DreamatesbinghaoThis document outlines a business plan for a platform called Dreamates that helps people find partners to realize their dreams. It discusses the concept of connecting people with shared dreams, insights from social media trends and customer behavior, the product features and user experience, a business model using partnerships and various revenue streams, a three-month marketing plan, and plans to obtain startup funding.
ISPL Students Notes 2014dmss2014This document provides information about Independent Self Pace Learning (ISPL) Week from July 8-10, 2014 for Secondary 1 and 2 students. It details that there will be no regular classes and students must complete lessons through the AsknLearn portal from home. It provides instructions on logging into the portal and outlines three options for where students can access the internet and complete their online lessons - visiting relatives/friends, using community centers or the library, or attending limited computer access in the school lab. Technical support contact details are also listed.
Ict coordinator perfomance appraisal 2tonychoper4804This document contains information about performance evaluation methods for an ICT coordinator, including example phrases and templates. It discusses 12 common performance appraisal methods: management by objectives, critical incident method, behaviorally anchored rating scales, behavioral observation scales, 360 degree feedback, and checklist and weighted checklist method. For each method, it provides details on how it works, examples of ratings or scales, and potential advantages and disadvantages. The document also includes sections with positive and negative example phrases for evaluating various skills and behaviors in categories like attitude, creativity, decision-making, interpersonal skills, problem-solving, and teamwork.
British foodАнастасия КонстантиноваThis document lists breakfast foods including sausages, beans, fried egg, mushrooms, bacon, and black pudding. It also mentions that fruit crumbles and pies are very popular desserts in Britain.
Diagnosis Salon | Social Enterprise, a bluffers guide | Tom RippondiagnosisltdTom Rippon's presentation, Diagnosis Salon at the Royal Society of Medicine, Wednesday 26th January.
Social Enterprise - a bluffers guide
Mercadotecniaelectronica tmariicazaressEl documento presenta una definición de mercadotecnia electrónica como el estudio de la implementación de estrategias para promover y vender productos y servicios a través de medios electrónicos, principalmente Internet. Luego explica que la mercadotecnia electrónica permite comunicarse con clientes de forma más económica y efectiva, segmentando el mercado y personalizando mensajes de manera interactiva. Finalmente, concluye que es una herramienta útil para dar a conocer ofertas sin grandes gastos y de manera práctica.
BookmarksSteven RiveraBookmarks es un servicio gratuito lanzado por Google en 2005 que permite a los usuarios guardar sus sitios web favoritos y organizarlos mediante etiquetas y notas para poder leerlos más tarde.
Quản trị chất lượng 5.7. BestCaringsQuản trị chất lượng
Capitan Naviera Aznarguestf979566cbLa carta está dirigida a los capitanes de la Marina Mercante Española de la Naviera Aznar de Bilbao. El capitán de la Marina Mercante Pablo Basterrechea Inchaurraga les escribe para comunicarles algo relacionado con su trabajo.
BookmarksSteven RiveraBookmarks es un servicio gratuito lanzado por Google en 2005 que permite a los usuarios guardar sus sitios web favoritos y organizarlos mediante etiquetas y notas para poder leerlos más tarde.
Quản trị chất lượng 5.7. BestCaringsQuản trị chất lượng
Capitan Naviera Aznarguestf979566cbLa carta está dirigida a los capitanes de la Marina Mercante Española de la Naviera Aznar de Bilbao. El capitán de la Marina Mercante Pablo Basterrechea Inchaurraga les escribe para comunicarles algo relacionado con su trabajo.