The document outlines a marketing plan for a nasal spray called Xlear. It discusses researching the entire nasal spray market size of $326 million and Xlear targeting the $10-16 million 3-5% share of that market. Market research with mothers and young adults found over 60% would likely purchase the product. The plan details packaging design, print, digital, and publicity advertising. This includes magazine ads, social media, blog ads, direct mail, and paid search costing $3.9 million total. It aims to generate $3 million return from a $4 million print investment. The team presents their plan and is ready for questions.
5. Print
Average return of print ads
$3 million
Return on Investment
from $4 million investment
$6.5 - $10.75
6. Moms
161 respondents
31 naturally minded with children under 18
3% share of young
adult market
Young Adults
106 respondents
63% likely or de鍖nitely likely to purchase a nasal spray