The document discusses setting career goals and provides examples of common career goals. It recommends deciding what you want to accomplish, breaking larger goals into smaller achievable targets, and creating a step-by-step plan. Examples of career goals include becoming an expert in your field, earning a promotion or management position, starting a business, getting a job or degree/certificate, increasing sales or cutting costs for entrepreneurs, and obtaining employment in your preferred field. The document stresses setting realistic and attainable short-term goals to help achieve longer-term career objectives.
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Top 10 career goal examples
I. How to Set A Career Goal
Before you set a career goal, there are few
things that you should know about goals, as
they are set on various levels.
1.First, decide what you want to do,
accomplish, or be in life.
2.Secondly, split your larger goal into smaller
and more achievable goals or targets that you
have to achieve. This will make
accomplishing your goal easier to manage
and will help streamline the process into
reaching your ultimate goal.
3.Finally, you will want to formulate and
develop a proper plan for your goal. It can be
best to establish a step by step plan that will
enable you to start working towards
achieving it.
2. II. Do and Dont
1. Points to Emphasize
Now that you know the interviewer wants to
know if your goals line up with those of the
company, there are a few things you want to
make sure to include in your answer.
applying for.
that will make you better in the position youre
applying for.
that would help you do the job.
happen in the company you are interviewing
Answer the question honestly and in a way that
assures the interviewer that you are genuinely
interested in working for and staying with their
3. 2. Mistakes You Should Avoid
There are also a few things that you should
avoid saying.
school or starting a family. This may make it
seem like you wont be with this company for
the long haul.
happen in the company you are interviewing
you think you will accomplish.
Dont give a wishy washy answer.
Make sure to give a well thought out answer to
show the hiring manager how eager you are to
work for them.
4. III. Top career goal examples
1. Become Known as an Expert in Your Field
If you have a different mindset than the rest of
the people in your industry then you are
probably going to be interested in becoming an
influencer and being one of the people who set
the trends in your sector. To do that youll need
a strong presence and a powerful personal
2. Earn a Promotion: It is always a good
feeling to get promoted, and a promotion
involves careful planning, commitment, and
execution on your part as an employee. For
instance, you may need to: do additional work,
take on more projects, develop relationships
with other department members, and update
your resume. A promotion will generally be a
long term goal that you can work towards
5. 3. Earn a Management Position: After you
have been working with a company or business
for awhile, you might have an itch to advance
in your position. If your career goal is to earn a
management or an executive position, your goal
could range from lasting 6 months, to 5 to 10
years depending on the field that you are
in. This type of career goal can require a series
of short term goals to help you reach the
position you desire.
4. Start a Business: A lot of people associate
success with branching out on their own, and a
viable career goal, in that case, can be to start
your own business or open your own practice to
become your own boss. Many people,
generally between the ages of 18 and 34 have
the desire to start a business if they have not
already started one. When opening your own
business, it can be helpful to outline a series of
short term goals that can help you get to where
you need to be.
6. 5. Get a Job: For many people, especially in
this economy, an example of a career goal
might be obtaining employment and finding a
career. If you are looking to find employment,
there are plenty of short term goals that you can
develop that can be completed before you reach
your final goal of obtaining a
career. Remember to be patient in trying to
find a job, as it can be a long but rewarding
6. Earn A Degree or Certificate: Earning a
degree or a certificate is a great step into
jumpstarting you career goals and putting you
on a path towards success. Most careers require
that the person has specific knowledge,
education, or a specific degree when it comes to
furthering or advancing in their career. Once
you are able to obtain proper education, you can
look to increasing your career goal options.
7. To Increase Sales
For entrepreneurs who own a business,
increasing sales of their product or service will
7. help bring in more money. Depending on the
nature of the business, the entrepreneur may
take simple measures, such as passing out fliers,
or may have to develop a strategic marketing
plan. Either way, all entrepreneurs should
develop a timeline and a realistic amount by
which they'd like to increase sales.
8. To Cut Costs
Cutting costs is another method of increasing
profitability for entrepreneurs. To achieve this
goal, the entrepreneur may find a different
supplier or decrease portions. As with
increasing sales, the entrepreneur should
determine a realistic number and a timeline.
9. To Obtain Ideal Employment or
Employment in Your Preferred Field
Many people work in a different industry than
their field of study. Some take a temporary job
until they can find something better. According
to the Senate Republican Policy Committee, as
of January 2013, 8 million Americans worked
part time but wanted to work full time. Even if
8. you have a job, set a timeline indicating how
long you'd like to work in your current job
before finding a better career.
10. Get that great Job
For the majority of people in the present
economy, there a very common career goal is to
simply get employment. If you are seeking for
employment, there are plenty of short term goals
that you can frame for yourself and they can be
achieved before you reach your final destination
of obtaining your desired career. However, it is
important for you to be patient while looking for
the right job, as it can be a time consuming and
long but rewarding process.
Additional examples of career objectives
Start building your personal brand
Start to write,blog thought pieces
Give regular constructive feedback
Increase next quarter sales sales efforts by 20%
Build a high performance team
Introduce Slack into the workplace
9. Find a mentor
Become a mentor
Learn a new, leadership, skill
Get employee of the month
Get in habit of writing SMART goals
Become an expert in your field
Build that <> website
Get Social
Learn to delegate tasks
Master presentation skills
Have regular lunch with your team
Do something that takes you out of your
comfort zone
Recognise your team
Work in another department once a month
Surprise your clients
Spend time on personal development