This document provides an overview of Google+ and how businesses can prepare and leverage it. It discusses Google+'s growth and features like Hangouts and integration with Google's business apps. It compares Google+ to Facebook and Twitter and explains how using +1 buttons, circles, posts, and Sparks can help businesses engage audiences and potentially boost search rankings. The document advises businesses to complete profiles, form circles, add value to conversations, host hangouts, and monitor discussions as Google+ opens more fully to the public.
General Colin Powell provides 18 lessons on leadership. Some key points include: effective leaders are willing to make difficult decisions that may upset others; leaders should make themselves accessible and address problems rather than blame; leaders should not be afraid to challenge experts or follow the latest management fads blindly; and the most important asset an organization has is its people. Powell emphasizes that strong leadership requires qualities like integrity, judgment, drive and the ability to inspire others.
TIAA-CREF offers a Flexible Automatic Monthly Transfers program that allows customers to easily save money each month with just one click. The program automatically transfers the remaining balance in a customer's checking account to their TIAA-CREF savings account at the end of each month. This ensures regular, automatic savings without having to track expenses or calculate amounts. Customers can also specify a minimum balance they want to keep in their checking account. The program makes it simple for busy people to regularly save whatever amount they can afford each month with minimal effort.
This document introduces Hideaki Ohno and his work with foreign data wrappers. It discusses using foreign data wrappers with PostgreSQL to access data from other systems like MySQL, Twitter, and IMAP. It also describes the Perl foreign data wrapper module he created called perl_fdw that allows querying external Perl modules from PostgreSQL using foreign tables.
The document discusses patterns and anti-patterns of daily standup meetings. It provides guidance on who should attend, what should be discussed, how to structure the meeting for efficiency. Key points include keeping the meeting focused on status updates, time-boxed to 15 minutes or less, standing instead of sitting to encourage brevity, and rotating facilitation to encourage autonomy. Anti-patterns that can undermine the meeting are identified as well, such as allowing socializing, late starts, or obstacle discussion without resolution.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre 286 barcos que participar叩n en la Ruta de la Sal 2013 en su versi坦n Este. Incluye el n炭mero de matr鱈cula de cada barco, su bandera, nombre, patr坦n, marca y modelo del barco, asociaci坦n a la que pertenece y su puntaje m鱈nimo de seguridad para la mar (SPM_M). La informaci坦n est叩 organizada en filas y columnas con encabezados para cada campo de datos.
How to Leverage Social Media to Grow Your BusinessJa-Nae Duane
Want to know how to leverage social media to grow your business. Here is a presentation Ja-Nae Duane did for the Internet Bootcamp in Boston on how a small business can build out its strategy.
The document provides suggestions for replacing boring words when writing. It suggests using more interesting transition words at the beginning, middle, and end of writing. It also recommends replacing vague verbs like "is about" with more descriptive verbs like "investigates". Lists of alternative verbs are provided for different types of writing like narratives, persuasive texts, and descriptive texts. Adjectives are also replaced with more interesting options for describing things as neat/clean, old/new, and dirty/clean.
YoungDelft's september 2012 workshop by Molly Quell and Marion van Putten.
YoungDelft is the network for all young employees and PhD candidates at Delft University of Technology.
The document discusses capital markets and their key components. It notes that capital markets consist of primary and secondary markets. The primary market deals with new security issuances by companies and governments. The secondary market is where previously issued securities are traded among investors and provides liquidity. It describes the roles of stock exchanges, brokers, and dealers in facilitating secondary market trading.
This document provides instructions for installing, configuring, using, deactivating, and uninstalling the Altima Better Credit Card Form Magento extension. The extension improves the credit card payment form to display a card image that changes based on the entered card details. It is compatible with Magento Community and Enterprise editions from versions 1.4 through 1.9.
