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Gianluigi Negroni Fishery training advisor
RIZE  January 2015
This Programme is co-funded by
the European Union and Republic of Turkey
Human Resources Development Operational Programme
IPA Component IV
 10 trainers (lecturer and researchers)
Training Concept & Org UEF
Training methodology (A)
Cooperative learning* (A1)
Course Organization (B)
*Nothing to do with Cooperative Society
Training Concept & Org UEF
A) Understand some training (training of
trainers methodology)
A1) Understand and Apply the Cooperative
Learning approach
B) To be able to organize a training course
B) To be able to maximize the quality of the
course with good knowledge transfer
Training Concept & Org UEF
UEF project
Training Concept & Org UEF
Training Concept & Org UEF
How adult learn (Andragogy: adult learning, M. S,
Knowles) mainly from experiences:
positive / negative
 No time to reflect upon experiences because of immediate
work pressures
 Rationalising bad experiences
 Finding difficulty in questioning
 Not being courageous enough to try out new ways
Training Concept & Org UEF
Training Concept & Org UEF
All our learning experiences involve going through various stages (or styles):
 Concrete experience  feeling.
(The person is involved in a problem, situation, event or experience. For example, having
time to think things over, including brainstorming)
 Reflective observationwatching.
(The person observes what is happening/has happened regarding the problem, situation,
event or experience and reflects on it afterwards)
 Abstract conceptualisation  thinking.
(The person uses the observations and reflection in order to generate new ideas, theories,
notions and ways of looking at things involving the experience.)
 Active experimentation doing.
(The person forms plans for taking action in the future based on the above analysis; trying
the plans out in similar future experience, event, problem or situation.)
Training Concept & Org UEF
 No single learning style is more effective than
 Each tends to have related strengths and
 Individuals can practice their learning
techniques in order to benefit from the
strengths of each style
 There are four recognized adult learning styles
 Activists involve themselves fully and without bias in new
 Reflectors like to stand back to ponder experiences and
observe them from many different perspectives
 Theorists adapt and integrate observations into complex but
logically sound theories
 Pragmatists are keen on trying out ideas, down-to-earth
people who like making practical decisions
Training Concept & Org UEF
The implications of the adult learning cycle include:
 The practice of learning continuously from experiences
should become an integral part of our (trainees) daily lives
 The trainer has the responsibility to provide people with the
right environment and experiences
 The trainer need to help people to learn when they reach the
appropriate environment
Training Concept & Org UEF
The trainer for teaching adults needs to ensure that the andragogy
system is suited to the different learning styles:
 Adults will only learn those things that they perceive will be of
use to them, and they need time to decide just what is useful;
 Once having decided to learn something, adults are strongly
 Adults have a wide knowledge and experience, they expect to be
treated as equals and not inferiors
 Adults are generally conservative
 Adults have little time available because of several commitments.
Training Concept & Org UEF
The trainers role
 The trainer has to wear many hats (Seven Hats Theory)
 He/She does not need to master everything.
 However he/she is responsible for the knowledge transfer
 He/She needs to organize the best way of capturing the
trainees attention
Training Concept & Org UEF
 Preparation of training materialresearching course content,
sequence of presentation, training aids, preparing text, etc.
 Learning course content, practising teaching
methods of the training area
 Obtaining and setting up equipment and furniture,
distributing training materials, "timetabling," etc.
 Motivating, supportive, giving feedback, etc.
Training Concept & Org UEF
Presentation and facilitation, attitude to andragogy skills and
 Facilitate group work and group dynamics
 Present information with slides or other visual supports; use
questioning techniques
 Clarify understanding; assign work and tasks; oversee practical
 Foster a learning environment
 Be confident enough in the course content
 To be flexible and deviate from the session plan when necessary.
Monitoring and Evaluation (specific templates)
 Mon. & Evaluation of the participants by observation, by
assessing participation, by direct questioning, quiz or test
 M & E of the training course  through participant daily
feedback and final evaluation questionnaire. (to be evaluated !)
