2. You and I have a rendezvous with
destiny.. If we fail, at least let our
children and our children's children say of
us we justified our brief moment here. We
did all that could be done."
-- Ronald Reagan
11. U.S. Transition Forming the Next Government
Inauguration Day
"I do solemnly swear (or
affirm) that I will faithfully
execute the office of
President of the United
States, and will to the best
of my ability, preserve,
protect and defend the
Constitution of the United
- The Presidential Oath of Office
12. Transforming America
Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution.
That must be maintained, for it is the only
safeguard of our liberties.
Abraham Lincoln
Basic Civics 3 Branches =
Checks & Balances = Limit
the powers of government
and protect individual
13. Checks & Balances???
It is clearly the
mindset of this
and its
appointees that
Congress is
merely a
nuisance and can
be ignored.
14. From the local stage to the
national stage, our voices are
being heard from Tampa, Florida
18. Do it for
If we fail, at least let our
children and our children's
children say of us we justified
our brief moment here. We
did all that could be done.