Toyota faced hurdles like labor shortages and overburdened workers in the 1950-1970s which led to stress and high capital spending. To remedy this, Toyota employed temporary workers, introduced Just-In-Time (JIT) production management and improved working conditions. Key practices adopted included Kanban, Jidoka, JIT, Shojinka and Kaizen. Kaizen requires discarding fixed ideas, not making excuses, seeking wisdom from others, and asking "why" five times to identify root causes of issues. Waste was identified in overproduction, unnecessary movement, excess inventory, defects and idle time. Kaizen was implemented by supervisors, engineers, workers through quality circles and a suggestion
10. 1974-1990’SHurdles FacedAcute Labor shortage.(reasons)Workers were overburdened.(reasons)Increased stress for the workers(reasons)Excessive capital spending
11. RemediesEmployed many temporary workersChanged production management(JIT)Changed human resource managementChanged working condition
13. Pre-requisites for KaizenDiscard conventional fixed ideasDon’t make excuses.Start by questioning current practicesCorrect it right away,if u make mistakeWisdom is brought out when faced with hardshipSeek the wisdom of ten people rather than the knowledge of oneThink of how to do it,not why it cannot be doneDon’t seek it right away even if for only 50%of targetDon’t spend money for Kaizen use your wisdomAsk ‘WHY’five times and seek root causesKaizen ideas are infinite
14. Waste identifiedOverproduction ahead of demandUnnecessary movements of materials and productsExcessive inventoriesProduction of defective productsIdle timeOver processingUnnecessary movement of people
15. Implementation of KaizenImplemented by the supervisory staff and engineersImplemented by workers through quality circles and a suggestion system
16. Other activitiesEncouraging an active role in quality controlUtilizing employee ideas and opinions in production processesEncouraging the practice of Kaizen in every work sphere
17. THE MODIFICATIONAllowed plants to set their own annual production efficiency targetsMethod of determining production efficiency was changed Best standard timeReduce of long annual working hoursMethod of calculating the production allowance was altered for blue collor workers and removed for white collor workers
18. Reconstruction of the assembly lineConstruct an assembly line where workers could work easily and execute their operationsOrganizing a ‘human-centered’TPSForm a Kaizen mind in everyone so that he/she willingly does Kaizen
19. TARGETSThe absence of any operations difficult to executeQuality and worker security assurance Efficiency in logistics Assembling a vehicle in the shortest time possible with minimum costHigh investment returns