Ja-Nae Duane is on a quest to discover game changers, their ideas, and their communities through the Agents of Change Tour. The tour is a year-long tour exploring the impact of creativity and collaboration on local communities, artists, and entrepreneurs. The Agents of Change tour nurtures collaboration using communal and artistic events, shared resources, cultural exchanges, and ideas to cultivate opportunities for these communities.
Interested in collaborating? Join the crew!
Data is the soil khan smith create tech 2012Khan Smith
You can view the presentation here:
Testing the Mysterious Sphere
This workshop helps testers get an overview of what to do and what not to do under different circumstances. Then it is observed how they react/respond in those situations from where the learnings are derived. It focusses on the key testing and consulting skills. They can tie it back to real time project experiences.
Through a series of interesting phases with role plays and activities the entire workshop duration is full of energy and interactions.
Delivered by - Anjali Wadhwa, Ashwini Ingle, Preeti Mishra at vodQA - Agile Testing, at ThoughtWorks, Pune on Sat, 9th Jan 2016
El documento discute los efectos del neoliberalismo en El Salvador, se単alando sus ventajas como el acceso a productos internacionales a bajo precio, pero tambi辿n sus desventajas como la mala distribuci坦n de la riqueza, el desempleo y la pobreza. Concluye que se necesita un cambio hacia una sociedad basada en la comunidad y la solidaridad en lugar del individualismo promovido por el mercado capitalista.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana (UTLA) ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a y administraci坦n de empresas. Cuenta con laboratorios de electricidad, electr坦nica y mec叩nica de suelos. La UTLA busca formar profesionales de alto nivel a trav辿s de una educaci坦n integral que combine lo te坦rico con lo pr叩ctico.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana (UTLA) ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a y administraci坦n de empresas. Cuenta con laboratorios de electricidad, electr坦nica y mec叩nica de suelos. La UTLA busca formar profesionales de alto nivel a trav辿s de una educaci坦n integral que combine lo te坦rico y pr叩ctico.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana (UTLA) ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a y administraci坦n de empresas. Cuenta con laboratorios de electricidad, electr坦nica y mec叩nica de suelos. La UTLA busca formar profesionales de alto nivel a trav辿s de una educaci坦n integral que combina lo te坦rico con lo pr叩ctico.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana (UTLA) ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a y administraci坦n de empresas. Cuenta con laboratorios de electricidad, electr坦nica y mec叩nica de suelos. La UTLA busca formar profesionales de alto nivel a trav辿s de una educaci坦n integral que combina lo te坦rico con lo pr叩ctico.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana (UTLA) ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a y administraci坦n de empresas. Cuenta con laboratorios de electricidad, electr坦nica y mec叩nica de suelos. La UTLA busca formar profesionales de alto nivel a trav辿s de una educaci坦n integral que combina lo te坦rico con lo pr叩ctico.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre 286 barcos que participar叩n en la Ruta de la Sal 2013 en su versi坦n Este. Incluye el n炭mero de matr鱈cula de cada barco, su bandera, nombre, patr坦n, marca y modelo del barco, asociaci坦n a la que pertenece y su puntaje m鱈nimo de seguridad para la mar (SPM_M). La informaci坦n est叩 organizada en filas y columnas con encabezados para cada campo de datos.
How to Leverage Social Media to Grow Your BusinessJa-Nae Duane
Want to know how to leverage social media to grow your business. Here is a presentation Ja-Nae Duane did for the Internet Bootcamp in Boston on how a small business can build out its strategy.
The document provides suggestions for replacing boring words when writing. It suggests using more interesting transition words at the beginning, middle, and end of writing. It also recommends replacing vague verbs like "is about" with more descriptive verbs like "investigates". Lists of alternative verbs are provided for different types of writing like narratives, persuasive texts, and descriptive texts. Adjectives are also replaced with more interesting options for describing things as neat/clean, old/new, and dirty/clean.
YoungDelft's september 2012 workshop by Molly Quell and Marion van Putten.
YoungDelft is the network for all young employees and PhD candidates at Delft University of Technology.