 There is no mercy for the trainer with or without the evaluation
Reporting and sharing learning to the participants
 Through constructive feedback, for guidance of participant actions
and to motivate progress
 To organisers/management and fellow trainers
 To share lessons of what worked, what did not, to suggest
improvements to him or herself
 To consolidate trainer skills, and to suggest course adjustments or
There are many different trainers level of knoweldge transfer, the
trainer could:
 Encourages participants
 They must believe and know that the trainers care about the
 It is not enough for the trainer to care
 No higher marks than other trainers or allowing poor standards
of work or behaviour
 A trainer behave will show whether you care or not.
The trainer has to think of ways of making your training
sessions more meaningful for participants
 Be imaginative and think of activities which will help the
knowledge transfer
 Give feedback to your participants
 Show that you care about their success
Training Concept & Org UEF
Training element How you do it  according with the trainees espectation and level
Activelearning Foster participation and group discussions; ask questions; set problems; organise project work
with physical outputs; and practice skills taught
Givingfeedback Explain how well each participants doing and how his/her work could be improved
Clarity Make your training clear; participants need to see and hear  speak loudly, write tidily, use
visual aids and use simple language
Making your
teaching meaningful
Relate what you are talking about to participants' lives and work; use examples; explain how
training will contribute to participants improving their work and summarise key points
Ensuring mastery Check that all participants know the necessary tasks and can perform the necessary skills before
and after each session
Individualdifferences Let participants learn at their own speed; leave enough free time and use a variety of training
Caring Show that you care whether participants learn; set high standards and get to know each
participant; prepare thoroughly for sessions; listen to participants' comments and show respect
Trainer Self Development
 Trainers need to constantly develop and learn from actual
training experiences
 To identify their own strengths and weaknesses
 To continuously work to improve their training performance
 To sustain the trainers own motivation and commitment
Training tips
 Ensure training approach is highly interactive.
 Use PowerPoints as triggers for discussion
 Break into groups/pairs, in different combinations (See later)
 To maximize contact/exchange and sharing of experiences
between all participants.
Training Concept & Org UEF
Training tips
 Discussion time, repete if interesting
 Encourage brainstorming and eliciting ideas and experiences
 Repeat key messages many times, connect with music, video,
picture and slide
Example visual
Example visual
Training tips
 Draw out links between sessions and topics as much as possible
 When introducing a new term, agree to a definition (make use of
 Be minded with the local situation and take information about the
local sector behaviour
 Trainers have to act in a culturally sensitive manner
 Add and enrich the subject with your relevant experience
Training Concept & Org UEF
Role play
 Is a training technique in which participants assume another identity
 To cope with real or hypothetical problems in human relations and
other areas
 For example, one participant take the role of a fisher, the other that
of government fisheries officer (like a theatre piece).
 It is very effective but can cause problems and need to be well
prepared by the training team (Six Hats Theory, De Bono)
UEF project
Training Concept & Org UEF
 This short presentation will try to present to the future
trainers the Training Concept methodology
 This Concept will help in capture the attention of the trainees,
to have an efficient way to work and transfer knowledge
 It is well know that the trainees brain difficultly has more than
15 minutes continuous attention to the front lesson (what is a
front lesson?)
