Los principales instrumentos de la música caribeña incluyen congas, bongos, steel drums, claves, maracas, güiro, tiple de Puerto Rico y tambú bambú de Trinidad y Tobago.
La Web 3.0 se refiere a la evolución de la red hacia una base de datos accesible por múltiples aplicaciones, impulsada por tecnologÃas de inteligencia artificial. Se caracteriza por permitir búsquedas en lenguaje natural, asociar información semántica de múltiples fuentes para relacionar conceptos, y deducir nueva información basada en el significado del contenido.
El documento presenta 8 razones para repensar el periodismo: 1) la necesidad de un proyecto editorial claro, 2) liderazgo visionario, 3) enfocarse en la comunidad, 4) polÃticas informativas definidas, 5) estar a la vanguardia de las ideas contemporáneas, 6) reclutar nuevos periodistas investigativos, 7) respetar y reportear la realidad de forma imparcial, y 8) que los medios sean democráticos y no voceros del gobierno.
O documento encoraja as pessoas a entrarem em uma famÃlia fantástica, deixando a preguiça e raiva de lado, sendo fortes como super-heróis otimistas que nunca desistem dos sonhos, pois sempre haverá amigos para dar apoio.
Este documento discute la didáctica de las ciencias como una disciplina autónoma. Argumenta que las perspectivas que la ven como dependiente de otras disciplinas como la pedagogÃa o las ciencias no capturan su naturaleza epistemológica única. Realiza un recorrido histórico que identifica cinco etapas en el desarrollo de la didáctica de las ciencias, desde una etapa inicial adisciplinar hasta una etapa actual protodisciplinar. Sostiene que la didáctica de las ciencias ha adquirido caracterÃ
O documento descreve atividades realizadas por diferentes professoras em diferentes escolas sobre o tema higiene corporal, incluindo a leitura do livro "O banho", discussão de dicas, construção de mapa conceitual, exibição de gravuras e vÃdeos.
Según el documento, Second Life (SL) es un mundo virtual habitado por avatares controlados por personas reales. Más de 7,6 millones de usuarios navegan en SL buscando sitios y contactos. SL permite crear nuevas identidades y experiencias no disponibles en la vida real, como escenarios históricos o ficción. Las empresas pueden promocionarse en SL ofreciendo servicios y actividades diferenciadas para fidelizar usuarios.
El documento describe las TecnologÃas de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) como instrumentos y procesos utilizados para manejar información electrónicamente, incluyendo equipos como computadoras, cámaras digitales y programas de bases de datos. Las TIC optimizan el manejo de información y comunicación, permitiendo actuar sobre la información para generar mayor conocimiento. En educación, las TIC han permitido llevar la globalidad al mundo de la comunicación, facilitando la interconexión global y eliminando barreras espaciales y temporales.
Design of a Smart Meter for the Indian Energy ScenarioIJERA Editor
This document describes the design of a smart meter for the Indian energy sector. It discusses the architecture of a demand-based smart metering system that can separately monitor energy consumption during normal and peak hours. This allows for time-of-day tariff pricing to encourage reduced usage during peaks. The smart meter uses a microcontroller and wireless communication to automatically send consumption data to a utility server. The server uses a LabVIEW GUI to receive the data, generate bills, and allow remote control functions. Software and hardware designs for the smart meter and server are presented. An experiment tests how shifting load from peaks to normal hours affects costs under time-of-day pricing.
This document provides information about Fikret Mualla, a Turkish jazz musician born in 1903 who died in 1967, and mentions Kenny G's rendition of "I Will Always Love You" as an example of smooth jazz. It also includes an email address and is dated October 2009.
ελληνικά διακοσμητικά θÎματα βGIA VER
The document presents artifacts from various periods of Minoan civilization in Crete, as follows:
Part Ia shows Neolithic and Pre-Palatial Minoan seal stones dating to 3000 BC. Part Ib features Pre-Palatial Minoan seal stones from Phaistos dating to 2200-2000 BC. Part Ic displays 'Kamares' ware ceramic vases from 2000-1700 BC.
