The document discusses life in Indian villages. In 3 sentences:
People who live in villages enjoy a rustic or simple life that is peaceful compared to cities. While village life is slower than cities, residents find it more relaxing and close to nature, and villagers are generally content living simply and happily in an uncomplicated way. The document provides definitions for words like "rustic", "happy", and "difficult" to understand the context around life in Indian villages.
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There are four options under the sentence. Choose
the option that best suits the meaning of the original
People who live in villages enjoy a rustic life.
A) slow B) simple C) happy D) difficult
3. Is life in an Indian village very difficult?
In this fast moving world life is definitely more
relaxing and comfortable in a village.
People living in villages are definitely more close to
nature in all its glory and splendor.
However life in the village is more slow and peaceful
than that of the life in the city.
4. People in the villages are contented.
You can definitely lead a simple, happy and rustic life
in the village.