Training Concept & Org UEF
 Clearly perceived positive interdependence
 Considerable promotive (face-to-face) interaction
 Clearly perceived individual accountability and personal
responsibility to achieve the groups goals
 1 There are trainers to
be trained
 2 They will be divided
in group of X person
 3 They will transfer the
modules to the Coop
and association
 4 They could organize
the training to their
 5 They will transfer the
knowledge to their
associates in each port
University staff
 1 Common sessions on the
presentation of EU 4
 2 Question and answer
 3 Cooperative learning
methodology application
(group division)
 4 Cooperative learning,
practical exercise (and visit)
 5 Merging group (optional)
 6 Verbalization of the work
done, final merging of ideas
 7 Conclusion
Final beneficiaries
 1 Common sessions on the
presentation of 4 modules
 2 Question and answer
 3 Training Concept methodology
application (sub group division)
 4 Cooperative learning (Practical
exercise and visit?), merging
 5 Verbalization of the work done,
final merging of ideas
 6 Conclusion
 Frequent use of the relevant interpersonal and small-group
 Frequent and regular group processing of current functioning
 To improve the groups future effectiveness (with help of the
Training Concept & Org UEF
 Official registration
 Personal presentation, initial exercise
 Presentation of the training objectives
 Presentation of the course methodology (introductory steps) 
 Presentation of the main training material in PPT (some sessions)
 Question and answer on the above
 Division in 3 (?) groups (1st step), Focal point nomination
 Training Staff Continuous inputs on the working groups
 Intra group interaction and discussion
 Merging of the group (in less group) in case of many trainees,
means that some groups will merge, (2nd step) discussion between the
 Inter-group general presentation and discussion for X times (3 rd step)
 Merging of all the work to produce the final work (4th step)
 Group evaluation
 Course evaluation (Final step)
Training Concept & Org UEF
 Cooperative Learning is a relationship in a group of trainees
that requires positive interdependence
(a sense of sink or swim together)
 Individual accountability
(each of us has to contribute and learn),
 Interpersonal skills (communication, trust, leadership, decision making,
and conflict resolution), face
 To face promotive interaction, and processing
(reflecting on how well the team is functioning and how to function even
Training Concept & Org UEF
 This situation could be compared to the one we will have in
our course
 Where several groups of people are divided to enhance the
learning process on our training subjects
 swim or sink together idea is very realistic with the fish
subject !!!
 At the end all the groups component must have a good
learning score
Training Concept & Org UEF
 Each group member's efforts are required and
indispensable for group success
(i.e., there can be no "free-riders").
 Each group member has a unique contribution to make to
the joint effort
 Trainees Evaluation is done also on the group basis
Training Concept & Org UEF
 Please, work in a group for Cooperative Learning Process,
divide in group, decide who is the focal point the voice.
 Please elaborate a practical check list for the course (different
modules each group) we are planning. (the group can decide
the subject on the four available  )
 Please ask the project team any question that is not clear for
Comments are welcomed
How to prepare and manage a successful
training course.
 Planning should start at least some time (months) in advance
(depends but well in advance)
 An action written checklist is useful
(example; all that you think is important in a course, as the
following slides)
 Many example
Training Concept & Org UEF
 Define objectives
 Determinate sources for funds and identify sponsors
 Decide on place and date
Training Concept & Org UEF
 Have both an organizer and assistant organizers
 Have representatives both from the institution carrying out
the course, and from external organization
 Send invitation well in advance
 Include in the invitation letter:
.Details of course organization
.Description of the material to be covered
(Provide the material)
 Send course materials when the invitation is accepted
Training Concept & Org UEF
 Participants must have
A basic knowledge of the subject
Proficiency in the language of instruction
 Participants may be from
NGO / Producer association
Catering establishment
 Selection of participants according with the objective of the course, to be
well detailed with a training need assessment
 In our case we have different option according with the actors:
- fishermen,
- captain,
- boat owner,
- coop Director, Association member, PO member,
- other fishery chain actors 
 Every category need a different approach in term of modules content,
way of presentation and course timetable
Training facilities
 Teaching materials
 Training room(s)
 Site visits
 Any other needed resources
Training Concept & Org UEF
Training facilities
 Availability of training rooms? Are they clean and tidy?
 Is a blackout / electricity cut possible?
 Are there enough white/blackboard/flipcharts? 
 Are there enough tables and chairs? Can the furniture be re-arranged?
 Has projection equipment been ordered and checked? Is there a reliable
internet connection?
 Are there any spare bulbs, extension leads, markers, chalk? Are there
some refreshment/rest area?
 Is there sufficient space for breaking out into smaller groups?
