1. The document provides conversions between common English and SI units for length, volume, mass, force, pressure, energy, temperature, and viscosity.
2. It also lists several important physical constants in SI units, such as standard temperature and pressure, gravitational acceleration, the gas constant, and material properties of air and water.
3. The conversions and constants are useful references for engineering and science applications involving unit conversions and thermodynamic calculations.
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Unitconversion table
1. Unit Conversion (English to SI) and Some Important Constants
(A more comprehensive resource is the Converter TESTcalc or the Android
app Engineering Unit Converter)
1 ft = 0.3048 m; 1 in = 25.4 mm 1 mm = 1x10-3 m
1 mile = 1.61 km 1 mile (nautical) = 1.85 km
1 mile/hour = 0.447 m/s 1 km/hour = 0.2777 m/s
Volume/Flow Rate:
1 ft3 = 0.02832 m3 1 gal = 3.785 L 1 L = 1x10-3 m3
1 in3 = 16.387 mL 1 mL = 1x10-3 L 1 quart = 0.9464 L
1 ounce = 29.574 mL 1 pint = 0.473 L
1 ft3/min(cfm) = 4.72x10-4 m3/s 1 gal/hour=1.0514x10-6 m3/s
1 slug = 14.594 kg 1 lbm = 0.4536 kg 1 g = 1x10-3 kg
1 ounce = 28.35 g
1 Ton (long) = 1016 kg 1 Ton (short) = 2000 lbm = 907.1847 kg
1 lbf = 4.448 N 1 kgf = 9.81 N 1 N = 1x10-3 kN
1 Ounce-Force = 0.278 N 1 Dyne = 10 mN 1 KIP = 4.44.2 kN
1 psi = 6.895 kPa 1 bar = 100 kPa 1 inch of Hg = 3.374 kPa
1 inch of water = 0.2486 kPa 1 Torr = 1 mm of Hg 1 mm of Hg = 0.1333 kPa
1 Btu = 1.055 kJ 1 MJ = 1x103 kJ 1 J = 1x10-3 kJ
1 erg = 1 mJ 1 Therm = 105.5 MJ 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ
1 Cal (food) = 4.187 kJ 1 calorie = 4.187 J 1 kilo-calorie = 4.187 kJ
1 Horsepower-hour = 2.6845 MJ 1 ft-lbf = 1.3558 J
1 Btu/ft3 = 0.0373 MJ/m3 1 Btu/lbm = 2.3258 kJ/kg 1 cal/g = 4.187 kJ/kg
1 Btu/hour = 0.2931 W 1 Horsepower = 0.7457 kW
1 Ton of Refrigeration = 3.517 kW
? ? ? ? o T K ? T C ? 273 ? ? ? ? o ?T K ? ?T C ? ? ? ? o o T F ?1.8T C ?32
? ? ? ? o o ?T F ?1.8?T C T ?R? ?1.8T ?K? ?T ?R? ?1.8?T ?K?
Specific Heat:
1 ? ? o J/ g? C =1 ? ? o kJ/ kg? C = 1 kJ/ ?kg?K?
1 ? ? o Btu/ lbm? F =4.187 kJ/ ?kg?K?
1 Btu/ ?lbm?R? = 4.187 kJ/ ?kg?K?
1 Btu/ ?lbmol ?R? = 4.187 kJ/ ?kmol ?K?
Thermal Conductivity:
1 ? ? o W/ m? C =1 W/ ?m?K? = 1x10-3 kW/ ?m?K?
1 ? ? o Btu/ ft ?hr ? F = 1.7307 W/ ?m?K?
2. Absolute and Kinematic Viscosity:
1 Pa.s = 1 N.s/m2 = 1 kg/ ?s ?m? (absolute)
1 poise = 0.1 Pa.s 1 lbm/ ?ft ?s? = 1.4882 Pa.s (absolute)
1 stoke = 100 m2/s (kinematic)
---------------------------Physical Constants----------------
Quantity SI Unit
Standard temperature 25oC (298K),
Standard pressure of air 101.325 kPa
g 9.81 m/s2,
R 8.314 kJ/ ?kmol ?K?
Boltzmann constant 1.380650x10-26 kJ/K
Avogadro constant 6.0221413x1026 per kmol
Stephan-Boltzmann constant 5.6704x10-11 ? ? 2 4 kW/ m ?K
Speed of light in vacuum 2.9979x108 m/s
Speed of sound in dry air (1 atm, 0oC) 331.36 m/s
Density of air (STP) 1.185 kg/m3
Density of water (STP) 997 kg/m3
Kinematic viscosity of water (20oC) 1.002 Pa s
Heat of fusion of water (1 atm) 333.7 kJ/kg
Enthalpy of vaporization of water (1 atm) 2256.5 kJ/kg