Unfuddle is an online ticketing system and SVN hosting service created by developers in Hawaii. It provides private bug tracking, multiple projects, permission-based access, and integrates with SVN through commit messages and a RESTful API. Upcoming features include a Mac dashboard widget, archiving of projects, branding customization, and other undisclosed features. The service provides free accounts and the founders are open to user suggestions.
2. whoami
Matt Allen
CTO / Code Monkey at iseekgolf.com
3. Coming up ...
Who is Unfuddle?
Online Hosted Ticketing System
SVN (soon to be git) Hosting & Integration
OS X Dashboard Widget
Coming Soon
4. Who is it?
Couple of dudes from Hawaii
Very helpful and open to suggestions
Sponsored acts_as_conference recently
5. Online Hosted Ticketing System
Private Bug tracker, no public interface.
RESTful API, so you could make your own if
you wanted to
Multiple Projects per UF account
Permission based, can have different people
on different projects
13. SVN Hosting & Integration
Powerful Commit messages
Resolve (resolves, resolved, 鍖x, 鍖xes, 鍖xed) will change the status of the speci鍖ed
tickets to Resolved.
Close (closes, closed) will change the status of the speci鍖ed tickets to Closed.
Addresses (references, refs, re, see) will associate the Subversion Changeset with
the speci鍖ed tickets noting that the ticket was affected by the commit in some
Assign (assigns, assigned, reassign, reassigns, reassigned) will reassign the speci鍖ed
tickets to the username that follows.OS X Dashboard Widget
> svn commit -m 'fixed #372 and #456 and closed #385'
> svn commit -m 'resolves #22 & reassigns #22 to david'
> svn commit -m 'refs #124, #125 and #129 and closes #126'
14. RESTful API
Rails App so get standard rails results for
free (XML,JSON) plus (RSS,ICS,TGZ)
Uses basic HTTP Auth, account_username
I wrote a SVN post-commit hook for
externally hosted SVN repos
16. Coming Soon...
Google Dashboard Gadget (for those
Windows fanboys)
Archival of Projects (essentially doubling
project limitations for most plans)
Branding and domain masking (for http://
and some other secret goodies :-)