 Are there administrative support staff; have you clarified their role
before the start of the course(responding to logistical queries,
administrative support for trainers (e.g. typing up course outputs on a
daily basis; ensuring all materials and stationery available, etc.)?
Teaching materials
 Is there enough paper, pens, tools, etc. for each participant? Enough
copies of printed hand outs, text books, etc.?
 Hardware (main laptop for projection and a spare for trainers)?
 Have Power Point slide sets, training activities/cards/games been
prepared?  Is there a complete (and spare)set of session plans?
 Are there display materials?
 Is all necessary stationery assembled and distributed?
Training Concept & Org UEF
Other major considerations include:
 The training venue will be suitable for up to 25-20 (40?) people, real day light preferable
 Arrange 5-6 round or square tables in caf辿/cabaret style, with 5-6 chairs placed around
each one. Do not arrange room in U-shape
 1 main laptop (dedicated to projecting PowerPoints) connected to a projector arranged
on a small table to project to a screen at the front of the room;
 2-3other spare tables (rectangle shape) at back of the room for paperwork/resources/
spare trainers
 3 separate flip chart stands (and a good supply of flip chart paper) and working(!)pens
 White boards
 Plenty of extension leads;
 Spare laptop to use for administrative tasks;
 A few pens/ pencils and paper for participants;
 Internet and access to a printer in the room
 Space to store participants outputs.
 Stationery requirements include:
 Is there a timetable with clear session allocation (i.e. which trainer delivers
which session)? Are all trainers prepared for their sessions? Do they need
transport and/or accommodation?
 Have guest speakers or resource persons been arranged? Do they need
transport and/or accommodation?
 Do they understand any set of training procedures, established methods and
monitoring requirements?
Training field work
 Is there enough transport?
 Have the details of the itinerary been prepared (especially
timing)? Have the people you intend to visit been notified?
 Have these people been met before to ensure they are suitable? Will
refreshments be made available?
 Will all equipment and materials be provided or do they need to be
taken with you?
 Grids are ready? Are they connected with the presentations?
 Port, landing site, factory, fish market
 Small restaurant
 Street vendor
Residential training
  Food and refreshments?  Entertainment?
  Study areas and resources? Security?
  Financial allowances?
The material in the package could be supplemented with material relevant to
the local situation
Special mention about security for:
 Invited authorities and speakers
 Materials and belongings of all human resources
Possible problems
Select good quality papers on the subject, choose papers that are:
 Good quality
 Relevant to the current situation
 Dealing with the local fisheries
 Emphasizing ecosystem approach
 Energizers are quick (5 to 10 minute) fun activities that help to re-
energize participants
 Enable them to physically move about, laugh and think of
something totally unrelated to the training course
 Use energizers when you feel concentration is dwindling;
participants dropping off
 After you come back in from lunch break, etc.
 All trainers should be comfortable and energized.
Room layout
 The training room needs one wall or screen to project the
PowerPoint slides and other media will be projected.
 All the other walls must have as much space as possible for
displaying large posters, visuals, photos, and all group outputs
(using sticky tack/ pins).
 Additional moveable pin boards/ white boards are useful.
Training Concept & Org UEF
Last moment check
 Does everything work?
 Are the PPT in order?
 Are all presentation tools available?
 Are there enough writing materials for all the participants?
 Is the video and computer compatible with the equipment?
