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Breast Cancer Epidemiology Training Opportunities
                    University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health
The University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health (UIC SPH) is recruiting masters and doctoral
students interested in disparities in breast cancer to work with leading researchers affiliated with the Center
for Population Health and Health Disparities and the Center of Excellence in Eliminating Health Disparities.
The duration of the fellowship is 2-3 years with one year of guaranteed funding. Positions will start in Fall
Program Requirements
While completing the requirements for the M.S. or PhD in cancer epidemiology, trainees will:
      Collaborate with senior faculty mentors from epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, community
       health, environmental health and clinical research
      Complete the health disparities course sequence, various workshops and seminars
      Participate in an on-going policy-related community-based project focused on eliminating disparities in
       breast cancer.
      Receive a paid research assistantship.
Research Environment
UIC Komen fellows work in an academic and research infrastructure with a strong track record of disparities
research, university-community collaboration, and a commitment to training the next generation of breast cancer
outcomes researchers dedicated to meeting the needs of higher risk, underserved populations. Students at UIC
SPH come from a variety of backgrounds and UIC is one of the most ethnically diverse campuses in the U. S.
Applicant Qualifications:
      Admission to either the MS or PhD cancer epidemiology program at UIC School of Public Health;
      Commitment to pursuing a research career in breast cancer disparities and a willingness to work in an
       interdisciplinary environment; and
      Under-represented minority students from the Chicago area are strongly encouraged to apply. Priority will be
       given to those interested in working with underserved populations on research that seeks to reduce breast
       cancer health disparities.

If interested, please:
    Ensure that your full application to the UIC School of Public Health is submitted through SOPHAS by Feb.1, 2013.
     Further information on the application procedure is available athttp://publichealth.uic.edu/admissions/
    Submit a 2-3 page statement of interest that includes primary research interests, collateral research interests,
     and career interests by March 1, 2013 via email to Judith V. Sayad electronically at jvsayad@uic.edu or via mail
     to the UIC School of Public Health, 1603 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60612. Applicants may be invited for interviews
     to identify potential mentors.
For further information contact:
Garth Rauscher, PhD, garthr@uic.edu, fellowship director or Judith V. Sayad, fellowship coordinator, jvsayad@uic.edu.

                       This fellowship is funded by Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Post-Baccalaureate Training in Disparities Research
                       Grant (Grant # KG111385)
UIC SPH Komen Foundation Fellows Pursue Breast Cancer Disparities Research
In Fall 2011, the UIC SPH was awarded a three year grant by Susan G. Komen for the Cure. During out first year of
operation, the Komen fellows have worked on the following projects:
       Abigail Silva, MPH has been working on descriptive and statistical analyses of the Breast Cancer in Chicago data
        for her dissertation, Assessing Racial/Ethnic Disparities along the Breast Cancer Treatment Continuum, Her
        dissertation committee includes epidemiologists, clinicians and social scientists.

       Jenna Khan, MPH is working on geographic analyses with the metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force on
        their Mammography Capacity Survey data. Her work has resulted in abstracts accepted for presentation at the
        2012 American College of Epidemiology and the American Association for Cancer Research 2012 Cancer Health
        Disparities Conference.

       Rani Gallardo, an MS student, has been working on the NCI-funded study, How Women Think About Breast
        Cancer under the direction of Kent Hoskins, a physician.

For Further Information                                                                              Participating Mentors
UIC SPH offers information sessions throughout the year. At these                                    Garth Rauscher, PhD, Associate Professor,
sessions, information on the school, programs, and application                                       Epidemiology and Director of the Komen
process will be provided.                                                                            Training Program
Topics generally include degrees, curriculum, applications tips,
                                                                                                     Elizabeth Calhoun, PhD, Professor, Health
funding/financial aid, and research. Prospective students are also
                                                                                                     Policy & Administration, UIC SPH
given an opportunity to ask questions. At some sessions, a panel of
current students presents their perspectives on the school and                                       Charlotte Joslin, OD, PhD, Assistant Professor,
answers questions on student life at SPH.                                                            UIC College of Medicine
All sessions are held at the UIC School of Public Health, 1603 W.                                    Richard Barrett, PhD, Professor, Sociology, UIC
Taylor, Chicago, IL 60612 in Room 192. For more information,
                                                                                                     Kent Hoskins, MD, Associate Professor, UIC
contact Brandon Sieglaff, sieglaff@uic.edu
                                                                                                     College of Medicine
Saturday, September 15th - 10:00-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                                     Timothy Johnson, PhD., Professor, Public
Thursday, October 4th - 12:00-1:30 p.m.                                                              Administration & Director, UIC Survey
Tuesday, October 23rd - 5:30-7:00 p.m.                                                               Research Lab
Saturday, November 10th - 10:00-11:30 a.m.                                                           Sage J. Kim, PhD, Assistant Professor, Health
Tuesday, December 4th - 12:00-1:30 p.m.                                                              Policy & Administration, UIC SPH
Career Opportunities for Minorities in Public Health                                                 Anne Marie Murphy, PhD, Executive Director,
Conference  October 13 at UIC SPH                                                                   Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task
Sponsored by the UIC SPH Health Careers Opportunities Program
(HCOP), this annual conference introduces potential students to the                                  Linda Rae Murray, MD, MPH, Chief Medical
school and highlights programs designed to ensure the success of                                     Officer, Cook County Department of Public
minority students.                                                                                   Health, Cook County Health & Hospital System
Saturday, Oct. 13, 8:30-2:30 p.m., at UIC SPH, 1603 W. Taylor. There                                 Richard B. Warnecke, Professor Emeritus,
is no charge for the conference. For more information regarding the                                  Sociology, UIC
conference, contact Linda Casanova Pineda, lcpineda@uic.edu