The document discusses capital markets and their key components. It notes that capital markets consist of primary and secondary markets. The primary market deals with new security issuances by companies and governments. The secondary market is where previously issued securities are traded among investors and provides liquidity. It describes the roles of stock exchanges, brokers, and dealers in facilitating secondary market trading.
This document provides instructions for installing, configuring, using, deactivating, and uninstalling the Altima Better Credit Card Form Magento extension. The extension improves the credit card payment form to display a card image that changes based on the entered card details. It is compatible with Magento Community and Enterprise editions from versions 1.4 through 1.9.
Ja-Nae Duane is on a quest to discover game changers, their ideas, and their communities through the Agents of Change Tour. The tour is a year-long tour exploring the impact of creativity and collaboration on local communities, artists, and entrepreneurs. The Agents of Change tour nurtures collaboration using communal and artistic events, shared resources, cultural exchanges, and ideas to cultivate opportunities for these communities.
Interested in collaborating? Join the crew!
Data is the soil khan smith create tech 2012Khan Smith
You can view the presentation here:
Testing the Mysterious Sphere
This workshop helps testers get an overview of what to do and what not to do under different circumstances. Then it is observed how they react/respond in those situations from where the learnings are derived. It focusses on the key testing and consulting skills. They can tie it back to real time project experiences.
Through a series of interesting phases with role plays and activities the entire workshop duration is full of energy and interactions.
Delivered by - Anjali Wadhwa, Ashwini Ingle, Preeti Mishra at vodQA - Agile Testing, at ThoughtWorks, Pune on Sat, 9th Jan 2016
El documento discute los efectos del neoliberalismo en El Salvador, se単alando sus ventajas como el acceso a productos internacionales a bajo precio, pero tambi辿n sus desventajas como la mala distribuci坦n de la riqueza, el desempleo y la pobreza. Concluye que se necesita un cambio hacia una sociedad basada en la comunidad y la solidaridad en lugar del individualismo promovido por el mercado capitalista.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana (UTLA) ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a y administraci坦n de empresas. Cuenta con laboratorios de electricidad, electr坦nica y mec叩nica de suelos. La UTLA busca formar profesionales de alto nivel a trav辿s de una educaci坦n integral que combine lo te坦rico con lo pr叩ctico.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana (UTLA) ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a y administraci坦n de empresas. Cuenta con laboratorios de electricidad, electr坦nica y mec叩nica de suelos. La UTLA busca formar profesionales de alto nivel a trav辿s de una educaci坦n integral que combine lo te坦rico y pr叩ctico.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana (UTLA) ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a y administraci坦n de empresas. Cuenta con laboratorios de electricidad, electr坦nica y mec叩nica de suelos. La UTLA busca formar profesionales de alto nivel a trav辿s de una educaci坦n integral que combina lo te坦rico con lo pr叩ctico.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana (UTLA) ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a y administraci坦n de empresas. Cuenta con laboratorios de electricidad, electr坦nica y mec叩nica de suelos. La UTLA busca formar profesionales de alto nivel a trav辿s de una educaci坦n integral que combina lo te坦rico con lo pr叩ctico.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana (UTLA) ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a y administraci坦n de empresas. Cuenta con laboratorios de electricidad, electr坦nica y mec叩nica de suelos. La UTLA busca formar profesionales de alto nivel a trav辿s de una educaci坦n integral que combina lo te坦rico con lo pr叩ctico.
La Universidad T辿cnica Latinoamericana ofrece varias carreras de ingenier鱈a como Ingenier鱈a Industrial, Civil, Agron坦mica, El辿ctrica, Mec叩nica y Electr坦nica, as鱈 como las carreras de Licenciatura en Administraci坦n de Empresas y Contadur鱈a P炭blica, con el objetivo de promover el desarrollo a trav辿s de la formaci坦n integral. El documento tambi辿n menciona agregar transiciones y animaciones a una tarea y completarla para la pr坦xima clase.