMH),people are mostlikelytoexperience if they:
1. Have a physical illness
2. Are usingcertainmedicationsordrugs
3. Have experiencedtraumaorlifechangingevent.
4. Have a familyhistoryof depression.
Tips on howto prevent depression.
There isno sure way on howyoucan preventdepressionsince theyare natural occurring.Mostexpert’s
thingit can be preventotheraren’tsure buthere are some tipsonhow you can go about it:
ï‚· Avoidstress
There issome evidence betweenstressanddepression,astudyshowsthathave adverse impacton
mental healthalso.People have toavoidstressbygettingenoughsleep,takingbreaksfromwork,
ï‚· Exercise
Researchshowsthathavingexercise actsasan antidepressantandexpertsencourage doctorstoinclude
it as a treatment.Peopleshouldstartandgraduallyincrease inexercise activitiesasdaysgo.Current
guidelinesrecommendaimingfor150 minutesof moderate exercise eachweek.
ï‚· Diet
Havinga nice balance may helppreventdepressionandboostmental wellbeing.Researchsuggeststhat
the followingfoodsmayhelp
1. Freshfoodsandvegetables
2. Fish
3. Soybeansproducts
4. Whole grain
At the same time,theyshouldavoidintake of muchredmeat,sugaryfoods,sodasandtrans fats
ï‚· Sleep
A lackof sleepmayworsensymptomsof depressionandit’salsoa commonsymptom.Alwaystryto
improve yoursleepnaturallyby:
1. Go to bedand get upat the same time eachday.
2. Try to ensure the roomis quiet,darkandhave good air condition
3. Avoidalcohols,large mealsandalcohol before goingtosleep
My no. 1 recommended video on how to prevent depression.
2. ï‚· Avoidcommontriggers
Avoidfactorsthat can triggersymptomsof depressionandthismayvary betweenindividuals.Triggers
that a personmay try to avoidare:
1. Exposure tosome movies,newsandothersocial media
2. Havinglate nights
3. Usingalcohol or drugs
4. Askingsomeone tohelp youinanoccasion
5. Joiningasupportgroup isusuallyhealthyto.
There are noassurancesthat anyone can avoidtheirtriggers,butbeingmindful aboutthemcanhelp
finda wayto minimize theirimpact.
ï‚· Talk to friendsandfamilymembers.
It isevidence thatlackof talkingtofriendsandfamilymembersleadstostress.Itisalwaysadvisable to
checkon your friendsone ortwice a weektopreventdepression,communicationisalwaysthe keyto
helpothersandunderstandyourproblemssince aproblemshared itisahalf solved.
It isnot alwayspossible topreventdepression,effectivetreatmentisavailable andsome lifestyle
choicescan helpmanage symptomsandpreventarecurrence.
If symptomsare overwhelmingandapersonisthinkingaboutself- harm, deathorsuicide,theyshould
seekimmediate medical attention.letall joinhandsandaidinthe fightagainstdepression.
My no. 1 video recommended on how to prevent depression.