                        This fellowship is funded by Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Post-Baccalaureate Training in Disparities Research
                        Grant (Grant # KG111385)

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  • 1. Breast Cancer Epidemiology Training Opportunities University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health The University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health (UIC SPH) is recruiting masters and doctoral students interested in disparities in breast cancer to work with leading researchers affiliated with the Center for Population Health and Health Disparities and the Center of Excellence in Eliminating Health Disparities. The duration of the fellowship is 2-3 years with one year of guaranteed funding. Positions will start in Fall 2013. Program Requirements While completing the requirements for the M.S. or PhD in cancer epidemiology, trainees will: Collaborate with senior faculty mentors from epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, community health, environmental health and clinical research Complete the health disparities course sequence, various workshops and seminars Participate in an on-going policy-related community-based project focused on eliminating disparities in breast cancer. Receive a paid research assistantship. Research Environment UIC Komen fellows work in an academic and research infrastructure with a strong track record of disparities research, university-community collaboration, and a commitment to training the next generation of breast cancer outcomes researchers dedicated to meeting the needs of higher risk, underserved populations. Students at UIC SPH come from a variety of backgrounds and UIC is one of the most ethnically diverse campuses in the U. S. Applicant Qualifications: Admission to either the MS or PhD cancer epidemiology program at UIC School of Public Health; Commitment to pursuing a research career in breast cancer disparities and a willingness to work in an interdisciplinary environment; and Under-represented minority students from the Chicago area are strongly encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to those interested in working with underserved populations on research that seeks to reduce breast cancer health disparities. If interested, please: Ensure that your full application to the UIC School of Public Health is submitted through SOPHAS by Feb.1, 2013. Further information on the application procedure is available athttp://publichealth.uic.edu/admissions/ Submit a 2-3 page statement of interest that includes primary research interests, collateral research interests, and career interests by March 1, 2013 via email to Judith V. Sayad electronically at jvsayad@uic.edu or via mail to the UIC School of Public Health, 1603 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60612. Applicants may be invited for interviews to identify potential mentors. For further information contact: Garth Rauscher, PhD, garthr@uic.edu, fellowship director or Judith V. Sayad, fellowship coordinator, jvsayad@uic.edu. This fellowship is funded by Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Post-Baccalaureate Training in Disparities Research Grant (Grant # KG111385)
  • 2. UIC SPH Komen Foundation Fellows Pursue Breast Cancer Disparities Research In Fall 2011, the UIC SPH was awarded a three year grant by Susan G. Komen for the Cure. During out first year of operation, the Komen fellows have worked on the following projects: Abigail Silva, MPH has been working on descriptive and statistical analyses of the Breast Cancer in Chicago data for her dissertation, Assessing Racial/Ethnic Disparities along the Breast Cancer Treatment Continuum, Her dissertation committee includes epidemiologists, clinicians and social scientists. Jenna Khan, MPH is working on geographic analyses with the metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force on their Mammography Capacity Survey data. Her work has resulted in abstracts accepted for presentation at the 2012 American College of Epidemiology and the American Association for Cancer Research 2012 Cancer Health Disparities Conference. Rani Gallardo, an MS student, has been working on the NCI-funded study, How Women Think About Breast Cancer under the direction of Kent Hoskins, a physician. For Further Information Participating Mentors UIC SPH offers information sessions throughout the year. At these Garth Rauscher, PhD, Associate Professor, sessions, information on the school, programs, and application Epidemiology and Director of the Komen process will be provided. Training Program Topics generally include degrees, curriculum, applications tips, Elizabeth Calhoun, PhD, Professor, Health funding/financial aid, and research. Prospective students are also Policy & Administration, UIC SPH given an opportunity to ask questions. At some sessions, a panel of current students presents their perspectives on the school and Charlotte Joslin, OD, PhD, Assistant Professor, answers questions on student life at SPH. UIC College of Medicine All sessions are held at the UIC School of Public Health, 1603 W. Richard Barrett, PhD, Professor, Sociology, UIC Taylor, Chicago, IL 60612 in Room 192. For more information, Kent Hoskins, MD, Associate Professor, UIC contact Brandon Sieglaff, sieglaff@uic.edu College of Medicine Saturday, September 15th - 10:00-11:30 a.m. Timothy Johnson, PhD., Professor, Public Thursday, October 4th - 12:00-1:30 p.m. Administration & Director, UIC Survey Tuesday, October 23rd - 5:30-7:00 p.m. Research Lab Saturday, November 10th - 10:00-11:30 a.m. Sage J. Kim, PhD, Assistant Professor, Health Tuesday, December 4th - 12:00-1:30 p.m. Policy & Administration, UIC SPH Career Opportunities for Minorities in Public Health Anne Marie Murphy, PhD, Executive Director, Conference October 13 at UIC SPH Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force Sponsored by the UIC SPH Health Careers Opportunities Program (HCOP), this annual conference introduces potential students to the Linda Rae Murray, MD, MPH, Chief Medical school and highlights programs designed to ensure the success of Officer, Cook County Department of Public minority students. Health, Cook County Health & Hospital System Saturday, Oct. 13, 8:30-2:30 p.m., at UIC SPH, 1603 W. Taylor. There Richard B. Warnecke, Professor Emeritus, is no charge for the conference. For more information regarding the Sociology, UIC conference, contact Linda Casanova Pineda, lcpineda@uic.edu This fellowship is funded by Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Post-Baccalaureate Training in Disparities Research Grant (Grant # KG111385)