Media producers conduct research to define their target audiences before creating advertisements. This includes qualitative research interacting with small groups, quantitative research gathering opinions in percentages, and market research examining socioeconomic status, psychographics like individualism, geodemographics like language, and demographics like age and gender. Producers also analyze competitors and products to create ideas tailored to audiences while improving on others. The research helps producers identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to inform their creative decisions.
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1. How media producers in advertising define their target audiences
Before any advertisements are produced, media producers must make sure they have
completed the following: Audience research, qualitative research and market research.
Qualitative research interacts with a small number of members to gain a detailed opinion
on the matter whereas quantitative research gathers numerous people who’s opinions are
shared through a percentage.
When advertising producers are discovering their market research the producers will look
at the categories such as: socio -economic status, which focuses on details such as what
they are. And example, Higher, middle, lower class.
Psychographics categories look into what type of people are in the market such as main
streamers or individualists. Geo demographics looks into the market audiences regional,
this could be what language you speak. Demographics are a helpful source when
identifying your target audience, this looks at age, gender, sexual orientation etc.
When their target audience has been decided, producers will look into their competitors
and the product itself to see how they can better them and yet still apply and direct it to the
same target audience. Before presenting your idea to the production company , these
factors should all be covered as it gives them an opportunity to in vision your idea and
understand it better with this research.
From the research the producer will be able to show weaknesses, strengths, opportunities
and threats of their production. Years ago any advertisement appealed to everyone , they
were products everyone knew they needed.
Nowadays society and television are driving you and persuading you into buying a product
that is unnecessary and you may not need. Adverts play a huge role in our life especially
through social networking a lot of research is now done through internet forums ,
questionnaires etc.