Decision making involves choosing between two or more courses of action. It is a process that people often find difficult but must do regularly. Effective decision making structures the process to reduce complex decisions, see how conclusions are reached, and plan for deadlines. Key stages in decision making include listing options, setting timelines and responsibilities, gathering information, weighing risks and values, comparing pros and cons, and making the selection.
Decision Making is the act of choosing between two or more courses of action.However,it must always be
remembered that there may not always be a correct decision among the available choices.
People often find it hard to make decisions - inevitably we all have to make decisions all the
time, some are more important than others.
Although decisions can be made using either intuition or reasoning, a combination of both approaches
is often used. Whatever approach is used, it is usually helpful to structure decision making in order to:
Reduce more complicated decisions down to simpler steps.
See how any decisions are arrived at.
Plan decision making to meet deadlines.
Listing all possible solutions/options.
Setting a time scale and deciding who is responsible for the decision.
Information gathering.
Weighing up the risks involved.
Deciding on values, or in other words what is important.
Weighing up the pros and cons of each course of action.
Making the decision.
4. Example of a man trying to make
a decision between two women