This presentation is about our project touchless writer which we developed as a part of my software development projects.
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Touchless writer
2. 飩� First
of all we would like to
pay glowing tribute to the
Language Movement martyrs
who sacrificed their lives for
the mother tongue in 1952.
5. Touchless introduces a new way of interacting
with the computers by means of object
tracking through webcams for Bengali
character writing.
6. Here data is inserted for
writing purpose using webcam
without use of keyboard or on-
screen keyboard by mouse.
7. 飩� Webcam
飩� Pen with a head of red color/any colored object
飩� Windows Platform
飩� Avro Keyboard installed
飩� .Net Framework 3.5
8. 飩� Capturing video using aforge .net
飩� From the tracking environment it first detect
the red colored object and mark it with a
rectangle using EuclideanColorFiltering.
飩� Getting (x , y) coordinate of the rectangle and
putting pixel at that point on a white panel.
飩� So finally we get 33*30 pixel bitmap image
which is ready for neural network input.
18. In this method it scans the binary image
until it finds the boundary. The searching
follows according to the clockwise
19. For any foreground pixel p, the set of
all foreground pixels connected to it is
called connected component containing
20. The pixel p and its 8-neighbors
are shown in Figure 4. Once a
white pixel is detected, it checks
another new white pixel and so
21. p
FIG: pixel p with its 8 adjacent
After feature extraction our input will
approximately reduced to 67%
23. In this phase we will test the
network by giving some
patterns. We match it with
every trained pattern and find
out the pattern that gives
highest match and lowest
match also.
24. 飩� Visual studio 2008
飩� XML
飩� Avro Keyboard installed
飩� Aforge .Net
25. 飩� Due to brightness and contrast
sometimes webcam can hardly
detect the expected color.
飩� Because of the similarity of tracking
environment background color and
object color the writing panel gets
unexpected pixels.
26. 飩� As we draw character using object
movement it is not properly drawn
as like as original character,
sometimes it becomes totally
different from the original. For that
reason neural network can鈥檛
understand or recognize the original
character and it outputs wrong
character as input value or character.
27. 飩� Add facility for writing for both
Bangla and English
飩� Add facility to make the software
capable of running without the help
of keyboard and mouse.
飩� Adding printing capabilities of
written text.
28. 飩� Adding written text reading
capabilities in Bangla.
飩� Adding capabilities of tracking more
than one object and take several
decisions depending on object
29. 飩� Microsoft Press Microsoft Visual C Sharp 2008
Step by Step
飩� Beginners 2005 Worx Publication
飩� Professional 2005 Wrox Publication
飩� MSDN Library