 Introductory exercise
 Guest speakers
 Assessment and monitoring (See later and forms) to see if the above
it is well prepared
To allow organizers, lecturers and participants to
get to know each other
 Consumer organization (NGO),
 Association, Coop, PO
 Some good one from internet, University, specialized
 4 Different modules (4 different set of material)
 To prepare in advance and time organization
 To assess the need of certificate for the trianees
 Prepare a certificate in line with above
 Provide the 束value損 certificate to the participants
Training Concept & Org UEF
 For individual evaluation: multiple choice questions, quiz,
short answer questions or a combination of the above
 For group evaluation: exercise and to stimulate the inter and
intra group discussion and work on it
 Anyway grading depends on you
 Assessment template in the next page
Training Concept & Org UEF
Pre-training course assessment
*Quiz- to be elaborated
Endof course evaluation (Trainees/Trainers)
Daily monitoringform
Training Concept & Org UEF
 Course evaluation from the trainees
 Final report
 Monitoring the knowledge transfer (on work done)
 Appreciation letters to the speakers/guest
 Course summary for internal record: completing the training
concept template (to be distributed)
Thank You
G. Negroni gigineg@gmail.com

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Training Concept & Org UEF

  • 1. TRAINING CONCEPT TRAINING OF TRAINERS Gianluigi Negroni Fishery training advisor RIZE January 2015 This Programme is co-funded by the European Union and Republic of Turkey Human Resources Development Operational Programme IPA Component IV
  • 2. 10 trainers (lecturer and researchers)
  • 4. Training methodology (A) Cooperative learning* (A1) Course Organization (B) *Nothing to do with Cooperative Society
  • 6. A) Understand some training (training of trainers methodology) A1) Understand and Apply the Cooperative Learning approach B) To be able to organize a training course B) To be able to maximize the quality of the course with good knowledge transfer
  • 11. How adult learn (Andragogy: adult learning, M. S, Knowles) mainly from experiences: positive / negative No time to reflect upon experiences because of immediate work pressures Rationalising bad experiences Finding difficulty in questioning Not being courageous enough to try out new ways
  • 14. All our learning experiences involve going through various stages (or styles): Concrete experience feeling. (The person is involved in a problem, situation, event or experience. For example, having time to think things over, including brainstorming) Reflective observationwatching. (The person observes what is happening/has happened regarding the problem, situation, event or experience and reflects on it afterwards) Abstract conceptualisation thinking. (The person uses the observations and reflection in order to generate new ideas, theories, notions and ways of looking at things involving the experience.) Active experimentation doing. (The person forms plans for taking action in the future based on the above analysis; trying the plans out in similar future experience, event, problem or situation.)
  • 16. No single learning style is more effective than another Each tends to have related strengths and weaknesses Individuals can practice their learning techniques in order to benefit from the strengths of each style
  • 17. There are four recognized adult learning styles
  • 18. Activists involve themselves fully and without bias in new experiences. Reflectors like to stand back to ponder experiences and observe them from many different perspectives Theorists adapt and integrate observations into complex but logically sound theories Pragmatists are keen on trying out ideas, down-to-earth people who like making practical decisions
  • 20. The implications of the adult learning cycle include: The practice of learning continuously from experiences should become an integral part of our (trainees) daily lives The trainer has the responsibility to provide people with the right environment and experiences The trainer need to help people to learn when they reach the appropriate environment
  • 22. The trainer for teaching adults needs to ensure that the andragogy system is suited to the different learning styles: Adults will only learn those things that they perceive will be of use to them, and they need time to decide just what is useful; Once having decided to learn something, adults are strongly motivated Adults have a wide knowledge and experience, they expect to be treated as equals and not inferiors Adults are generally conservative Adults have little time available because of several commitments.
  • 24. The trainers role The trainer has to wear many hats (Seven Hats Theory) He/She does not need to master everything. However he/she is responsible for the knowledge transfer He/She needs to organize the best way of capturing the trainees attention
  • 26. Preparation of training materialresearching course content, sequence of presentation, training aids, preparing text, etc. Learning course content, practising teaching methods of the training area Obtaining and setting up equipment and furniture, distributing training materials, "timetabling," etc. Motivating, supportive, giving feedback, etc.
  • 28. Presentation and facilitation, attitude to andragogy skills and techniques: Facilitate group work and group dynamics Present information with slides or other visual supports; use questioning techniques Clarify understanding; assign work and tasks; oversee practical assignments Foster a learning environment Be confident enough in the course content To be flexible and deviate from the session plan when necessary.
