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TripCase Unit Testing with
         Presented by Steve Pond

Tuesday, December 11, 12

              What to Unit Test?
              Test Driven Development
              Walkthrough of Jasmine Unit Testing and Tools
              Walkthrough of JSCover - coverage testing

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Unit Testing
              Repeatable: You can rerun the same test as many times as you
              Consistent: Every time you run it, you get the same result. (for
              example: Using threads can produce an inconsistent result)
              In Memory: It has no hard dependencies on anything not in
              memory (such as 鍖le system, databases, network)
              Fast: It should take less than half a second to run a unit test.
              Checking one single concern or use case in the system: (More
              than one can make it harder to understand what or where the
              problem is when the problem arises.)

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Integration Testing
              Use system dependent values that change dynamically (such
              as DateTime.Now, or Environment.MachineName)
              Create objects of which it has little control (such as threads,
              random number generators)
              Reach out to external systems or local machine dependencies
              (from calling web services to using local con鍖guration 鍖les)
              Test multiple things in the course of one test case (from
              database integrity, to con鍖gurations, to protocols, to system
              logic, in one go).

Tuesday, December 11, 12
What to Unit Test?

Tuesday, December 11, 12
TripCase UT Barriers

              Framework implements multiple libraries
              Inner-team dialogues are generally integration related
              Deadline Driven. Zero time.
              GreenField - BrownField

Tuesday, December 11, 12
         Determining what is unit-testable

Tuesday, December 11, 12
         Does its own thing... (extension to our apps core
Tuesday, December 11, 12
         Our apps consciousness, makes decisions, etc...

Tuesday, December 11, 12
TripCase Analysis	

Tuesday, December 11, 12

              Sets up Require con鍖g
              Initializes app modules

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Core - 檎艶鍖e恰庄厩艶

              Mainly just initialization
              Launching the App

Tuesday, December 11, 12

              History Stack
              Navigation API
              Map hash change to mediator events & vice versa

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Router - 檎艶鍖e恰庄厩艶

              Mainly just mapping hash changes to mediator events
              API, and history stack, handed to us

Tuesday, December 11, 12

              Views present model data and respond to client
              Ideally, views just render and invoke actions on the

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Views - 檎艶鍖e恰庄厩艶

              Views merely couple the model and the client
              Up for debate: some success/fail scenarios sometimes
              handled in view? Sounds Algorithmic.
              Use discretion on Unit Testing

Tuesday, December 11, 12

              Module/Feature level, initializes the work鍖ow or view
              Work鍖ow handles app state change, swaps views
              Controller listens to mediator events for various action
              Listens to view/work鍖ow level events

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Controller - 檎艶鍖e恰庄厩艶	

              Work鍖ows should be kept lean (refer to SOLID
              principle) and stick to single responsibility rule
              Controllers mainly just mapping the mediator to
              work鍖ow or view initializations
              In practice, I have seen a lot of app logic handled in
              work鍖ows. Unit Test with discretion.

Tuesday, December 11, 12

              Sync, fetch, and Save
              Special parsing
              Special validation
              Special helpers
              Special URL and payload

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Models - Algorithmic	

              Models/ Collections - clear choice for unit test
              We provide a lot of logic for parsing and helpers here

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Next Step: Draft our spec

              Analyze a story
              Pseudo Code

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Analyze Story: Share
              Contacts Collection

                    Share contacts helper should return all contacts that are shared

                    Contacts model

                           Should properly construct a URL for syncing

                           Should properly construct a payload for fetching

                           Should properly construct a payload for saving

                           Should properly validate user Input

                           Should properly set attributes for a given response

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Test-Driven Development

Tuesday, December 11, 12
TDD encourages
      simple designs and inspires

         Ken Beck
         who is credited with
         having developed or
         'rediscovered' the
         technique, stated in

Tuesday, December 11, 12
A Simple TDD Work鍖ow
	 1.	Write test stubs based on business requirements
for a new feature
	 2.	Write minimal code in Spec to PASS the unit test
	 3.	Tweak code to pass the FUNCTIONAL test
	 4.	Go back and tweak the unit test with new code
and Together until SUCCESS

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Group Activity: Analyze a
                           Given the story of a
                           Search Hotel Module,
                           identify the unit-
                           testable assertions
                           Apply it to a minimal
                           Jasmine Spec

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Jasmine Basics

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Jasmine Basics - Blocks

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Jasmine Basics - Setup/Teardown