The artifacts are arranged chronologically and accompanied by brief contextual information to provide an overview of the evolution of Minoan ornamental motifs and ceramic styles.
This document discusses two locations, Riviere La Leona in Patagonia, Argentina and Abou Simbels Temple located on Nasser Lake in Egypt. Both locations provide scenic views and historical sites to explore.
Rotation Invariant Matching of Partial ShoeprintsIJERA Editor
In this paper, we propose a solution for the problem of rotated partial shoeprints retrieval based on the combined use of local points of interest and SIFT descriptor. Once the generated features are encoded using SIFT descriptor, matching is carried out using RANSAC to estimate a transformation model and establish the number of its inliers which is then multiplied by the sum of point-to-point Euclidean distances below a hard threshold. We demonstrate that such combination can overcome the issue of retrieval of partial prints in the presence of rotation and noise distortions. Conducted experiments have shown that the proposed solution achieves very good matching results and outperforms similar work in the literature both in terms of performances and complexity.
Brenda the Briefing Note and Sign-Here the Sticky Note embark on a journey to get Brenda approved. They must pass through four tests: the Due Diligence Tunnel, Manager's Mountain, Ninja Directors, and the ADMO Acropolis. After overcoming many challenges, they finally receive approval from the ADM. However, their time at the agency is cut short due to budget cuts, and they are terminated at the end of March 2010.
O documento descreve atividades realizadas por diferentes professoras em diferentes escolas sobre o tema higiene corporal, incluindo a leitura do livro "O banho", discussão de dicas, construção de mapa conceitual, exibição de gravuras e vÃdeos.
Según el documento, Second Life (SL) es un mundo virtual habitado por avatares controlados por personas reales. Más de 7,6 millones de usuarios navegan en SL buscando sitios y contactos. SL permite crear nuevas identidades y experiencias no disponibles en la vida real, como escenarios históricos o ficción. Las empresas pueden promocionarse en SL ofreciendo servicios y actividades diferenciadas para fidelizar usuarios.
El documento describe las TecnologÃas de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) como instrumentos y procesos utilizados para manejar información electrónicamente, incluyendo equipos como computadoras, cámaras digitales y programas de bases de datos. Las TIC optimizan el manejo de información y comunicación, permitiendo actuar sobre la información para generar mayor conocimiento. En educación, las TIC han permitido llevar la globalidad al mundo de la comunicación, facilitando la interconexión global y eliminando barreras espaciales y temporales.
Design of a Smart Meter for the Indian Energy ScenarioIJERA Editor
This document describes the design of a smart meter for the Indian energy sector. It discusses the architecture of a demand-based smart metering system that can separately monitor energy consumption during normal and peak hours. This allows for time-of-day tariff pricing to encourage reduced usage during peaks. The smart meter uses a microcontroller and wireless communication to automatically send consumption data to a utility server. The server uses a LabVIEW GUI to receive the data, generate bills, and allow remote control functions. Software and hardware designs for the smart meter and server are presented. An experiment tests how shifting load from peaks to normal hours affects costs under time-of-day pricing.
This document provides information about Fikret Mualla, a Turkish jazz musician born in 1903 who died in 1967, and mentions Kenny G's rendition of "I Will Always Love You" as an example of smooth jazz. It also includes an email address and is dated October 2009.
ελληνικά διακοσμητικά θÎματα βGIA VER
The document presents artifacts from various periods of Minoan civilization in Crete, as follows:
Part Ia shows Neolithic and Pre-Palatial Minoan seal stones dating to 3000 BC. Part Ib features Pre-Palatial Minoan seal stones from Phaistos dating to 2200-2000 BC. Part Ic displays 'Kamares' ware ceramic vases from 2000-1700 BC.
The artifacts are arranged chronologically and accompanied by brief contextual information to provide an overview of the evolution of Minoan ornamental motifs and ceramic styles.
This document discusses two locations, Riviere La Leona in Patagonia, Argentina and Abou Simbels Temple located on Nasser Lake in Egypt. Both locations provide scenic views and historical sites to explore.
