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CODATA-VAMAS JWG on Description
System for Materials on the Nano-scale
Uniform Description System (UDS)
for Materials on the Nano-scale
A Draft Framework
ICSU Headquarters Paris, France, 2014-04-14/15
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 12014-04-14/15
The four UDS information
 General identifiers
 Life cycle history
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 22014-04-14/15
Thumb rules for ontology
 An ontology class should not contain too many
 The class structure should be a convenient
representation of the domain of knowledge.
(User dependent)
 These points guides the division of concepts
into classes and properties in the ontology
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 32014-04-14/15
Division of UDS categories into
ontology classes and properties
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 42014-04-14/15
 Substructure of the UDS ontology classes
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 52014-04-14/15
 Substructure of the UDS property hierarchy
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 62014-04-14/15
 We have added the Specifications property
three for convenience
 The UDS category General identifiers is split
into ontology classes and data properties;
Common names and Material classes are
classes in the ontology while Specific names
and Identification numbers and codes are data
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 72014-04-14/15
The Individual nano-object class
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 82014-04-14/15
Part of the entire class structure
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 92014-04-14/15
The entire data property hierarchy
Ontology applied to real
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 112014-04-14/15
 The ontology interface tells us that the class
Single-walled is a subclass of Nanotube and
has (currently) one member called 755710
 To learn more about this individual we click on
its name following the diamond in the right
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 122014-04-14/15
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 132014-04-14/15
 The left panel shows all the ontology classes
this nanomaterial belongs to
 The right panel gives numerical values of
various data properties
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 142014-04-14/15
 The four information categories of the UDS system
appear to be convenient for construction of ontologies
for nanomaterials
 Ontology building would however be easier if each
UDS category could be implemented as EITHER
ontology class OR property. For example, the
General identifiers category contains both Classes
and Specific names. While Classes is (of course) a
natural ontology class, a class of Specific names
would contain all nanomaterials, and thus Specific
names was implemented as a data property instead.
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 152014-04-14/15

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CODATA-VAMAS UDSnano applicability for ontology engineering with suggested changes to improve its structural logic model

  • 1. CODATA-VAMAS JWG on Description System for Materials on the Nano-scale Uniform Description System (UDS) for Materials on the Nano-scale A Draft Framework COMMENTS - NORWAY ICSU Headquarters Paris, France, 2014-04-14/15 Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 12014-04-14/15
  • 2. The four UDS information categories General identifiers Characterization Life cycle history Specifications Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 22014-04-14/15
  • 3. Thumb rules for ontology construction An ontology class should not contain too many members The class structure should be a convenient representation of the domain of knowledge. (User dependent) These points guides the division of concepts into classes and properties in the ontology Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 32014-04-14/15
  • 4. Division of UDS categories into ontology classes and properties Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 42014-04-14/15
  • 5. Substructure of the UDS ontology classes Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 52014-04-14/15
  • 6. Substructure of the UDS property hierarchy Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 62014-04-14/15
  • 7. We have added the Specifications property three for convenience The UDS category General identifiers is split into ontology classes and data properties; Common names and Material classes are classes in the ontology while Specific names and Identification numbers and codes are data properties Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 72014-04-14/15
  • 8. The Individual nano-object class Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 82014-04-14/15
  • 9. Part of the entire class structure Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 92014-04-14/15
  • 10. The entire data property hierarchy 102014-04-14/15
  • 11. Ontology applied to real nanomaterials Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 112014-04-14/15
  • 12. The ontology interface tells us that the class Single-walled is a subclass of Nanotube and has (currently) one member called 755710 ALDRICH To learn more about this individual we click on its name following the diamond in the right panel: Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 122014-04-14/15
  • 13. Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 132014-04-14/15
  • 14. The left panel shows all the ontology classes this nanomaterial belongs to The right panel gives numerical values of various data properties Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 142014-04-14/15
  • 15. Conclusion The four information categories of the UDS system appear to be convenient for construction of ontologies for nanomaterials Ontology building would however be easier if each UDS category could be implemented as EITHER ontology class OR property. For example, the General identifiers category contains both Classes and Specific names. While Classes is (of course) a natural ontology class, a class of Specific names would contain all nanomaterials, and thus Specific names was implemented as a data property instead. Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS @ 2014 152014-04-14/15