22. 粒凌粒竜留僚凌溜 竜溜竜隆侶 劉侶
(flat top tower cranes)
旅了劉粒凌僚留旅 僚流慮 竜 竜粒凌略両旅留 凌 留留旅凌僚
侶僚 留凌僚侶 了竜旅凌粒溜留 竜旅凌劉僚
厦粒凌粒竜厦留僚ホ 流 竜 竜粒凌略両旅留 t top tower cranes
are good for multi crane worksites or for sites
where height restrictions apply such as airport
flight paths, the lack of an a frame means higher
cranes can slew over the jib without hitting the a
frame. On these cranes the jib has to be larger to
get the strenght required to not require the a