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How did we catch it?
                 What is the cure?

(c) 2007 - Peter C. Newton-Evans
Ubiquity of Social Dilemmas: if everyone does what
is expected of them, the system breaks down
   Ecological dilemma: beyond the point of no return,
   borrowing from future (stealing from our children)
   Economic dilemma: unbridled capitalism generates its
   own dilemmas of volatility, instability and collapse.
   Political dilemma: The shameful theater of party politics
   has the masses cynical and non-participatory.
   International dilemma: The national security system is
   generating war instead of preventing it, as supposed.
Collapse of an old world: and simultaneous birth
pangs of a new world civilization.
Resetting society: from competition, win-lose, zero/
negative sum, to cooperation, win-win, positive sum
Living within our planetary means: from reckless
consumption to environmental sustainability
Curbing the extremes of wealth and poverty: from
unbridled accumulation to social accountability
Proactive human rights: from fighting for legal rights
to social stewardship of each human life
A world-wide federation of nations: from nationstate
  world-                                    nation
to worldstate, under a universal legal system
And many more
Isnt this all


Utopia = without place,"
coined from Greek roots by
Sir Thomas More in 1516
Eutopia = a good place,"
the opposite of...
Dystopia = a bad place,
or a utopia proven false.
Utopophilia = belief in
the possibility of a
better future.
Utopophobia = an
irrational rejection
of all utopias; a social
pathology of the
20th Century.
19th Century: Belief in human goodness,
social progress, utopophilia.

20th Century: Dystopia & utopophobia.

Today: Utopian = unrealistic, impossible.

Problem: Pessimism prevents change.

Proposal: Bring back Utopia!
Social Function of
Literary Utopias
Training, Escape and Catharsis
Purpose, Identity and Inspiration
Critiques of Contemporary Society
Visions of future; proposals for change
Social Laboratories or Experiments
Exploration of Philosophical Hypotheses
Social Function:
  Training, Escape and Catharsis
  Ruppert: Some utopias are fictitious, playful
  explorations of different aspects of society.
  Means: Eutopian and dystopian novels and films.
  The danger in eutopias: Clinging to an imaginary world
  like a drug that paralyzes action and impoverishes life
  through negation, like Harry Potter's wishing mirror
  that trapped him in a fantasy.
  The danger in dystopias: Representing violence is not
  only cathartic, but also increases social violence and
  deepens the prevailing pessimism and negativism.
Social Function:
   Purpose, Identity, Inspiration
  Afn叩n: People need a sense of purpose in life, to know not only
  where they are going as individuals, but also the meaning of their
  lives in the overall plan of the universe.

  Preterit Eutopias: A sense of guilt for losing paradise, or of
  historical identity: our glorious past made us who we are.

  Preterit Dystopias: Lessons to avoid future mistakes or warnings
  of divine chastisement.

  Futuristic Eutopias: Inspire hope of a better world to be built, or
  of a heaven or Kingdom of God to be won or inherited.

  Futuristic Dystopias: Fear of the final judgment or hell, or warning
  of what will happen if we continue down the present path.
Social Function:
 Critique of Contemporary Society
  They say what is wrong with the world, what is needed to improve
  it, and what to expect of the future.

  Afn叩n: Utopian novels can be critiques of present-day society, a
  warning or alert, a call to change, a manual for reform.

  Up-scaling: They take ideas, proposals or circumstances to their
  ultimate consequences to judge their value.

