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Understanding Argos & What people want
from their experience shopping
There are three main customer experiences in the new digital Argos store: Fast Track, Pay & Collect
and Service.
Findings from each of these di鍖erent customer experiences.

Fast Track (similar to partners who want a quick & e鍖cient experience or are re-raising)
1. How do you feel when you walk in and around the shop?
 Up-to-date with Technology
 No guidance with the Technology
2. Can you find all of the information you needed easily?
 Sta鍖 were supportive
3. How do the sta鍖 communicate & engage with you?
 Easily accessible
 Young sta鍖
4. How is the experiences meeting your needs?
 Meet our basic needs for a fast and shopping experience when I knew what I wanted.
5. What do you enjoy about your experience shopping there?
 Experience based on prior knowledge

1. How do you feel when you walk in and around the shop?
 I felt like it was modern
 I felt excited
 I felt confused
 It felt interactive
 I felt lost
 I felt like I was in apple
2. Can you find all of the information you needed easily?
 The description of the products was good but they need to improve on their catagorising
 The sta鍖 couldnt provide us with all of the information we needed.
 We found information when browsing rather than searching specifically for something
3. How do the sta鍖 communicate & engage with you?
 They were friendly and smiled
 They did not take initiative
 There were not enough sta鍖 to deal with requests
4. How is the experiences meeting your needs?
 Basic things & information was easily accessible
 There was insurance available for products
 They have a 30 refund policy
 Suitable for quick shopping when you know what you want
5. What do you enjoy about your experience shopping there?
 Delivery of the product took a long time
 Some items were unavailable
 Modern customer experience
 Fun to use the ipads
 You are able to talk to people in the shop & interact with them to answer your questions

1. How do you feel when you walk in and around the shop?
 Impressed by the facilities
 Lack of sta鍖 dedicated to answering customers questions
2. Can you find all of the information you needed easily?
 Yes: it was interactive and intuitive
3. How do the sta鍖 communicate & engage with you?
 Yes: it was interactive and intuitive
4. How is the experiences meeting your needs?
 No specific knowledge and expertise
5. What do you enjoy about your experience shopping there?
 Nice environment to shop in: clean, sleek, clutter free feel
Conclusion: for the target profile of professionals based around Old Street the service met their needs. The
experience was bad if you were looking for specific information about the di鍖erent products.

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Understanding Argos

  • 1. Understanding Argos & What people want from their experience shopping There are three main customer experiences in the new digital Argos store: Fast Track, Pay & Collect and Service. Findings from each of these di鍖erent customer experiences. Fast Track (similar to partners who want a quick & e鍖cient experience or are re-raising) 1. How do you feel when you walk in and around the shop? Friendly Modern Up-to-date with Technology No guidance with the Technology 2. Can you find all of the information you needed easily? Sta鍖 were supportive 3. How do the sta鍖 communicate & engage with you? Easily accessible Approachable Young sta鍖 4. How is the experiences meeting your needs? Meet our basic needs for a fast and shopping experience when I knew what I wanted. 5. What do you enjoy about your experience shopping there? Refreshing Interactive Experience based on prior knowledge pAY & COLLECT 1. How do you feel when you walk in and around the shop? I felt like it was modern I felt excited I felt confused It felt interactive I felt lost I felt like I was in apple 2. Can you find all of the information you needed easily? The description of the products was good but they need to improve on their catagorising The sta鍖 couldnt provide us with all of the information we needed. We found information when browsing rather than searching specifically for something
  • 2. 3. How do the sta鍖 communicate & engage with you? They were friendly and smiled They did not take initiative There were not enough sta鍖 to deal with requests 4. How is the experiences meeting your needs? Basic things & information was easily accessible There was insurance available for products They have a 30 refund policy Suitable for quick shopping when you know what you want 5. What do you enjoy about your experience shopping there? Delivery of the product took a long time Some items were unavailable Modern customer experience Fun to use the ipads You are able to talk to people in the shop & interact with them to answer your questions Service 1. How do you feel when you walk in and around the shop? Impressed by the facilities Lack of sta鍖 dedicated to answering customers questions 2. Can you find all of the information you needed easily? Yes: it was interactive and intuitive 3. How do the sta鍖 communicate & engage with you? Yes: it was interactive and intuitive 4. How is the experiences meeting your needs? No specific knowledge and expertise 5. What do you enjoy about your experience shopping there? Nice environment to shop in: clean, sleek, clutter free feel Conclusion: for the target profile of professionals based around Old Street the service met their needs. The experience was bad if you were looking for specific information about the di鍖erent products.