3. 1st Step: Identify the need to do the visit
1)劉虜留侶 僚竜粒留溜留
2) 裡亮亮竜凌流 竜 event
3) 凌ホ故系侶 凌粒留亮亮略僚
4) Endorsement .
2ND Step: E-mail
3rd Step: Call
凌旅凌 竜溜僚留旅 凌 旅隆留僚旅虜 email 虜留旅 侶了劉僚凌 粒旅留
4. What are the purposes of the visit
1)Break the big goal to smaller ones
2) Write them down on a paper
3) Have a clear Agenda
What material do I need to support my cause?
1)Create a booklet if you need
2)Bring national material like flyer with you etc
Selling Points why I want this from you?
. 竜竜 凌了 亮竜粒略了侶 留両旅凌旅溜留 虜留旅 隆侶亮凌旅虜侶留
留僚 凌粒留僚旅亮 虜留旅 慮劉了凌亮竜 僚留 凌劉凌亮竜 竜
凌 凌 隆僚留僚 竜旅竜凌 僚劉凌 侶僚
隆僚留侶留 僚留 留僚留慮凌僚 凌旅虜略 虜留旅
5. What to say?
1)See the purposes of your meeting & selling points
2)Prepare what you are going to say
Body Language
1)Be sure you look relaxed yet serious
2) Be polite
3) Smile be positive
4) Look at the person (confidence)
Create Follow-ups
1)When you leave the visit, you need to have clear what is
the next step
2) Have specific deadlines
3)Offer AIESEC support in everything they need!!!!!
6. Send confirmation e-mail
1)What you discussed in the meeting
2)What are the next steps
Respect the Deadlines
You need to be reliable you represent
AIESEC there!!!
(Report the results of your agreement)