2. 谿襦
API console, API explorer 煙 蟲
Keys, access, security, and identity
Google API襯 蠍 れ
Web applications 語 磯
Service accounts 語 磯
Google APIs Directory Service
Google Auth Proxy by Bitly
4. OAuth 2.0
3-legged 訖襷 2-legged 覈碁 讌
讌 draft 覯 31. Google 22 蟲. Facebook 12 蟲
Client(1.0a Consumer) Public Client Confidential Client襦 蟆
覈豺 豌 覦
.a 20
sr Rsuc Onr
eore we
osmr Cin
evc rvdr AtoiainSre +Rsuc Sre
uhrzto evr eore evr
Authorization Server Resource Server 覿襴 螳
5. OAuth Service Providers
KTH 螳覦 觚襦蠏(http://dev.kthcorp.com/2012/12/12/oauth-2-0-open-api-auth/)
6. Useful Tools
API console (https://code.google.com/apis/console/?pli=1#project:474377512137)
OAuth 2.0 Playground (https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/)
APIs Explorer (https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#s/)
Ajax Code Playground (https://code.google.com/apis/ajax/playground/)
Authorized Access to your Google Account (https://accounts.google.com/b/0/IssuedAuthSubTokens)
7. Keys, access, security, and identity
The APIs represented in the Google APIs Console require that requests include a
unique project identifier. This enables the Console to tie a request to a specific project
in order to monitor traffic, enforce quotas, and handle billing. Google supports two
separate mechanisms to create a unique project identifier: OAuth 2.0 client IDs and API
OAuth 2.0 client ID
API key
8. OAuth 2.0 client ID
client ID襯 襷 譬襯 Google 讌 OAuth 2.0 襴
Web application: Login, Web Server Applications, Client-side Applications
Service account: Service Accounts
Installed application: Installed Applications, Devices
10. れ
OAuth 2.0 れ
$g gtcd.ogecmpgat2
o e oegol.o//ouh
Google APIs Client Library for Go
$g gtcd.ogecmpgol-p-ocin
o e oegol.o//ogeaig-let
るジ 語伎 殊企襴れ 蠍(https://developers.google.com/discovery/libraries) 谿瑚