Raster & vector graphic arts: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Illustrator CS5, Adobe InDesign CS5, Adobe Flash CS5, Corel-
DrawX5, Fusion 6, Autodesk Maya & Flash integration, Particle Illusion 3.
Webdesign: PHP 5.0 (PHPDesigner, Eclipse, Notepad++) CSS (TopStyle 3), MySql (Navicat), Oracle (PL / SQL), ActionScript 2.0 & Action-
Script 3.0(Adobe Flash, Flash Builder) JavaScript (firebug), XML+Flash integration, Adobe Dreamweaver, Dojo JavaScript Framework.
05.2011 - currently i have a job in 束FINANCE & CREDIT損 BANK, job title: Senior web developer (JS JQuery PHP).
- DOM manipulation;
- OOP programming;
- JQuery framework;
- Dojo framework;
- Webdesign
10.2009 - 04.2011 - Software developing company Biolink, job title: Senior engineer-developer.
- Developing web projects on PHP5 & JavaScript in AJAX concepts; Phone: (063) 355-72-92
- Experience in using Dojo JavaScript Framework in the projects; tavr2007@gmail.com
- Web site creation HTML & Adobe Flash concepts; age: 27
- Concept, design, programming;
country: Ukraine
- Development of distance learning system;
- Using Oracle data base, programing in PLSQL;
- Sketches and 3D models; EDUCATION:
- Site analysis, re-design, usability.
2008 - 2009 Institute of National
07.2007 - 07.2008 Insurance company InterTransPolis, job title: Advertising manager Aviation University NAU - by
- Development and producing a designs of all printing polygraphy(jobbing and publicity), its order and control on accordance to corporate style; the decisions of state qualifying
- Drawing and animate flash banners on Adobe software; commission 21.08.2009 qualifica-
- Development of a structure in the style of trade mark and publish all information to the brand-book, and control of accordance to the corpo- tion of economist is appropriated
rate style, pantone colors, and quality;
on a book-keeping and analysis of
- Creation a design and control a settings of equipments on the stage of the company, for participating in international exhibitions;
- Develop of corporate indoor style and outdoor advertising; entrepreneurial activity Diploma
- Making of the art-design, programming and administration of the web site. 2388/09
03.2007 - 07.2007 Oil company Gold Gepard, job title: Advertising manager. 2001-2006 National Technical
- Develop of design for corporate web site; University of Ukraine of KPI
- Design a corporate brand-book - got complete higher education on
- Development the design of advertising Internet banners, programming the forms of questioning of visitors at the web site; specialty Economy of enterprise,
- Development the design of all printing polygraphy and control on accordance to corporate style. and got qualification of special-
ist on an economy. Diploma of
10.2006 - 03.2007 Holding of companies X-tend, job title Advartising sales manager.
- Negotiations with Ukrainian and foreign clients, accompaniment of the purchased services after a sale; KB30084640
- Administration of the CRM database department of sales in 束ACT損; Invoicing, work with 1C Book-keeping.
- Drawing and animate flash banners on Adobe software.
- Integration of design;
- Modification of template;
- Management of the XML content.
- 仆亠亞舒亳 亟亳亰舒亶仆舒 于 舒亰舒弍仂舒仆仆亶 舒弍仍仂仆;
- 仂亟亳亳从舒亳 从 舒弍仍仂仆舒
- 丕仗舒于仍亠仆亳亠 从仂仆亠仆仂仄 亠亠亰 XML
14. webdesign
Flash main page & CSS gallery
- http://prikrasa.com.ua
- Development on Flash AS3;
- CSS image gallery;
- http://prikrasa.com/gallery/
- images in gallery was created via photo-design (Canon camera)
15. webdesign
100% develop of the brand
style rules.
- Colors CMYK & RGB according corporate color rules;
- Developing of the Flash objects;
- Shopping-cart.
- 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 亟亳亰舒亶仆舒 舒亶舒 仂亞仍舒仆仂 于亠仂于仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亳
从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳, 仗亠亠于仂亟 于亠仂于 CMYK 于 仗仂舒仆于仂 RGB
亳仗仂仍亰 于亠仂于仂亶 于亠亠 Pantone CMYK to RGB bridge;
- 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 Flash 仂弍亠从仂于;
- 仂亰亳仆舒 仗仂从仗仂从 仆舒 JavaScript.
delicious img gallery
Flash and maya integration