The document provides information about TOEFL vocabulary questions involving reading comprehension. It contains sample questions that ask the reader to choose the word that best fits the meaning of an underlined word in a sentence. The first sample asks which option best suits the meaning of "thrifty" in the context of a buyer purchasing fruits and vegetables in season. It then provides the answer that "thrifty" means careful.
The sentence has an underlined word or
phrase .There are four options under the
sentence. Choose the option that best suits the
meaning of the original word.
A thrifty buyer buys fruits and vegetables in season.
A) healthy B) disinterested
C) careful D) professional
3. A good salesman is always an excellent
He has a positive and healthy attitude .
He is good at communication skills.
He is never disinterested in his work..
4. He is endowed with a professional attitude.
He makes you feel that you have made a good
He mesmerizes you and makes you feel
that you are a careful buyer or a
thrifty person.