The document appears to be about a person named Joel Morales who has been married for 8 years and has worked as a doctor for 15 years, gaining experience in general surgery, emergency medicine, and industrial medicine. The document contains repetitive text that does not provide additional essential information.
Este documento explica c¨®mo personalizar la p¨¢gina de inicio, los temas y colores de Blackboard. Describe descargar el archivo JSP de inicio de sesi¨®n y modificarlo para cambiar el dise?o sin afectar el formulario. Tambi¨¦n explica c¨®mo descargar el tema predeterminado, modificar los archivos CSS y cargar el nuevo tema. Por ¨²ltimo, detalla c¨®mo personalizar los colores del banner y botones y asignar la nueva paleta de colores creada.
Veja aqui algumas das diversas possibilidades que as m¨ªdias sociais oferecem para os seus neg¨®cios. Palestra apresentada em cursos incompany e palestras.
ComfortLife Marketing Academy: Online AdvertisingOur Kids Media
Marketing and online advertising tips for schools and summer camps, with a specific angle of connecting with middle to upper income families. Learn about advertising online, in directories, bidding on google keywords and advertising via social media.
Workshop on the pedagogical integration of ictsMbangwana
This document summarizes the proceedings of a 2-day workshop on integrating gender perspectives in the pedagogical use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Dakar, Senegal. Participants included researchers from the PanAf project and resource persons with expertise in gender and ICT issues. Discussions focused on selecting topics for scholarly publications, reviewing gender-disaggregated project data, and developing a calendar and mentorship plan to guide publication of research articles on gender and ICTs in Africa. The workshop aimed to spur collaborative work among participants on analyzing existing data from a gender lens and publishing the findings.
This document outlines plans for implementing blended learning at MSS. Grade 9 students will bring their own laptops or tablets starting in September 2014. Teachers will receive professional development on integrating technology to support differentiated instruction and assessment, with the goal of developing student ownership of learning. A Teaching and Learning Leadership Project will provide release time and resources for a core team of teachers to learn tools that allow for blended, personalized learning on any device and to share their learning with other teachers.
CORE Group Spring Meeting 2010: Being Bold Togetherjehill3
The document summarizes key points from the CORE Group Spring Meeting in 2010. It discusses recent developments like additional membership categories and stable funding. It emphasizes the need to get more people involved in working groups and leadership. It also discusses properties of social networks and encourages attendees to be hubs that connect ideas and spread tools using the network.
This document provides an overview of three models for understanding technology adoption in education: the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition (SAMR) model, and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) model. It includes activities for applying each model and discusses survey results finding educators agree that change is a process, reflection is important, and resistance to technology change exists.
International Congress (LA BCI- Chile) .
Presentation on the findings of classroom research into the relevance of strategy-use in reading and listening from the learners' viewpoint.
PSI Diarrhea Prevention and Safe Water Approaches jehill3
Unsafe water and lack of sanitation are major global problems, contributing to over 1.5 million child deaths from diarrhea each year. Household water treatment (HWT) options like sodium hypochlorite, Aquatabs, and PUR can provide low-cost solutions, treating water for a family of 6 for less than a penny per day. Social marketing approaches that combine communications and product access have helped programs in over 30 countries treat over 60 billion liters of water, improving health behaviors and reducing diarrhea prevalence in places like Madagascar. Lessons show that focusing on key behavior drivers, partnerships, and multiple communication channels can enable HWT to effectively and affordably scale up safe water access.
Este documento ¨¦ um apelo para agradecermos a Deus pelos alimentos e ¨¢gua que temos, evitando desperdi?¨¢-los. Pede para reenviarmos a mensagem aos amigos como lembrete da nossa fortuna comparada ao sofrimento de crian?as famintas no mundo.
Analysis of film posters and the progressionhamsterlife
The poster contrasts a red dress against other colors to draw the viewer's eye and highlight the character. The two characters are depicted as close and expressing happiness, indicating a love story. Dark colors, an image of wrestling, and intimacy between the characters create intrigue and confusion for the viewer about the plot.
CORE Group Spring Meeting 2010: Being Bold Togetherjehill3
The document summarizes key points from the CORE Group Spring Meeting in 2010. It discusses recent developments like additional membership categories and stable funding. It emphasizes the need to get more people involved in working groups and leadership. It also discusses properties of social networks and encourages attendees to be hubs that connect ideas and spread tools using the network.
This document provides an overview of three models for understanding technology adoption in education: the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition (SAMR) model, and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) model. It includes activities for applying each model and discusses survey results finding educators agree that change is a process, reflection is important, and resistance to technology change exists.
International Congress (LA BCI- Chile) .
Presentation on the findings of classroom research into the relevance of strategy-use in reading and listening from the learners' viewpoint.
PSI Diarrhea Prevention and Safe Water Approaches jehill3
Unsafe water and lack of sanitation are major global problems, contributing to over 1.5 million child deaths from diarrhea each year. Household water treatment (HWT) options like sodium hypochlorite, Aquatabs, and PUR can provide low-cost solutions, treating water for a family of 6 for less than a penny per day. Social marketing approaches that combine communications and product access have helped programs in over 30 countries treat over 60 billion liters of water, improving health behaviors and reducing diarrhea prevalence in places like Madagascar. Lessons show that focusing on key behavior drivers, partnerships, and multiple communication channels can enable HWT to effectively and affordably scale up safe water access.
Este documento ¨¦ um apelo para agradecermos a Deus pelos alimentos e ¨¢gua que temos, evitando desperdi?¨¢-los. Pede para reenviarmos a mensagem aos amigos como lembrete da nossa fortuna comparada ao sofrimento de crian?as famintas no mundo.
Analysis of film posters and the progressionhamsterlife
The poster contrasts a red dress against other colors to draw the viewer's eye and highlight the character. The two characters are depicted as close and expressing happiness, indicating a love story. Dark colors, an image of wrestling, and intimacy between the characters create intrigue and confusion for the viewer about the plot.