Rotation Invariant Matching of Partial ShoeprintsIJERA Editor
In this paper, we propose a solution for the problem of rotated partial shoeprints retrieval based on the combined use of local points of interest and SIFT descriptor. Once the generated features are encoded using SIFT descriptor, matching is carried out using RANSAC to estimate a transformation model and establish the number of its inliers which is then multiplied by the sum of point-to-point Euclidean distances below a hard threshold. We demonstrate that such combination can overcome the issue of retrieval of partial prints in the presence of rotation and noise distortions. Conducted experiments have shown that the proposed solution achieves very good matching results and outperforms similar work in the literature both in terms of performances and complexity.
Brenda the Briefing Note and Sign-Here the Sticky Note embark on a journey to get Brenda approved. They must pass through four tests: the Due Diligence Tunnel, Manager's Mountain, Ninja Directors, and the ADMO Acropolis. After overcoming many challenges, they finally receive approval from the ADM. However, their time at the agency is cut short due to budget cuts, and they are terminated at the end of March 2010.
The document analyzes word categories used in Facebook posts and how they relate to age and number of friends. It breaks down language data from Facebook posts into categories like pronouns, emotions, social words, and more. The Facebook Data Team published the findings in December 2010 to provide insight into what types of language people use at different life stages and social circles.
Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) is a department of the Government of Canada established in 1987 to promote economic development and diversification in Western Canada. Its mandate is to advance the interests of the West in national economic policy and support initiatives related to innovation, business development, and community economic development. WD administers programs throughout the four western provinces in both rural and urban areas and works with other organizations to maximize benefits for Western Canada.
Garrett Wasny Accounting Courses and Evaluationsgwasny
Garrett Wasny taught four half-day courses over two days on Google productivity tools, social media, and internet research techniques for accountants. Attendees found the material engaging and informative but felt the courses could have benefited from being full day sessions to allow for more in-depth coverage. Evaluations of Garrett Were consistently very positive, praising his presentation style, subject knowledge, ability to handle questions, and use of examples. Attendees found the material practically valuable and would recommend the courses to others.
This document introduces a webinar that will show how accountants can use Google tools to improve productivity, communication, collaboration, marketing, and generate new revenue streams. It welcomes participants and notes that by attending the online seminar, they are saving money by avoiding travel costs, saving time by not having to travel, reducing stress, and helping the environment by reducing their carbon footprint.
This document introduces an online webinar that will teach advanced internet research techniques to accountants. It begins by welcoming participants and asking them to confirm they can hear. It then lists four benefits of online webinars over travel: saving money on travel costs, saving time by avoiding travel delays, reducing stress, and helping the environment. The document asks participants some questions to assess if they exhibit "Google Zombie" behaviors and could benefit from learning new search skills. It outlines the agenda and objectives of transforming participants' search skills and abilities.
This document provides an overview of a webinar about using Twitter for accountants. The webinar will explore how Twitter is being used worldwide, the basics of using Twitter, how companies are leveraging Twitter to promote their brands, and how accountants are using it to boost their practices. It emphasizes that Twitter can help professionals save money, time, and reduce stress by participating in webinars instead of traveling. The presenter states that they will provide an impartial overview of how Twitter can improve efficiency for accountants.
The document introduces an online seminar called AIRTA that will teach attendees how to gather information online more efficiently. It discusses how attending online saves on fuel, travel costs, and time while reducing stress. The seminar aims to cure attendees of "Search-Like-a-Zombie Syndrome" and transform them into efficient "Search Sultans." The agenda covers 16 topics on improving search skills using Google and other tools.
The document discusses how relying solely on Google.com for internet searches is insufficient and provides only a small fraction of available information. It notes that Google indexes less than 1% of the internet and that users often do not find what they are looking for. It recommends exploring other search tools provided by Google as well as other types of specialized search engines to more thoroughly search the web and find relevant information. Integrating diverse search tools into one's research strategy can provide access to more complete information and opportunities.
Why Your Searching Sucks (and How to Break Your Google.com Addiction)gwasny
Explores why businesspeople and organizations need to use more than just Google.com when searching the web, and how they can diversify their web scanning and gather more and better information online