  • 29. Monitoring and Evaluation (specific templates) Mon. & Evaluation of the participants by observation, by assessing participation, by direct questioning, quiz or test M & E of the training course through participant daily feedback and final evaluation questionnaire. (to be evaluated !) There is no mercy for the trainer with or without the evaluation board
  • 30. Reporting and sharing learning to the participants Through constructive feedback, for guidance of participant actions and to motivate progress To organisers/management and fellow trainers To share lessons of what worked, what did not, to suggest improvements to him or herself To consolidate trainer skills, and to suggest course adjustments or improvements.
  • 31. There are many different trainers level of knoweldge transfer, the trainer could: Encourages participants They must believe and know that the trainers care about the participants It is not enough for the trainer to care No higher marks than other trainers or allowing poor standards of work or behaviour A trainer behave will show whether you care or not.
  • 32. The trainer has to think of ways of making your training sessions more meaningful for participants Be imaginative and think of activities which will help the knowledge transfer Give feedback to your participants Show that you care about their success
  • 34. Training element How you do it according with the trainees espectation and level Activelearning Foster participation and group discussions; ask questions; set problems; organise project work with physical outputs; and practice skills taught Givingfeedback Explain how well each participants doing and how his/her work could be improved Clarity Make your training clear; participants need to see and hear speak loudly, write tidily, use visual aids and use simple language Making your teaching meaningful Relate what you are talking about to participants' lives and work; use examples; explain how training will contribute to participants improving their work and summarise key points Ensuring mastery Check that all participants know the necessary tasks and can perform the necessary skills before and after each session Individualdifferences Let participants learn at their own speed; leave enough free time and use a variety of training methods Caring Show that you care whether participants learn; set high standards and get to know each participant; prepare thoroughly for sessions; listen to participants' comments and show respect
  • 35. Trainer Self Development Trainers need to constantly develop and learn from actual training experiences To identify their own strengths and weaknesses To continuously work to improve their training performance To sustain the trainers own motivation and commitment
  • 36. Training tips Ensure training approach is highly interactive. Use PowerPoints as triggers for discussion Break into groups/pairs, in different combinations (See later) To maximize contact/exchange and sharing of experiences between all participants.
  • 38. Training tips Discussion time, repete if interesting Encourage brainstorming and eliciting ideas and experiences Repeat key messages many times, connect with music, video, picture and slide
  • 41. Training tips Draw out links between sessions and topics as much as possible When introducing a new term, agree to a definition (make use of glossary) Be minded with the local situation and take information about the local sector behaviour Trainers have to act in a culturally sensitive manner Add and enrich the subject with your relevant experience
  • 43. Role play Is a training technique in which participants assume another identity To cope with real or hypothetical problems in human relations and other areas For example, one participant take the role of a fisher, the other that of government fisheries officer (like a theatre piece). It is very effective but can cause problems and need to be well prepared by the training team (Six Hats Theory, De Bono)
  • 46. This short presentation will try to present to the future trainers the Training Concept methodology This Concept will help in capture the attention of the trainees, to have an efficient way to work and transfer knowledge It is well know that the trainees brain difficultly has more than 15 minutes continuous attention to the front lesson (what is a front lesson?)