  Ruppert: They encourage critical thought, creating tension
  between present society and its utopian alternative. They put
  readers between an unacceptable social reality and an impossible
  utopian dream, obliging them to question their own social
Social Function:
  Vision of a Possible Future
  Ruppert: Utopian literature offers us diverse visions reflecting
  the dreams of those who built them.
  King Solomon: Where there is no vision, the people perish.
  Buckminster Fuller: We need to choose between utopia and
  Be realistic: Double reality - actual and potential. Imagining the
  house before building it. Martin Luther King's "dream." Self-
  fulfilling prophesies. Seeds of what may come.
  Bellamy: The dawn of the new era is already close, and the
  plenitude of day is soon to follow. The Golden Age is before
  us. (Looking Backward)
  Ruppert: Rather than the antithesis of utopia, antiutopia is its
  Ruppert:                                        anti
  reversal. We know what utopia is by learning what it is not.
Social Function:
    Proposals for Social Change
  Ruppert: Some utopias are solemn, serious proposals
  meant for immediate implementation.
  Julio Verne: Whatever a man can imagine, others can
  make a reality.
  Proposals going more than a few steps beyond current
  situation are perceived as utopian or impractical.
  Strategies: Break them down into smaller goals that are
  easier to meet. Cultivate a broader historical vision. Use
  artistic inspiration, rhetorical convincing and scientific
  illustration to mobilize the masses of humanity towards
Social Function:
   The "Social Laboratories"
  Utopian Experiments: They act as models of proposed forms in
  action and referents for studying their practical usefulness.
  Seek the light: Study trials with a not too critical eye, but rather
  seeking any light thrown on the issue. Example: 'Intentional
  communities', whether religious, political or economic, such as
  the Br端derhof and Cuba.
  Conditions: (1) That the experiment be respected by all;
              (2) That participation be voluntary, not forced.
  When they fail: Not failure of the experiment, but of the model.
  Shows the world that the proposal was erroneous.
  Ideologies: Do not cling to failed models, such as materialism,
  whether of East or West, Left or Right. When a hypothesis is
  falsified, a scientist accepts this and seeks a better answer.
Social Function:
   Exploring Philosophical Hypotheses

 Common questions:
   How important is historicity to social wellbeing?
   Is progress inevitable, contingent, or impossible?
   Can we reach perfection, or will challenges remain?
   Does society determine the individual, or vice-versa?
   Relationship between power, freedom and happiness.
   Is happiness material, or can joy be transcendent?
   Are unity & diversity necessarily opposites?
A Corporate Vision of a
  Desired Future for the World

 A good vision should:
  Be based on shared principles,
  ideals and values
  Be feasible
  Pose a challenge
  Touch the noble
  essence of man.
Vision and Context

      Crisis as danger:
   Context > Vision = Obstacles

   Crisis as opportunity:
 Vision > Context = Opportunities
Dynamics of Vision
                         Vision of an
  Raise current         ideal situation
  situation to

Understanding the    Lower the vision
 current situation    to the current
Degree of Commitment
 Personal   Institutional
  Vision       Vision
                            Personal   Institutional
                             Vision       Vision

    Higher level of
                               Lower Level of
Historical Project
A clear view of a historical process (past,
present and future), our current place in
it, and what task is required of us now.
With this understanding, a society can:
  preserve the essential, positive elements of
  its culture;
  consult on how to change secondary or
  negative elements.
Types of Utopias
  Binary Pairs  Claude L辿vi-Strauss

 Eutopias vs. Dystopias       Definitive vs. Progressive

 Isolated vs. Integrated      Revolutionary vs. Gradual

 Ahistorical vs. Historical   Power vs. Freedom

 Necessary vs. Contingent     Freedom vs. Happiness

 Individualism/collectivism   Uniformity vs. Diversity

 Absolute vs. Relative        Materialistic vs. Humanistic
Patience with
If this planets life were equal to 24 hours, man
would have appeared the last minute of the day.

This gives us patience, and we are not surprised
at resistance to change.

Let us emphasize guiding children and youth:
their minds are more receptive to new ideas.

A good historical perspective gives us long-
term commitment.
Words of
Do not think the peace of the world an ideal im-
possible to attain! Nothing is impossible... Do not
despair! Work steadily... How many seemingly
impossible events are coming to pass in these
days! Take courage! Let your hearts be filled with
the strenuous desire that tranquility & harmony
may encircle all this warring world. So will success
crown your efforts... Many a cause which past
ages have regarded as purely visionary, in this day
has become easy and practicable.
Words of
Why should this most great Cause - the daystar
of the firmament of true civilization and the
cause of the glory, advancement, well-being and
success of all humanity - be re-
garded impossible to achieve?
Surely the day will come when
its beauteous light shall shed il-
lumination on the assemblage
of man.