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Jasmine Basics - Spies

Tuesday, December 11, 12
Jasmine Basics - Sinon
         (not really unit-testing, but useful for integration
Tuesday, December 11, 12

Tuesday, December 11, 12

More Related Content

TripCase Unit Testing with Jasmine

  • 1. TripCase Unit Testing with Jasmine Presented by Steve Pond @stephenpond Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 2. Overview What to Unit Test? Test Driven Development Walkthrough of Jasmine Unit Testing and Tools Walkthrough of JSCover - coverage testing Q&A Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 3. Unit Testing Repeatable: You can rerun the same test as many times as you want. Consistent: Every time you run it, you get the same result. (for example: Using threads can produce an inconsistent result) In Memory: It has no hard dependencies on anything not in memory (such as 鍖le system, databases, network) Fast: It should take less than half a second to run a unit test. Checking one single concern or use case in the system: (More than one can make it harder to understand what or where the problem is when the problem arises.) Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 4. Integration Testing Use system dependent values that change dynamically (such as DateTime.Now, or Environment.MachineName) Create objects of which it has little control (such as threads, random number generators) Reach out to external systems or local machine dependencies (from calling web services to using local con鍖guration 鍖les) Test multiple things in the course of one test case (from database integrity, to con鍖gurations, to protocols, to system logic, in one go). Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 5. What to Unit Test? Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 6. TripCase UT Barriers Framework implements multiple libraries Inner-team dialogues are generally integration related Deadline Driven. Zero time. GreenField - BrownField Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 7. Procedure Determining what is unit-testable Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 8. 檎艶鍖e恰庄厩艶 Does its own thing... (extension to our apps core logic) Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 9. Algorithmic Our apps consciousness, makes decisions, etc... Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 10. TripCase Analysis Core Router Views Controller Work鍖ows Model/Collection Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 11. Core Heartbeat Sets up Require con鍖g app.js Initializes app modules Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 12. Core - 檎艶鍖e恰庄厩艶 Mainly just initialization Launching the App Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 13. Router History Stack Navigation API Map hash change to mediator events & vice versa Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 14. Router - 檎艶鍖e恰庄厩艶 Mainly just mapping hash changes to mediator events API, and history stack, handed to us Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 15. Views Views present model data and respond to client interactions Ideally, views just render and invoke actions on the model Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 16. Views - 檎艶鍖e恰庄厩艶 Views merely couple the model and the client interaction Up for debate: some success/fail scenarios sometimes handled in view? Sounds Algorithmic. Use discretion on Unit Testing Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 17. Controllers Module/Feature level, initializes the work鍖ow or view Work鍖ow handles app state change, swaps views Controller listens to mediator events for various action Listens to view/work鍖ow level events Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 18. Controller - 檎艶鍖e恰庄厩艶 Work鍖ows should be kept lean (refer to SOLID principle) and stick to single responsibility rule Controllers mainly just mapping the mediator to work鍖ow or view initializations In practice, I have seen a lot of app logic handled in work鍖ows. Unit Test with discretion. Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 19. Models Sync, fetch, and Save Special parsing Special validation Special helpers Special URL and payload Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 20. Models - Algorithmic Models/ Collections - clear choice for unit test candidates We provide a lot of logic for parsing and helpers here Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 21. Next Step: Draft our spec Analyze a story Pseudo Code Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 22. Analyze Story: Share Itinerary Contacts Collection Share contacts helper should return all contacts that are shared Contacts model Should properly construct a URL for syncing Should properly construct a payload for fetching Should properly construct a payload for saving Should properly validate user Input Should properly set attributes for a given response Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 24. TDD encourages simple designs and inspires con鍖dence. Ken Beck who is credited with having developed or 'rediscovered' the technique, stated in Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 25. A Simple TDD Work鍖ow 1. Write test stubs based on business requirements for a new feature 2. Write minimal code in Spec to PASS the unit test 3. Tweak code to pass the FUNCTIONAL test 4. Go back and tweak the unit test with new code and Together until SUCCESS Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 26. Group Activity: Analyze a Story Given the story of a Search Hotel Module, identify the unit- testable assertions Apply it to a minimal Jasmine Spec Template Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 28. Jasmine Basics - Blocks Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 29. Jasmine Basics - Setup/Teardown Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 30. Jasmine Basics - Spies Tuesday, December 11, 12
  • 31. Jasmine Basics - Sinon (not really unit-testing, but useful for integration testing) Tuesday, December 11, 12