  • 48. Clearly perceived positive interdependence Considerable promotive (face-to-face) interaction Clearly perceived individual accountability and personal responsibility to achieve the groups goals
  • 49. 1 There are trainers to be trained 2 They will be divided in group of X person 3 They will transfer the modules to the Coop and association representatives 4 They could organize the training to their members: associations/Cooperati ves 5 They will transfer the knowledge to their associates in each port
  • 50. University staff 1 Common sessions on the presentation of EU 4 modules 2 Question and answer 3 Cooperative learning methodology application (group division) 4 Cooperative learning, practical exercise (and visit) 5 Merging group (optional) 6 Verbalization of the work done, final merging of ideas 7 Conclusion Final beneficiaries 1 Common sessions on the presentation of 4 modules 2 Question and answer 3 Training Concept methodology application (sub group division) 4 Cooperative learning (Practical exercise and visit?), merging groups? 5 Verbalization of the work done, final merging of ideas 6 Conclusion
  • 51. Frequent use of the relevant interpersonal and small-group skills Frequent and regular group processing of current functioning To improve the groups future effectiveness (with help of the tutor)
  • 53. Official registration Personal presentation, initial exercise Presentation of the training objectives Presentation of the course methodology (introductory steps) Presentation of the main training material in PPT (some sessions) Question and answer on the above Division in 3 (?) groups (1st step), Focal point nomination Training Staff Continuous inputs on the working groups Intra group interaction and discussion Merging of the group (in less group) in case of many trainees, means that some groups will merge, (2nd step) discussion between the groups Inter-group general presentation and discussion for X times (3 rd step) Merging of all the work to produce the final work (4th step) Group evaluation Course evaluation (Final step)
  • 55. Cooperative Learning is a relationship in a group of trainees that requires positive interdependence (a sense of sink or swim together) Individual accountability (each of us has to contribute and learn), Interpersonal skills (communication, trust, leadership, decision making, and conflict resolution), face To face promotive interaction, and processing (reflecting on how well the team is functioning and how to function even better).
  • 57. This situation could be compared to the one we will have in our course Where several groups of people are divided to enhance the learning process on our training subjects swim or sink together idea is very realistic with the fish subject !!! At the end all the groups component must have a good learning score
  • 59. Each group member's efforts are required and indispensable for group success (i.e., there can be no "free-riders"). Each group member has a unique contribution to make to the joint effort Trainees Evaluation is done also on the group basis
  • 61. Please, work in a group for Cooperative Learning Process, divide in group, decide who is the focal point the voice. Please elaborate a practical check list for the course (different modules each group) we are planning. (the group can decide the subject on the four available ) Please ask the project team any question that is not clear for you.
  • 63. How to prepare and manage a successful training course.
  • 64. Planning should start at least some time (months) in advance (depends but well in advance) An action written checklist is useful (example; all that you think is important in a course, as the following slides) Many example
  • 66. Define objectives Determinate sources for funds and identify sponsors Decide on place and date
  • 67. Organizers Speakers Participants
  • 69. Have both an organizer and assistant organizers Have representatives both from the institution carrying out the course, and from external organization
  • 70. Send invitation well in advance Include in the invitation letter: .Details of course organization .Description of the material to be covered (Provide the material) Send course materials when the invitation is accepted
  • 72. Participants must have A basic knowledge of the subject Proficiency in the language of instruction Participants may be from Government Industry NGO / Producer association Catering establishment Academia
  • 73. Selection of participants according with the objective of the course, to be well detailed with a training need assessment In our case we have different option according with the actors: - fishermen, - captain, - boat owner, - coop Director, Association member, PO member, - other fishery chain actors Every category need a different approach in term of modules content, way of presentation and course timetable
  • 74. Training facilities Teaching materials Training room(s) Equipment Schedule Site visits Exercises Any other needed resources
  • 76. Training facilities Availability of training rooms? Are they clean and tidy? Is a blackout / electricity cut possible? Are there enough white/blackboard/flipcharts? Are there enough tables and chairs? Can the furniture be re-arranged? Has projection equipment been ordered and checked? Is there a reliable internet connection? Are there any spare bulbs, extension leads, markers, chalk? Are there some refreshment/rest area? Is there sufficient space for breaking out into smaller groups? Are there administrative support staff; have you clarified their role before the start of the course(responding to logistical queries, administrative support for trainers (e.g. typing up course outputs on a daily basis; ensuring all materials and stationery available, etc.)?
  • 77. Teaching materials Is there enough paper, pens, tools, etc. for each participant? Enough copies of printed hand outs, text books, etc.? Hardware (main laptop for projection and a spare for trainers)? Have Power Point slide sets, training activities/cards/games been prepared? Is there a complete (and spare)set of session plans? Are there display materials? Is all necessary stationery assembled and distributed?