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  • 1. How did we catch it? What is the cure? (c) 2007 - Peter C. Newton-Evans Newton-
  • 2. Ubiquity of Social Dilemmas: if everyone does what is expected of them, the system breaks down Ecological dilemma: beyond the point of no return, borrowing from future (stealing from our children) Economic dilemma: unbridled capitalism generates its own dilemmas of volatility, instability and collapse. Political dilemma: The shameful theater of party politics has the masses cynical and non-participatory. non- International dilemma: The national security system is generating war instead of preventing it, as supposed. Collapse of an old world: and simultaneous birth pangs of a new world civilization.
  • 3. Resetting society: from competition, win-lose, zero/ win- negative sum, to cooperation, win-win, positive sum win- Living within our planetary means: from reckless consumption to environmental sustainability Curbing the extremes of wealth and poverty: from unbridled accumulation to social accountability Proactive human rights: from fighting for legal rights to social stewardship of each human life A world-wide federation of nations: from nationstate world- nation to worldstate, under a universal legal system world And many more
  • 4. Isnt this all Utopian idealism?
  • 5. Utopia = without place," coined from Greek roots by Sir Thomas More in 1516 Eutopia = a good place," the opposite of... Dystopia = a bad place, or a utopia proven false. Utopophilia = belief in the possibility of a better future. Utopophobia = an irrational rejection of all utopias; a social pathology of the 20th Century.
  • 6. 19th Century: Belief in human goodness, Century: social progress, utopophilia. 20th Century: Dystopia & utopophobia. Century: Today: Utopian = unrealistic, impossible. Today: Problem: Pessimism prevents change. Problem: Proposal: Proposal: Bring back Utopia!
  • 7. Social Function of Literary Utopias Training, Escape and Catharsis Purpose, Identity and Inspiration Critiques of Contemporary Society Visions of future; proposals for change Social Laboratories or Experiments Exploration of Philosophical Hypotheses
  • 8. Social Function: Training, Escape and Catharsis Ruppert: Some utopias are fictitious, playful Ruppert: explorations of different aspects of society. Means: Means: Eutopian and dystopian novels and films. The danger in eutopias: Clinging to an imaginary world eutopias: like a drug that paralyzes action and impoverishes life through negation, like Harry Potter's wishing mirror that trapped him in a fantasy. The danger in dystopias: Representing violence is not dystopias: only cathartic, but also increases social violence and deepens the prevailing pessimism and negativism.
  • 9. Social Function: Purpose, Identity, Inspiration Afn叩n: People need a sense of purpose in life, to know not only Afn叩n: where they are going as individuals, but also the meaning of their lives in the overall plan of the universe. Preterit Eutopias: A sense of guilt for losing paradise, or of Eutopias: historical identity: our glorious past made us who we are. Preterit Dystopias: Lessons to avoid future mistakes or warnings Dystopias: of divine chastisement. Futuristic Eutopias: Inspire hope of a better world to be built, or Eutopias: of a heaven or Kingdom of God to be won or inherited. Futuristic Dystopias: Fear of the final judgment or hell, or warning Dystopias: of what will happen if we continue down the present path.
  • 10. Social Function: Critique of Contemporary Society They say what is wrong with the world, what is needed to improve it, and what to expect of the future. Afn叩n: Afn叩n: Utopian novels can be critiques of present-day society, a present- warning or alert, a call to change, a manual for reform. Up-scaling: They take ideas, proposals or circumstances to their Up-scaling: ultimate consequences to judge their value. Ruppert: They encourage critical thought, creating tension Ruppert: between present society and its utopian alternative. They put readers between an unacceptable social reality and an impossible utopian dream, obliging them to question their own social beliefs.
  • 11. Social Function: Vision of a Possible Future Ruppert: Utopian literature offers us diverse visions reflecting Ruppert: the dreams of those who built them. King Solomon: Where there is no vision, the people perish. Solomon: Buckminster Fuller: We need to choose between utopia and Fuller: disappearing. Be realistic: Double reality - actual and potential. Imagining the realistic: house before building it. Martin Luther King's "dream." Self- Self- fulfilling prophesies. Seeds of what may come. Bellamy: The dawn of the new era is already close, and the Bellamy: plenitude of day is soon to follow. The Golden Age is before us. (Looking Backward) Ruppert: Rather than the antithesis of utopia, antiutopia is its Ruppert: anti reversal. We know what utopia is by learning what it is not.
  • 12. Social Function: Proposals for Social Change Ruppert: Some utopias are solemn, serious proposals Ruppert: meant for immediate implementation. Julio Verne: Whatever a man can imagine, others can Verne: make a reality. Proposals going more than a few steps beyond current situation are perceived as utopian or impractical. Strategies: Break them down into smaller goals that are Strategies: easier to meet. Cultivate a broader historical vision. Use artistic inspiration, rhetorical convincing and scientific illustration to mobilize the masses of humanity towards change.
  • 13. Social Function: The "Social Laboratories" Utopian Experiments: They act as models of proposed forms in Experiments: action and referents for studying their practical usefulness. Seek the light: Study trials with a not too critical eye, but rather light: seeking any light thrown on the issue. Example: 'Intentional communities', whether religious, political or economic, such as the Br端derhof and Cuba. Conditions: (1) That the experiment be respected by all; Conditions: (2) That participation be voluntary, not forced. When they fail: Not failure of the experiment, but of the model. fail: Shows the world that the proposal was erroneous. Ideologies: Do not cling to failed models, such as materialism, Ideologies: whether of East or West, Left or Right. When a hypothesis is falsified, a scientist accepts this and seeks a better answer.
  • 14. Social Function: Exploring Philosophical Hypotheses Common questions: questions: How important is historicity to social wellbeing? Is progress inevitable, contingent, or impossible? Can we reach perfection, or will challenges remain? Does society determine the individual, or vice-versa? vice- Relationship between power, freedom and happiness. Is happiness material, or can joy be transcendent? Are unity & diversity necessarily opposites?
  • 15. A Corporate Vision of a Desired Future for the World A good vision should: Be based on shared principles, ideals and values Be feasible Pose a challenge Touch the noble essence of man.
  • 16. Vision and Context Crisis as danger: Context > Vision = Obstacles Crisis as opportunity: Vision > Context = Opportunities
  • 17. Dynamics of Vision Vision of an Raise current ideal situation situation to vision Understanding the Lower the vision current situation to the current situation
  • 18. Degree of Commitment Personal Institutional Vision Vision Personal Institutional Vision Vision Higher level of commitment Lower Level of commitment
  • 19. Historical Project A clear view of a historical process (past, present and future), our current place in it, and what task is required of us now. With this understanding, a society can: preserve the essential, positive elements of its culture; consult on how to change secondary or negative elements.
  • 20. Types of Utopias Binary Pairs Claude L辿vi-Strauss Eutopias vs. Dystopias Definitive vs. Progressive Isolated vs. Integrated Revolutionary vs. Gradual Ahistorical vs. Historical Power vs. Freedom Necessary vs. Contingent Freedom vs. Happiness Individualism/collectivism Uniformity vs. Diversity Absolute vs. Relative Materialistic vs. Humanistic
  • 21. Patience with Processes If this planets life were equal to 24 hours, man would have appeared the last minute of the day. This gives us patience, and we are not surprised at resistance to change. Let us emphasize guiding children and youth: their minds are more receptive to new ideas. A good historical perspective gives us long- long- term commitment.
  • 22. Words of Encouragement Do not think the peace of the world an ideal im- im- possible to attain! Nothing is impossible... Do not despair! Work steadily... How many seemingly impossible events are coming to pass in these days! Take courage! Let your hearts be filled with the strenuous desire that tranquility & harmony may encircle all this warring world. So will success crown your efforts... Many a cause which past ages have regarded as purely visionary, in this day has become easy and practicable.
  • 23. Words of Encouragement Why should this most great Cause - the daystar of the firmament of true civilization and the cause of the glory, advancement, well-being and well- success of all humanity - be re- re- garded impossible to achieve? Surely the day will come when its beauteous light shall shed il- il- lumination on the assemblage of man. (Abdul- (Abdul-Bah叩)