  • 79. Other major considerations include: The training venue will be suitable for up to 25-20 (40?) people, real day light preferable Arrange 5-6 round or square tables in caf辿/cabaret style, with 5-6 chairs placed around each one. Do not arrange room in U-shape 1 main laptop (dedicated to projecting PowerPoints) connected to a projector arranged on a small table to project to a screen at the front of the room; 2-3other spare tables (rectangle shape) at back of the room for paperwork/resources/ spare trainers 3 separate flip chart stands (and a good supply of flip chart paper) and working(!)pens White boards Plenty of extension leads; Spare laptop to use for administrative tasks; A few pens/ pencils and paper for participants; Internet and access to a printer in the room Space to store participants outputs. Stationery requirements include:
  • 80. Trainers Is there a timetable with clear session allocation (i.e. which trainer delivers which session)? Are all trainers prepared for their sessions? Do they need transport and/or accommodation? Have guest speakers or resource persons been arranged? Do they need transport and/or accommodation? Do they understand any set of training procedures, established methods and monitoring requirements?
  • 81. Training field work Is there enough transport? Have the details of the itinerary been prepared (especially timing)? Have the people you intend to visit been notified? Have these people been met before to ensure they are suitable? Will refreshments be made available? Will all equipment and materials be provided or do they need to be taken with you? Grids are ready? Are they connected with the presentations?
  • 82. Port, landing site, factory, fish market Laboratory Small restaurant Street vendor
  • 83. Residential training Accommodation? Food and refreshments? Entertainment? Study areas and resources? Security? Financial allowances? The material in the package could be supplemented with material relevant to the local situation
  • 84. Special mention about security for: Trainers Trainees Invited authorities and speakers Materials and belongings of all human resources Possible problems
  • 85. Select good quality papers on the subject, choose papers that are: Short Good quality Relevant to the current situation Dealing with the local fisheries Emphasizing ecosystem approach
  • 86. Energizers Energizers are quick (5 to 10 minute) fun activities that help to re- energize participants Enable them to physically move about, laugh and think of something totally unrelated to the training course Use energizers when you feel concentration is dwindling; participants dropping off After you come back in from lunch break, etc. All trainers should be comfortable and energized.
  • 87. Room layout The training room needs one wall or screen to project the PowerPoint slides and other media will be projected. All the other walls must have as much space as possible for displaying large posters, visuals, photos, and all group outputs (using sticky tack/ pins). Additional moveable pin boards/ white boards are useful.
  • 89. Last moment check Does everything work? Are the PPT in order? Are all presentation tools available? Are there enough writing materials for all the participants? Is the video and computer compatible with the equipment? Checklist?
  • 90. Presentation Introductory exercise Guest speakers Visits Video Improvision Assessment and monitoring (See later and forms) to see if the above it is well prepared
  • 91. Purpose To allow organizers, lecturers and participants to get to know each other
  • 92. Government Industry Consumer organization (NGO), Association, Coop, PO Academia
  • 93. Some good one from internet, University, specialized institutes 4 Different modules (4 different set of material) To prepare in advance and time organization
  • 94. To assess the need of certificate for the trianees Prepare a certificate in line with above Provide the 束value損 certificate to the participants
  • 96. For individual evaluation: multiple choice questions, quiz, short answer questions or a combination of the above For group evaluation: exercise and to stimulate the inter and intra group discussion and work on it Anyway grading depends on you Assessment template in the next page
  • 98. Pre-training course assessment *Quiz- to be elaborated Endof course evaluation (Trainees/Trainers) Daily monitoringform
  • 100. Course evaluation from the trainees Final report Monitoring the knowledge transfer (on work done) Appreciation letters to the speakers/guest Course summary for internal record: completing the training concept template (to be distributed)
  • 101. Thank You G. Negroni gigineg@gmail.com